
Dual cultivating assassin

What Happens when a soul of fighter from underground MMA fughts ends up in a body of just murdered orphan beggar i cultivation world ? Read about the rise of the Lei Fen, as he dual cultivates and assassinates his way to the top of the foodchain from the absolute bottom of the barrel.

Victor_PR · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 19- First contracts

"Congratulations to breaking to the Corporal stage 2, let's go take bath!" She spoke and gave me quick peck on the lips.

We took a bath and put on some clothing. We were about to go out for breakfast when Hikari arrived so we took her with us out for breakfast. We had a nice breakfast, helped Hikari find her room and gave her enough gold to take care of house for some time.

After that we explained her that we are going out into dark forest for an expedition and that we are going to be out of the sect for at least a week. She nodded and promised to take good care of the mansion while we are out.

We left the mansion, I quickly bought same ninja getup as I had also for Yuki and we went towards northern gate out of the sect. We were planning to leave looking like we are going to dark forest but steer it in the last moment towards the south and take care of the assassinations very quick.

Rabbit was happily hoping and following us, the only place where I did not take him was the small shop where I got the ninja getup for Yuki. I had a weird feeling letting the rabbit see that so Yuki played with it in front of the shop while I bought it.

As we were about to leave the sect a familiar female voice sounded from high above us.


We stopped and I looked up towards the source of the voice and indeed I feasted my eyes on elder Weng's figure as she was descending to the ground. She chuckled as she noticed my gaze.

"Fen, I promised you protection so here catch this!" She tossed something towards me. I quickly caught it and looked at what it was. It looked like amulet.

"Wear it on your neck, it will stop the attack that would kill you and summon me to clean up. But it is a one-time deal so don't rely on it."

"Thank you, assassination section leader Weng." I spoke and bowed my head a little in sign of gratitude.

"Drop the assassination section leader bullshit, it's weird when you call me like that while you trying to fuck me with your eyes. While there is not anybody weird around, you can call me miss Ai. When you can't call me like that just call me elder Weng. Understood?"

"Understood miss Ai." I responded with a smile.

"Now run along, have fun hunting." She turned her attention to the rabbit following us. "You go wait for them inside their mansion, don't even think about following them to hunt."

As she finished speaking rabbit turned back and started to hop towards the mansion.

"Thank you, I was starting to get worried about the little guy."

She chuckled. "No need to worry, it's my pet, I will take care of him even when he decides to follow you."

I nodded and we said our goodbyes. After that I quickly asked the system to check if the amulet from miss Ai is also a tracking device, luckily it was not according to the system it is just emergency barrier that will summon miss Ai to my side. I sighed in relief, it would rather complicated to keep something secret from her when I have the tracking device on my neck.

After that we quickly went to dark forest making sure that people saw us entering and after that we quickly changed to our ninja getups making sure nobody saw us and we quickly headed down south towards the city where Li and Long clans lived so we could complete our assassination assignments.

We ran as fast as we could to reach the city in shortest amount of time. When we arrived close to the city walls it was night, we needed to get into the city without being noticed, I could sneak in using the invisibility but Yuki didn't have that option so we headed toward the cliff behind the city. We climbed up the cliff and then used the stairs to enter the city. We made sure not to get noticed by the guards.

Once we managed to sneak inside the city, we decided to call it a day and crash somewhere. We rented a room in an Inn deep in the slums, so we won't draw attention to us. Rooms in there were atrocious but we just needed a place to crash.

During the next three days we were gathering info on our four targets. We had firm plan I was just having one issue.

'System. Is there a technique that would prevent sound from being heart in the room?"


Yes! It's called zone of silence! You don't have enough SP but you can redeem your voucher to get it.


I nodded. 'Redeem voucher and get me the zone of silence technique.'

It was needed because the two goons slept inside common sleeping area with over twenty other goons, I needed to make sure nobody hears me taking them out. With this, our plan was ready and I was ready to act. After three days off tailing, observing and preparing it's showtime. Honestly Yuki was a real hero during this process, I found myself hating the planning faze while she felt like mastermind hatching a scheme. So, I decided to leave the planning to her.

We left the Inn and after that we left the city, I then used invisibility to return to the city during the night while Yuki waited for me outside of the city. Once I was inside, first thing to do was the two goons, since they were guarding the premises since early morning the group they belonged to went to bed early. I wanted to use this and I sneaked into Li mansion and into barracks section where goons slept. I quickly found the room where the goons I looked for slept, after making sure that everybody in the room is asleep, I activated zone of silence and quickly killed the two goons I had the contract for. They were violent asshats that liked to beat non cultivators for fun, it looks like they have beaten somebody who they should not have.

After this I quickly exited the Li mansion and headed towards my next target. Corrupted official, he was taking bribes right, left and center. He even had guts to take multiple bribes for the same thing, it looks like he pissed somebody off enough to pay for his removal. I reached his mansion. It was not very far from Li mansion and it was about one quarter of the size of Li mansion, but taking into account that he was meant to be just city official it was too big and ostentatious for him to effort.

I headed towards his chambers and found him fucking his maid, raping his maid to be more precise but I just told to myself to bear with it, he will shortly die anyway. Once he was done, he released the maid that ran out of the bedroom in tears, he just screamed after her that he does not want to be disturbed and spread himself on the bed with a stupid smile on his face.

I just waited for the maid to close the doors and I sprang to action, I quickly stood up next to the bed still invisible and once I was close enough, I stabbed him with each of my icy daggers, first stab that cut his vocal cord and another that went straight for his heart.

Three done one to go, mansion of the last guy was close to Long family mansion. It had decent security but no cultivators strong enough to find me out in the invisibility, so I quickly navigated the mansion towards the room that belonged to the young master but he was not there I decided to wait for him to come. It took about 10 minutes for him to appear with a lady he picked up. They had a few rounds of sex and both fell to deep sleep. I quickly used the zone of silence technique and after that I killed the young master and disappeared.

Using the invisibility and roofs to reach Yuki unnoticed, as I was exiting the town I could hear alarm bells ringing and all the guards panicking. Some bodies must have been found. I chuckled and quickly headed towards the place where Yuki was waiting.

The moment I arrived and dropped the invisibility she threw herself on me and gave me a deep kiss. After that she asked about the job and when I told her that everything went without issues, she was happy and we quickly left the city behind and ran towards the sect.

As we reached the sect, we ran around it and directly to the dark forest, we needed to make up for our lost time efficiency. Our expedition must be believable, Before we left I asked Hikari how many monsters per day is average in dark forest and she told me that 10-20 monsters a day is good.