
Dual Cultivation Simulator

Dual Cultivation It was the fastest cultivation method. The connection between two bodies, revealing the pleasure of being a man or a woman, this method had caught the eyes of several cultivators. But for someone who only had his eyes on something else, it was supposed to be nothing but a mere tool of progression. While others would add their dual cultivation partner to their harem, he only wanted to use them for his benefit. So, what would be better than giving him a simulation? An unknown system that carries the simulation for dual cultivation. It has met several people who couldn't walk on the path of dual cultivation and ended up losing themselves. But now, it had finally met a Host who was made for dual cultivation. A host who could separate reality from the simulation, a host who wouldn't lose himself in the pleasure of dual cultivation, and a host who despite having the benefits of the simulation would rely on himself to get stronger. This is the story of a young man who sees his dreams far greater than others. Even if he had no means to fulfill it. But, what if he did? What if he was granted the means to fulfill his dream? When granted the chance, he dived into the path of Dual Cultivation in Simulation without any hesitation. ####### While this story is focused on dual cultivation, it would focus more on the real world since that's where the story truly progresses. The simulation would be similar to the storytelling and it will slowly progress. Note- Don't read this book if you are not into mc dual cultivating with others' women. In short, netori. ******* If you like this book, then support me with all the support you can give. Thank you for reading!

Sabin_Subedi_Fei · Fantaisie
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114 Chs


"Damn it!" Tyler cursed out loud. He was angry that he couldn't see the conspiracy of the elders for a whole year. But, suddenly, he realized that he should be dead. Why was he able to scream?

Suddenly, his mind was stunned as he realized this was his voice. It wasn't the voice of Tyler, who was born in the Demon Family. He looked around and saw the room was the same as usual.

He quickly rushed out of the room and saw a middle-aged woman sewing the clothes on the corner.

"Tyler… what happened?" The middle-aged woman raised her eyes when she heard his footsteps. She was stunned when she saw Tyler crying.

"Nothing! Just some dust got into my eyes." Tyler wiped away his tears and shook his head. He was still confused, so he didn't hesitate to ask.

"Mom, what's today's date?"

"Huh! Didn't you look at the calendar? It's April 18." His mother looked at him with a weird expression. First, her son cried, and now he was asking for time. What happened to him?

"No, I mean, what year is this?" Tyler shook his head and asked.

"It's CW 50, obviously. What happened, son? Is something wrong?" His mother got anxious as she stopped sewing and stood up. But, he quickly pushed his mother to sit down and shook his head.

"It's nothing. I just felt a bit weird because of a strange dream. I will be in my room." Tyler said as he moved toward his room.

"Tyler, the blacksmith Dan told me you shouldn't take leave without informing him. You must go back to the job tomorrow morning." His mother reminded him and continued sewing.

Tyler nodded his head and entered his room.

His house had two simple bedrooms, one kitchen, and one bathroom. It didn't even have a living room but considering that there were two bedrooms, it was enough for mother and son.

His mother's name was Rose Carlos. She was indeed like a rose when she was young, but after their family suffered the loss of her husband/his father, her beauty began to crumble.

His mother didn't care. She said now that her husband is dead, it is better not to be beautiful or else she will attract trouble.

But Tyler knew that his mother wanted to remain beautiful. He sighed as soon as he reached his room.

'It seems like it was all a dream. But, that was a realistic dream.'

Tyler walked to his bed and fell, but suddenly, he noticed some text in front of him.

He rubbed his eyes in confusion and slowly moved his hand closer to those texts. He found that he could touch those and freaked out for a moment.

'That was real. I lived for ten years in that world, and not even a day has passed here. How is this possible? Is it possible to change the time? That's ridiculous, right?'

But, he slowly calmed down and looked at the text.

[Congratulation on your first simulation. You have survived for ten years in simulation and acquired 30 women. You will be granted three rewards. 30 women have been recorded into your profile.]

[The next time, these women won't be counted in your achievement. You have unlocked a hidden achievement, 'Mo**erfucker'. You will be granted an additional reward.]

[The next simulation will start after a week.]

[Reward 1- Internal Energy (It contains the internal energy you gathered in your life inside the simulation)]

[Reward 2- Spiritual Energy (It contains the spiritual energy you gathered in your life inside the simulation)]

[Reward 3- Sword Talent (The talent you had inside simulation)]

[Additional Reward- Energy Seal (It can store Spiritual Energy and can be used later.)]

When Tyler saw these texts, his eyes widened. He almost burst into tears as he shouted.

"It's real. It really gave me rewards."

At this moment, a new text appears in front of you.

[It has been detected that Host doesn't have Dantian and Spiritual Root. Using Half of Spiritual Energy to awaken Dantian and Spiritual Root. The other half would be stored inside Energy Seal.]

At this moment, a strange change occurred inside him. His body overflowed with spiritual energy, creating a peculiar spiral disk inside his naval point. It was small from the outside, but the space inside was massive.

And in the middle of the space, there was a purple-colored root with the shape of a carrot.

Suddenly, Tyler was frozen. He found that he was able to see inside his body. He remembered the term 'Spiritual Sense' and immediately understood it was thanks to his newly awakened Spiritual Sense.

It was said that only after awakening Dantian and Spiritual Root can one genuinely awaken the Spiritual Sense. It would be the key to practicing a cultivation technique that amplifies the power of the spiritual root to absorb the surrounding Spiritual Energy.

He got excited with a single thought of that. But his transformation didn't end there. He sensed cold chilling energy flowing through his meridians. He quickly understood that it was the Internal Energy that he had gathered for years.

He was excited about acquiring Internal Energy since it could strengthen his body. And, last, he acquired the Sword Talent. He didn't find any notable changes for Sword Talent except for his desire to hold the sword.

After his excitement slowly calmed down, he found a small rectangular seal in front of him. And a new text appeared in front of him.

[Drop your blood into the seal]

Tyler followed the instruction quickly and bit his finger. He dropped the blood on the seal. Suddenly, the seal released a red light and illuminated the room. People walking outside also saw the illumination from the window and were surprised.

But, the illumination quickly vanished as the seal entered his body. Soon, a new text appeared in front of him.

[The Spiritual Energy Host acquires in the future will be stored inside it. See you after a week, Host!]