
Chapter 8

We soon learned that most of the people at open mic night were reading short stories or poetry. Their turns went much faster than expected, and it wasn’t long before The Maniacs were announced as the next act.

Becca put an arm around my shoulder just before I stood and I felt adrenaline through my whole body.

“Good luck,” she said.

Steve, Zack, and I walked up to the stage. I grabbed my drumsticks and took a seat behind Geno’s set as the guys hooked up their guitars. I tried not to look too closely at the crowd, instead pretending to adjust the hi-hat. When I decided to take a glance and see just how many people were watching, I felt dizzy, so quickly turned on my mental blinders again. But first I saw Becca smiling at me and shyly smiled back before putting my serious game face back on.

Soon Zack and Steve were ready. Steve stepped up to the mic and said, “Hey, we’re The Maniacs,” and we started off right away.