
Druid From Marvel

Move to the Marvel world, as a Druid from the Legendary Game "Diablo 2". Previously, a Chinese man moved to the Marvel World, with the abilities of a Druid character which had been filled with various cheating things, with these abilities he only intended to remain humble, but problem after problem came and made it impossible for him to remain humble. Can Alvin overcome all problems? Watch! Give the Power Stone! and add it to the Library! Support me: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki ko-fi.com/alexfabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 10 School

 The community school in Hell's Kitchen has more than 1,000 students, with 36 classes, from years 1 to 12.

 Alvin is now the principal at this school. For this reason, Alvin called the Hell's Kithen gang to hold a meeting. After "friendly" negotiations and a "fair" election, Alvin was elected principal of this community school.

 As for school principals appointed by the Ministry of Education, who cares?

 The first thing Alvin did when he took office was to find Kingpin and negotiate. Because he is the gangster boss, the godfather of the Hell's Kitchen underground, and so the Kingpin should contribute to education in his own hometown, right?

 This contribution cannot be made just once, but is a long-term effort.

 Kingpin with a large contribution of 5 million US dollars a year, is honored to be a school trustee.

 It's not hard to recruit teachers if you have money, even if it's hell's kitchen, but after all, you work in a school, right?

 Find a job vacancy office, and find out which high-achieving teachers are losing their jobs.

 When you find it, you will send a "sincere speech" invitation, with good treatment, food and shelter, and insurance, you must give me this face!

 You may not know Alvin, but you have to give face to the Kingpin!

 As for the students!

 As a man who accompanied his son to fourth grade in his last life, he still knows a good school schedule.

 Referring to the High School schedule, we arrived at school at 07.30 in the morning for initial reading, started lessons at 08.00, had a break from 12.00 to 01.30, finished lessons at 05.00, and started "voluntary" evening independent study at 7.00 in the evening at school.

 If you don't want to participate, you need to ask permission from the school principal, Mr. Alvin. Generally if it's not a death in the family or a house fire. Mr. Alvin would not agree, and Mr. Alvin is very busy and rarely goes to school.

 Alvin stood in front of the school gate, looked at the passing students like a mouse meeting a cat, and tiptoed towards the school.

 It was a joy to hear the current deputy principal, former principal, Nelson Norris, rave about his actions.

 Why do children have to study six hours to nine hours every day, so that the bear cubs here can play happily every day?


They all teach various subjects, and in the future this will be the best Campus in Hell's Kitchen.

 JJ, who acted as a bodyguard armed with a shotgun, shed tears of sympathy for the school children. Where is this school?

 This is a children's school in Hell's Kitchen!

 Dom likes to follow Alvin to school, he thinks the work here is very interesting.

 Throwing a student down and listening to him scream in terror, while pawing at the kid's juicy bits is hilarious.

 After a while, Dom already had a pile of loot behind him.

 There are snacks, toys and more.

 Several children of different sizes, holding dangerous found objects in their hands, lined up in front of Alvin, waiting to be dealt with.

 Holding a fancy butterfly knife in his hand, Alvin played around and asked the 13 or 14 year old white boy, who was in front of him, "Which class? What's your name? Why did you bring a knife to school?"

 The white boy scratched his neck and said, "My name is Felix, first grader, in ninth year, Knives are used to cut nails."

 JJ, who was watching the excitement, laughed out loud. Do you need a knife half a foot long to cut your nails?

 Alvin couldn't see anyone else talking with his neck held back, and slapped Felix's neck causing him to scream "Ow Ow", and squat on the ground with his head in his arms.

 The child was still a little unsure when he was hit. Although he didn't dare to fight back, he looked at Alvin with stunned eyes.

 It's worth it, dare to look at the principal!

 "Confinement, 2 days, Nelson, give him the school motto and let him copy it 100 times." Alvin said angrily.

 Seeing Felix's tough but miserable ending, he screamed and was dragged to school by the great JJ. The first few boys were so scared that they didn't dare to breathe. They honestly admit their mistakes and accept punishment.

 The last little black man gave Alvin a hard time. He gritted his teeth and asked coldly, "What is your name? Which class? Who asked you to bring marijuana to school?"

 The little fat black man lowered his head and said, "My name is Lavin, in the second grade, in the sixth year, my father asked me to bring marijuana."

 Alvin roared angrily, "Who is your father?"


Lavin was even more frightened. He lowered his head and said, "This is for my Master, Mr. Nathan, he always has a headache. He is very good to me. My father found out about it, so he asked me to bring him a packet of marijuana, so that his headache would improve."

 Alvin held back his anger and kicked the iron trash can in front of the door.

 Alvin didn't know what to do, he couldn't cry or laugh.

 The child's father is most likely a drug dealer. To thank his child's teacher, he asked the child to bring a bag of marijuana to the teacher to cure a headache.

 What's this called?

 Unable to blame the kid named Lavin, he patted his head and said, "Master is going to the doctor because of a headache. You must not bring marijuana to school in the future, or you will be locked up like Felix! This package of marijuana has been confiscated. Go to class now!"

 As if receiving amnesty, Lavin rushed into the school with his head buried.

 Seeing that Alvin was in a bad mood, Nelson whispered: "It's already very good. Several years ago, this place was a reserve talent base for gangsters. Would you believe that there are kids selling drugs openly at school? I can't imagine it."

 Alvin was stunned for a moment, then said in a cold voice, "What happened to the land I applied to the city government for? I have to quickly build a student dormitory. Surround these kids at school. Or let them continue to roam the streets? No, I will send them all to college."

 Nelson said with a smile: "Almost, there is enough space in Hell's Kitchen, and the space behind the school is enough to build two teaching buildings and two student dormitories plus one teacher dormitory." After hesitating, he continued: "Is the design of the student dormitory too compact, is a 30 square meter dormitory for six people too crowded?"

 Alvin squinted and glanced at Nelson. Alvin thought Nelson had never seen a student dormitory in a remote area in China. I'm not asking you to build a student dormitory into a big shop. What else to make These children have to burn incense and worship Buddha. Too crowded?

 Many universities in China do not meet these standards!

 95% of the families in Hell's Kitchen are poor, and I don't charge school fees, what else can I do?

 Perhaps because he thought Alvin's eyes were bad, Nelson quickly changed his words, "But it's okay, at least we provide a safe learning environment for children, allowing them to study in peace. The contributions you have made to this school will be remembered by history," said the sleek old man with gray temples.

 That said, Alvin was in a good mood, and patted Nelson on the shoulder happily. This old man has worked in Hell's Kitchen for 15 years as a principal. He is still at a certain level. Even though his character was mediocre, at least he liked what he said and talked to him. He is also good at dealing with the Ministry of Education.

 After all, the running of this school depended on the power of the Ministry of Education, and he needed to run it for equipment and funding.

 "Alvin, you bastard, look at what you have done?" An old voice shouted from behind.

 Alvin rubbed his nose, the owner of this voice is not so flattering!

Note: Yo, this will be a long story, you know I had quite a hard time translating this novel, so if you like reading it, give me a Power Stone, and add to Library!