
Dual Cultivation Simulator

Dual Cultivation It was the fastest cultivation method. The connection between two bodies, revealing the pleasure of being a man or a woman, this method had caught the eyes of several cultivators. But for someone who only had his eyes on something else, it was supposed to be nothing but a mere tool of progression. While others would add their dual cultivation partner to their harem, he only wanted to use them for his benefit. So, what would be better than giving him a simulation? An unknown system that carries the simulation for dual cultivation. It has met several people who couldn't walk on the path of dual cultivation and ended up losing themselves. But now, it had finally met a Host who was made for dual cultivation. A host who could separate reality from the simulation, a host who wouldn't lose himself in the pleasure of dual cultivation, and a host who despite having the benefits of the simulation would rely on himself to get stronger. This is the story of a young man who sees his dreams far greater than others. Even if he had no means to fulfill it. But, what if he did? What if he was granted the means to fulfill his dream? When granted the chance, he dived into the path of Dual Cultivation in Simulation without any hesitation. ####### While this story is focused on dual cultivation, it would focus more on the real world since that's where the story truly progresses. The simulation would be similar to the storytelling and it will slowly progress. Note- Don't read this book if you are not into mc dual cultivating with others' women. In short, netori. ******* If you like this book, then support me with all the support you can give. Thank you for reading!

Sabin_Subedi_Fei · Fantaisie
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114 Chs

Reward- Orgy *****

[You got frightened, not knowing what you should do. You just stood there in fear while she observed you for a moment.]

[Suddenly, she smiled and decided to leave.]

[You were left in shock. You didn't notice as she walked away, her smile got colder and a terrifying look appeared on her face.]

[Age 10- You have been living in the sect as a girl for over a year but till now, nearly ten or twenty of your senior sisters knew your true gender.]

[For the entire year, you have been using them for dual cultivation increasing your strength in Xiantian Realm. You gradually understood the realms in this world were quite different than other worlds.]

[Cultivation in this world started with Houtian Realm, Xiantian Realm, Half-Saint Realm, True Saint Realm, Half Immortal Realm, and Immortal Realm.]

[You also found that your mother had the strength of a Half Immortal Realm and using you as her dual cultivation cauldron, her cultivation was gradually moving toward Immortal Realm.]

[At the same time, your comprehension of Lightning also reached 1st Dao Grade. Unlike in your world or in the first simulation, people in this world use Dao as their weapon.]

[Comprehending a certain element and amplifying it by using spiritual energy was a way to battle against your enemies. Although your Lightning Dao was one First Grade, your cultivation was enough to amplify your Dao's power to injure Xiantian Realm.]

[Age 11- You spent the whole year training your Lightning Dao and finally made it reach Second Grade. Your mother was astounded by your cultivation and decided to let you participate in an upcoming tournament.]

[But before that, a selective group of people would be chosen to participate in that tournament. And, whoever gets chosen will receive a powerful gift from your mother.]

[It hyped the entire sect including you. In this competition, only Xiantian Realm cultivators were allowed to fight and so, only Xiantian Realm disciples participated.]

[Your first opponent was an easy opponent. You win it with a single strike. Your second opponent wasn't a big deal either.]

[But, your third opponent was deadly. She used a reaper's blade that contained deadly poison. Although she wasn't allowed to kill anyone, she was allowed to use minor poison.]

[You fought fiercely but in the end, you lost. You were inflicted with poison and only after your mother's help, you recovered. While you were recovering, all the battle ended.]

[Five Senior Sisters were chosen and they all were invited to your mother's mansion for the gift. When they arrived, you also arrived. But you were surprised. Because your mother asked you to come in boy's clothes while inviting those five.]

[Three of them were senior sisters you had sex with while two of them were confused as hell. They recognized but at the same time, they didn't recognize.]

[Finally, your mother announced the gift.]

[An dual cultivation orgy with her son]

[You were stunned there. You couldn't believe that you were the gift. Suddenly, you noticed something. You found a strange aroma in the room. After a few seconds, three senior sisters jumped at you with the intention of devouring you.]

[Other two senior sisters also had blush on their faces. Soon, they also joined the party and your mother disappeared. It didn't take long before you also got overwhelmed with the lust.]

[The strange aroma was controlling you and it seemed like several texts floating in your brain.]

[You started with the first senior sister. You had the taste of her pussy before so without wasting any time, you pushed your rod inside her. She screamed in pleasure as her face twisted in lust.]

[From behind, another senior sister started licking your ass, giving you an intense feeling in your back. Two senior sisters started licking your body. One was licking your nipples and chest while another was licking your back.]

[You didn't understand whether they were having sex with you or they were just there to clean your body. But, it didn't end there. The last senior sister put her lips on yours and started moving her tongue inside yours.]

[While smashing your rod inside the first senior sister's pussy, you get intense satisfaction from all around your body.]

[At the same time, you realize your mind drifting into a dark space. While you kept smashing your rod, the lightning bolts appeared in that dark space and each bolt of lightning gave you something more inspiring.]

[You began to comprehend the lightning in a greater and deeper way. You didn't reach the Third Grade but your understanding of First Grade Lightning Dao and Second Grade Lightning Dao deepened.]

[But suddenly, an intense pleasure sucked your mind out of it as you shot a powerful load of cum inside her pussy. She fell on her front as she lay there with a satisfied expression on her face.]

[You immediately took the second senior sister in front of him and pierced your rod inside her. She screamed in pain and pleasure but soon, she began to enjoy it as well.]

[As you started fucking her, you realized your comprehension once again started. At this moment, you began to not only under Lightning Dao but also deeper into its concepts like Power, Speed, and Destruction.]

[Your Holy Lightning Physique started giving you an immense boost in your comprehension while helping your senior sisters in dual cultivation. It was only after the second one fell on the ground with her pussy full of your cum that you realized what was going on.]

[You understood that the aroma wasn't here just to burst out your lust. It was here to help you indulge in dual cultivation with these senior sisters. You started fully taking advantage of this situation.]

[While your cultivation realm grew from the first stage of the Xiantian Realm to the second stage, you managed to reach perfection in Second Grade Lightning Dao.]

[After that, you finished fucking all of your senior sisters and finally lay down on the ground with a tired body. But, it seems like someone wasn't going to let you rest.]