
Drunk Bet

Drunk Bet "Bet" is her favorite Game She never lose in any Bet Never made mistake to jeopardize the Bet and She NEVER make bet under the influence of alcohol But one Drunk Bet will gonna turn her world upside down. What could an Elizabeth "Elysse" Astor the Heiress of the Astor Empire do if the bet she made results to something that will gonna tie the 2 archenemy family together. she never back down or run away to any Bets but this Drunk Bet surely is diffferent from the others she made. This will cause Ruckus to the Business World. Will reopen the hidden secrets of the past. Will change the written fate and will untangled the red string. Might gonna create new ally or new enemies. but one thing is for sure, Elysse can never escape this bet no matter which part of the world she hides. Especially if she has one thing that an "Archibald" owns.

rarax_x · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

Elysse's POV

"Breaking News! Another successful Business Partnership is sealed by the Youngest and Successful Archibald that will set to bring a huge Projects in the Philippines"

Another useless news that will surely gonna stir my nonno's anger today. Better not cross his way today else ako nanaman pag bubuntungan ng galit niya just because one of the Archibald closed another deal.They really taking this Petty "who can do better in business" fight between Archis and our family way to far. Decades and decades have passed yet the tension between our family has never been fazed.

Why do Philippines News outlets brings useless news anyway instead of those that would actually help.Like who the hell is interested with young Archi's achievement?! Ah Right! his fansclub. *Facepalm*

"HELLO PHILIPPINES! HELLO WORLD" an annoying familiar voice interrupted my inner rant about Archis

"I know that you have no manners Zee but ATLEAST learn how to knock" I am lucky at  everything  except on having a cousin that actually has a brain. Unfortunately Uncle J failed to produce a perfect Astor at least he did the right thing by naming him Zero  which means Zero Brain.

"I know that you are badmouthing me in your head again Elly so stop with your judging stares and hear me out! It'll be quick cos I dont want to stay in your place long anyway. Don't want to cross path with Nonno today he is prolly looking for someone who he can release his anger to" Yeah Right

"Fine what is it this time?"

"Aries sent you an invitation to NG tonight. He wants to make another bet with you" NG? when did my Dear Favorite Older Cousin *Hope you can sense my sarcasm in that* wanted to meet me in No Gravity Club owned by an Archibald

"And why does he want to meet me in a place owned by our archenemy?"  Me and My Cousin Aries are not in the best relationship since we were just a kid. He is the oldest in us 3rd Generation of Astor but since I am the first born of my Grandparent's firstborn, I am expected to inheret the Astor empire and that is something Aries really hate about me. Him and his greedy ass as if I wanted this empire.

"Well you can ask him that when you meet him later. Anyway I really have to go number 3 is calling he needs his Daddy" sabay abot sa akin nung black envelop. The only part of Zero that is actually working fine is his head down there.

"Ano to? and when will you stop telling your side chicks to call you daddy? Di bagay Zee para kang Sugar Daddy na walang Sugar"

"Corny mo Elly and you can't eneter NG without that baliw. I'll try to not be late later. I know you kaya mo naman harapin si Aries na ikaw lang pero iba pa din kung may kasama kang kasangga mo so don't do anything stupid without me there" blah blah this kid sometimes acts as if I am not older than him juts because he is a guy.

"sige na umalis ka na. Bababa na si Nonno for his monring coffe sige ka baka magkasalubong pa kayo" dali dali naman siya lumabas sa kwarto ko but ofcourse he did not forget to leave some side remarks before siya umalis

"Wag kang mag dilang anghel Elly kunsabagay Demonyo ka naman! Byeee"

"Ulol" sagot ko naman sa side remarks niya

Hayyy another bet that I will surely gonna win against Aries. Kaialan pa ba siya mapapagod sa mga dare na to whihc he never win naman. I love dare but lately It's getting less and less interesting. Maybe it's time to end this  Dare game with him.

How will tonight be different from the other nights I had with Aries and his bets?

Time passed by fast, the next thing I know I am already outside  N-G.

And as expected from an Archibald owned place, It's packed but since I have the invitation I don't have to line up outside.

When I got in, Music is blasting, everyone is dancing, some are high some are drunk dead and it's what? 9pm?

One thing I know about this place, It's called No Gravity because once you got in  you'll leave feeling like you're flying cos you're under the influence of whatever drugs and alcohol they sell.

This is one of the clubs owned by an Archibald na not everyone really knows it's under them. It's not officially listed as one of their business it's just one of the Archi twin's toys.

I guy guided me to one of the private rooms they have and there I found my cousin sourrounded with girls, alcohol and ofcourse drugs.

"Everyone out" sabi niya and everyone dispersed.

"So what is it this time"

"Sit first my Dear cousin. Masyado ka namang excited sa bet" puna niya

I sat on the farthest sit I can find

"Actually nawawalan na nga ako ng gana nakipag laro sayo kuya Aries. I always win wala man lang plot wist, walang thrill. It's like playing the game over and over again knowing that I will end up winning" I throw him some lowkey insults cos I love seeing the angers in his eyes.

"Then why don't we put thrill on this game Elly?" thrill? Mukhang tinatry na niya gamiton yung utak niya

"Bring it in Kuya Aries"

"Why don't we bet-dare this time? Betting is like depending on our luck right? And proven na na luck is always on your side. But what if we try naman your skills and luck together? You do the work while we are betting"

This sounds interesting

"You caught my attention Kuya, go on finish what you are saying"

"You know that this place is owned by Archibald right and I heard that the twins will come and visit the place tonight?" and pano naman na pasok ang mga Archi's sa usapan na to?

"You talk way too much Kuya. Why don't you go straight to the point" he gave a smirk before he continued

"Bring me his Lip ring" lip ring?

"Lip ring?" confused na tanong ko

"Young Archibald are Identical twins but one thing that can make you tell who's who is because of the lip ring. One has and one hasn't. I have planted a girl that will escort them tonight. Whoever bring the lip ring will win. I will bet my money on that girl and you? to ofcourse yourself" are we like 7? I thought this night would be interesting but I guess not.

"You disappoint me Kuya. I thought you will be able to make this game of yours more interesting but I guess you lost your touch on the game---  I'm leaving this game is not worth my time" I was about to leave when he spoke again

"If you win this  bet I will surrender my inheretance and will leave" it's the first time that my cousin bet his inheretance, he will bet everything even his parent's life but never his inheretance so Why would he do it now just for this game

What is he planning.

"but of course If I win, I want you to leave the Astor Empire in my hand" and ofcourse he will ask for that

"It's funny how you are talking about inheretance when Nonno is still healthy and kicking. What a good grandson you are" but then how would I know his plans if I will not gonna play along with his games

"What now Elly?"

And with that I signed up my enhiretance to the devil.
