
Dropped X2

"On Planet Hage the games were all we had." " The rules are simple. Everyone has a gun and if your HP Bar drops to zero you die." "We are sent to this planet as criminals in debt. The games and bounties are how we buy our way to freedom." "Everything was going fine, until one day an 18 year old boy landed on the planet. After he landed he changed the games forever, and after that the entire world came to know... Justice" This story takes inspiration from Squid Game, and Alice in Borderland, if you enjoyed those you will certainly like this The image I used for the cover is not mine, if you would like it removed please contact me

Gaburieru · Romance
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7 Chs

The Good Guy

"Ok everyone! Get behind me!" Justice yelled.

A stream of blue plasma flew out at him from the other side of the pillar.

"You guys have fun!" The blue hair girl laughed. "As for me? I'm getting out of this mess!"

"Damnit!" Justice yeleld taking a shot of plasma to the chest. "I would have been find if it was just Willey, but who'd of thought someone would partner up with him.


"Hehe" Willey said laughing. "So no teeth, why'd you partner up with me?"

"The name is Dudley, and I'm not new around here" The man said laughing. "Stick with the big dogs, or you end up dog food"

"Lets blast that boys ass! Time to show him what Justice is all about!"

Reaching forward with both his arms, Willey sprayed a barrage of plasma at Justice, followed by a spray from Dudley.

"What in tarnation?" Willey said tracking Justice's movements, I can't hit a thing!"

Justice dodged the bullets with ease rebounding off the building they were outside of multiple times before running sideways across its wall. Armed with two pistols he fired back at the men still using the aircraft for cover.

"How!" The woman with peircings said watching Justice fly. "How is he doing that?"

"Did you forget?" The man with glasses said touching the rim of his spectacles. "We're not on a terrestrial planet right now are we?"

"I see!" The woman said jumping into the air. She floated high above the aircraft, and rained down a fire onto Willey and Dudley.

"I couldn't stop you before you took out the other hooded players... so now you have two pistols to your advantage... but I still have my mobility!"

"What the hell!" Willey screamed "It's like he's flying!"

"The gravity of this planet is only 30% of earths, so moving around is a lot easier! Things like backflips gliding, and wall jumps are all possible, its easy for someone like me to maneuver this!"

"Damnit!" Willey said. "How in the hell did he get used tot he gravity so fast! It's almost like... he was born on one of these planets!"

"But how! All terrestrial planets are gravity controlled, to allow muscle growth and cell development to become uninterrupted... This doesn't make any sense" THe man with glasses said.

(2 Years ago)

"Ok, for this game we are going to simulate the gravity of Planet Hage" Justice said. He was sitting by a computer next to an older boy who was about 3 years older.

"Why? Isn't the game simulation enough? Why does it need to simulate the gravity of Hage?"

"Because" Justice said. "Hage's low gravity allows all kinds of amazing things to happen that just can't happen here on earth, I want to bring that level of excitement here" He said to the boy.

"How will we simulate that gravity?"

"It won't be perfectly similar, but we can create a device that instead of controling this planets gravity, it actually distorts it in a specific space, we can have our own Hage in our Backyard!" Justice yelled.

"He... is that what you want?" The boy laughed. "To have Hage in your back yard?"

"No..." Justice said "I just want something... the governments have banned all games of any type that are not virtual... I read in the past there were games like basketball and even football where people wore armor and smashed into each other... I just want to have that kind of freedom here..."

"I'll help you" The boy said placing his hand on Justice's shoulder. "After all, that's what dad would have wanted."

(Back to present)

Justice Flew over the aircraft, raining down a barrage of fire with the pierced woman by his side.

"Heh your mine!" He said firing a round of shots at Willey."

Willey HP [100/750]

"Shit!" Willey screamed he fell back as his hp dropped.

"Well damn.. if you can't beat em" Dudley said raising his pistol to Willey's head. "Join em!"


Dudley shot Willey right betweene the eyes dropping the rest of his HP Bar.

"What!" The woman with the piercing yelled. "HOW!"

Standing without a twitch in his eye Willey was still alive.

Willey HP [400/750]

"The Bar you were shooting at was his sheild" Justice said. "Now that that sheild has been popped, he has on HP, it's difficult to tell the difference, but every player has a blue bar that is a shield that sits over their HP bar for the same amount."

"Then lets kill him now!" Dudley said raising his gun.

"Nobody move!" The man with glasses yelled from behind them.

"What! What are you doing!" The woman with piecing yelled.

The man with glasses had his hand in the core of the Aircraft, right next to its self destruct.

"If anyone fires another shot! We all die! Here and now!"

"Why!" Justice said. "Why would you stop us?"

"What's wrong Justice" The man with glasses laughed. "Did you think because I had glasses... that I'd be the good guy!"