

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes. That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered. I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough. Whom i thought love me equally. I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air. The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits to the two aspiring lovers. I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart? I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him. I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need her anymore.

BlytheZoyle14 · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
38 Chs

Drown 36

Warning: The first part of this chapter is Rated R. beware.


For the past few days we spent here in this island, every moment was fun and every seconds with him is memorable.

We did snorkelling, banana boating and Zach even rented a jet ski.

And we went to the towns square for two times because apparently, there are parties or mini festivals that happens everyday when the clock tick at Eight PM.

I was happy and ecstatic but on our last day, I could feel the heavy atmosphere I was carrying.

"Are you okay? You've been spacing out." Zach pursed his lips.

"Yes, I'm just a little tired. " I reasoned out.

And he bought it because we just finished scuba diving.

"Come on, let's go inside. It's windy here and you're wearing thin clothes."

I simply nod my head.

"I shouldn't have encourage you on doing that" He said grimly.

"Oh, c'mon. I enjoyed it, don't worry. " Then gave him an assurance smile.

I hope that didn't came out like a wince.

He sighed. "Come, lay here" Zach offered me his lap and I did.

He started stroking my hair, it felt good that I groaned.

I heard him gasp. "Woman, stop being scandalous!"

My brow curled up. "How dare you, between the two of us. You, Zachary Reed is the most scandalous---''

His laughter roared. "Fine, fine. I am, but don't moan like that, baby. You're turning me on."

This time, it was me who gasp.

"You! We just did it!" I exclaimed.


We've been doing it since our first day here and we just did it this morning.

This is what I mean  when I said, Zach is one Insatiable beast!

"I know, but I can't get enough of you." And his face softened, but his eyes glim with mischief.

Without saying a word, I grab his neck and kiss him fully. I aggressively entered his mouth.

I released a moan.

He arrange our position. I'm now straddling him and I can feel his manhood, poking my entrance.

He groaned like a wounded beast when i dried hump him. Up and down, slowly but surely.

"Let me pleasure you, please?"

His jaw tightened when he heard me said those words.

When he didn't replied I stood up from his lap and kneel in front of him while he's sitting on the sofa.

My shaking hands successfully strip off his cargo short.

Slowly, my hand reached for it, It was bulging and pulsating. I could feel it's heat.

My grip tightened but not enough to hurt him. Zach breath labored, good. He's enjoying.

My hands were going up and down but i felt like it wasn't enough so I bent down. His member felt my hot breath that it stirred.


I muttered inside my head. Before Zach could even stop me, I started licking him, While doing it, I look up at Zach, I could see how heavy he breaths and how he's griting his teeth.

Smiling, I put it in my mouth. Zach grab my hair and started thrusting, It hurt a bit because he's big and i couldn't take him fully.

"Sh*t, Let go now!" His said darkly so I  let it go but I know how to make him cum, Grabing his saluting manhood on my right hand while thrusting , my left one pleasured his two other member.

A moment later, he came.

But Zach doesn't look defeated, instead he look determined.

"It's time for your punishment, Woman." And he took off my panty then raised my one leg up to his shoulder  and the other on the side of his waist.

I bit my lip, pleasure be damned.

For hours, our moans surrounded the whole place, we kept doing it until my body couldn't take it anymore.

I woke up already late, probably Ten O'clock in the evening. I was sleeping in Zach's arms, both of us is hugging each other.

I look up at his face, He's such a heavy sleeper.

Exhaling a large breath, trying to calm my self down because....

God, It's so hard.

I've been planning for this, for months and now that I'm....I'm leaving, why is it so difficult.

Tears started fall from my eyes, I didn't want to wake him up so i cried silently.

Slowly, my hand reach for his face...

This was the face of the man who caught my attention way back in Med school.

This was the face that made me crazy for years.

This was the face that made me begged for attention.

This was also the face of the man i truly love but broke me.

I couldn't control it any longer because I knew, Any moment I'll break down, so i turn my back on him.

Choking a sob, suppressing the cry from my mouth. I murmur 'I love you'

Wiping the tears away, I tried to be okay and it took me a lot of time to calm down.

Morning came, Zach face greeted me.

His eyes stared at me blankly but he's frowning.

"Did you cry?"

I was startled. "N-no. Let's pack our things, hmm? We can't miss our flight."

He nodded and  I was thankful he didn't ask any further.

"You're silent, are you sure you're fine?"

"Zach, I am. Stop worrying, okay? Let me just take some sleep, so wake me up when we're near." The calmness of my voice surprised me, I didn't know I could actually pull up the facade of being fine, though he noticed my silence.  It's better that way, I can control my self more if i won't open my mouth.

Isn't it like that? when we're trying to be okay but couldn't, we try to blend on with life but all we could do is to remain silence, because silence is our only way of coping up.

When we arrived in his condo unit, I hug him tight, I refuse to let him go and I was like a leech attach in his body.

He chuckled nervously. "Seriously, what's wrong? Do want to tell me something or you like us to have another vacation? You've been out of yourself since last day"

I just shook my head.

"Come on, carry me." And pouted like a baby.

Zach hook his arms on me and carried till we reached his bed.

"Are you hungry?You didn't eat  the food they gave you."

I wrinkled my nose and answered him.  "You know I hate airplane foods, They're bland"

"But are you?" He asked.

"Kind off, will you c-cook for me? I wan't your specialty. White pasta" My voice almost broke down.

"Alright, wait for me here. I'll be quick."

I stared at back, I wanted to hug him again, I wanted to bury my body against his.. I wanted to....

I sighed.

Get a grip, Audelia. Now is not the right time to think about staying.

This is part of the deal, both of them knew their deal will end tonight. Yet, the back of her mind kept telling her, Zach no longer care about the deal.  That Zach doesn't remember it anymore, but who is she joking?

Even if Zach chose to be selfish, she  can never fathom that. 2 months is enough.

He will come back to her and on the other hand... She'll be going away.

Because i couldn't settle myself in his room. I decided to join him in the kitchen.

Zach gaze fell on me. "I'm cooking the sauce, the pasta will be done any minute."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

He shook his head. "For now, get some bread and calm the dragon inside you stomach." Words came out of his mouth teasingly.

My eyes went wide. "You!" But Zachary being Zachary, he just burst out laughing.

I'm gonna miss that thunderous laugh of his. Really.

When he was done cooking the white pasta i requested, I told him I want to watch some romantice movie on Netflix while eating, and we did.

We watched 'To all the boys I loved before"

Zach said Lana Condor remind him of me way back in college and I smack his shoulder with that.

Not because i was bullied but because,  I actually gave him a letter just to flirt with him.

He told me, Lana and I has the same ways on getting their guy.

That's just silly of him. The main character of the story is far different from me.

She got her man, While I'm holding on to someone whom I once thought mine but wasn't.

We also watched other movies such as  Hacksaw Ridge and Olympus has fallen.

We both had fun....

By Eleven, he fell asleep besides me, I wasn't sleeping and only kept memorising his features.

I'm gonna miss this.

For almost an hour, I just stood beside him. My flight is 3 O'clock and when I look at the watch, It's past midnight.

I could feel my chest tightening, Tears falling and knees woobling.

But I gotta be strong.  Ours, has ended.

Changing into some clothes, I grab my car keys.

Before I could even change my mind, I decided to walk out of his room and cried outside.

'*Don't leave'

'Don't leave'

'Don't leave*'

Those words kept repeating inside my head like a broken record and truthfully, I nearly listened to them.

I gasp for air because i felt suffocated, My heart is heavy, My whole body felt numb and I'm hurting.

"I knew you were planning something" His voice from the back stirred me. .

"Z-Zach..." I turn around to look at his dark vulnerable form.

I... I thought he was sleeping.

"I felt it, You were weird. B-but Wy, I tried..." He couldn't continue what he was saying because his voice broke down.

And I'm left dumbfounded. This shouldn't happen. There should be no confrontation!

"God, please stop scaring me? C-come back here, Wyett. Baby, come back." And he threw his arms in the air, waiting for me to run to him.

Yet to his disappointment, I shook my head.

His eyes fell down, He look like, someone took away his soul from his body..

And I'm now different. Like what i said once, If only,  this happened earlier... I could've been the old Wyett who will crawl back to him.

But these past few months i spent alone, I realised I can only rely on my self. And I....am not someone who will beg for love.

Slowly, I took a step forward. I gave him a smile, this time It's genuine.

No matter how much I cried, I still manage to give him my most sincere smile.

Zach kept shaking his head, refusing to look at me.

"Don't look at me like that! I can feel that I'm losing you! Please, Wy. Baby, please."

Hearing him beg broke my heart, That was me months ago.

And we're in a different situation now.

"Hush" I said as i touched his lips.

"Don't cry, we both saw this coming didn't we?" after taking a deep breath, I continued. "We just kept refusing to admit it, but we already know that this will happen."

The calmer my voice is, the more scared Zach look like.

Just as i thought, he caged me in his arms. Buried his face deep in me, cried on my shoulder.

"I-Im sorry." I said and tried getting away from his grasp.

He wouldn't budge. "Please, Don't make me hate you." His body went rigid when i said those words.

"I love you, Wyett."

But this time, I didn't answer him.

He realised then, stopping me is futile.

When he freed me, I turn my back away with shaking shoulder.

"I love you!" Zach shouted desperately and I refused to look back.

"Wyett!" His loud voice boomed, just like how my heart did for the last time.

"I'm sorry." I muttered under my breath and before my knees could give up..

I ran away.

I hope he could find his happiness and forgive me for what i did, because I knew how painful this was, I knew what he was feeling because i once experienced that.

And reality check? I experience how big of a karma, Goodbye is, and there is nothing more painful than a goodbye that is left unsaid.

Soon, I found myself carrying some important things behind me, boarding on a plane towards to the new life I'm about to build.


***Losing your bestfriend is okay,

Losing your Love is okay.

But losing yourself in the process of getting back will never be okay.

Value yourself, you are more important than any other being***.


•~ *Wyett Audelia Roan, is now signing off.

Wyett doesn't need anyone's help

Not her friends,

Not her family,

Not even Zach.

The only person who can help her is herself, an that's the power of loving yourself.

Hello, this is the last chapter for 'Drown'.

Wow, it's been a while, and would you believe me if i say this is the very first story i finished?! 😭 yeah, And I'm crying.

I remember, years back, I started thinking about a woman who fell in love but ended up being broken and losing herself in the process of 'having someone' I was hurting that time, not for me but to all the people who fell in love with the person who couldn't reciprocate the same intensity of their love.

Then i thought, maybe i can write something about it? on how a person will chose her self worth than any other thing?..

That's how Wyett Audelia was born.

I was 17 that time 😂 and I wrote the first few chapters of Drown when i was Seventeen, so you'll noticed that some part were cringey or clichè.

Anyway, now that this story ended, I suggest you read Drown in one Go? I feel like you will understand it's thought more..


Before i end this, please look forward to the 'EPILOGUE'

Yes, there will be an Epilogue and it will be written on 'Zach's POV'

Hope you'll look forward to it!

Thank you so much for reading!

Yours, Truly.
