
Chapter 03: Choice 1 or Choice2?

Qin Feng was now relaxing on the sofa. As he recalled the content and the entire details of the novel. Then he remembered something and asked the system.

"System, where am I in the current story timeline?"

"Does the story already begin?" Qin Feng raised a question. He looks at the date on his phone. Today was May 09 2019 Thursday and the current time was 12:26 pm.

"This... isn't this the day of-" Qin Feng couldn't finish his words, as the system immediately confirmed that his guess is right.

[Yes! The host guesses it right. Tonight is the beginning of the plot. Tonight at the time of 8:59 pm in the bar. The first heroine and the protagonist would meet and would have a sexual....]

Qin Feng was shocked to the core. His body was trembling as he panicked. He racked his brain to come up with a solution.

[Calm down host...]

The system said to him.

"Calm down my ass! I didn't even think of a plan for this." "The plot will begin and I only had 8 hours and a minute left!" Qin Feng replied in terror and he was preparing for his upcoming burial.

[I said calm down host. The system would never leave you powerless here...]

Unbelievably the system replied with a soft and alluring female tone.

"Whose voice was..." He couldn't finish his words, as the system replied and his eyes brighten up a little.

[Ding! Please make a choice! The system will respect what the host chooses.]

[Choice 1: Give up and commit suicide to avoid the already written tragic destiny.

「𝚁𝚎𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍」: None! Your soul will vanish and never enter the cycle of reincarnation.]

[Choice 2: Strengthen your resolve and fight the protagonist. Plunder all that belongs to him.

「𝚁𝚎𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍」: A chance to draw the system lottery and win extraordinary items, skills, etc.]

[If you choose choice 2 you will get extreme skills, money, items, etc.]

The system said in his mind like a whispering devil.

"This... What can I do? I'm just a little villain... So I choose the second option." Qin Feng said to the system frustratingly.

After the system heard his confirmation. Qin Feng heard the system prompt happily?.

[Congratulations on choosing choice number 2. You will receive your rewards please wait for a moment...]

In an instant, roulette with a dazzling golden light appeared in front of Qin Feng's eyes.

All of them were named '???' He couldn't see what was inside it.

[Does the host want to spin the roulette now?]

"What are we waiting for, spin it for me!" Qin Feng shouted excitedly.

After that, the roulette spins and stops continuously.

[Ding! Congratulations! The host will receive 1000 villain points.]

[Ding! Congratulations! The host for winning the 'Heaven's Eyes' special skill.]

「Heaven's Eyes」

– Can detect and see the information of the Son of Destiny. Whether it's supporting characters, the the the male lead, or the female lead. You can view it at a single glance. This purpose was to assist the host in plundering the protagonist's luck.

— When using the host eyes will shine in violet color.

– Bonus: +5 charm value points.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host you receive 2 million yuan cash.]

[Ding! Congratulations! The host received a magical toothbrush.]

「Magical Toothbrush」

– Can make any yellow teeth become white... Can even make the teeth and gums stronger.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the reward 'Fighting skill(Intermediate-level)'.]

[Ding! The host received a formal suit(black color) upper and lower body.]

「Formal Suite attire」

–A pair of formal clothes a tuxedo, pants, and formal shoes.

– Color: Black

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the reward 'Acting skill(Advanced-level)]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Your power and charm value have risen and breakthrough even surpassed the average number of normal people.]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the prize--- a super killer who exists and will follow the host, codename: Black Rose.]

「Reminder: Due to the special reward. The assassin Black Rose will arrive after an hour.」

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for winning the limited-edition supercar 'Pagani Huayra', with Driving skill(Advanced-level).]

「Note: The car will arrive with the host follower(Black Rose).」

After releasing the rewards. The system sounds finally stopped.

Then suddenly the information about fighting and acting skills deeply imprinted on his mind.

Qin Feng felt a comfortable yet warm current flowing through all the parts of his body, and he felt that his becoming stronger.

The whole body his skin, bones, muscles, flesh, and brain gone through drastic changes. Especially his brain Qin Feng felt he can maintain his composure anytime in any situation.

His eyes also shrink, as he felt his vision become clearer, and it also changed colors. Before it was pure black, now it was dark violet that added to his charms, but you could only see its true colors when you stared at him longer or closer.

The gloomy aura around him vanished and it was replaced by comfortable air.

Qin Feng's eyes were closed as he comprehend and his body was adapting to the changes that were happening. After a minute he opened his clear eyes and smiled.

"So this is a feeling of having a strong power..." Qin Feng said while grinning as he clenched his fist and punch the wall on the side.


The wall was broken as it formed a spider cracked as dust fell. He never felt his fist in pain. Seeing this he nodded in satisfaction.

"Can you open my system status?" Qin Feng ordered the system.

[Okay host...]

The system replied to her emotionless voice.

Suddenly, Qin Feng saw a dark violet panel with a game-like appearance abruptly appear in front of him.

[Host]: Qin Feng

[Power Value]: 105

[Charm Value]: 99

(Note: Above the two data. The average value for ordinary people is 50)

[Villain Halo]: 80(Black)

[Villain Points]: 1000

[Skills]: Fighting skills(Intermediate-level), Acting skills(Advanced-level), Driving skills(Advanced-level)

[Special Skills]: Heaven's Eyes

「Storage」: 2 million cash, Magical toothbrush, Formal suit

[System Mall]: Not open


Looking at his information on the system interference.

Qin Feng thought that it was still not enough. It was still not the pinnacle of life.

He knows that the protagonist Ye Chen got more prowess and skills. Specifically, that item that can make any of its bearers becomes stronger but there was a consequence of bringing that item. But that's for another time.

There were many dangerous people here like gods, martial artists, and cultivators that some are in the seclusion or hidden world that later in the future would make an appearance.

Qin Feng throws these thoughts out of his mind and prayed for his future self to overcome these future upcoming troubles.