
Dropped X2

"On Planet Hage the games were all we had." " The rules are simple. Everyone has a gun and if your HP Bar drops to zero you die." "We are sent to this planet as criminals in debt. The games and bounties are how we buy our way to freedom." "Everything was going fine, until one day an 18 year old boy landed on the planet. After he landed he changed the games forever, and after that the entire world came to know... Justice" This story takes inspiration from Squid Game, and Alice in Borderland, if you enjoyed those you will certainly like this The image I used for the cover is not mine, if you would like it removed please contact me

Gaburieru · Romance
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7 Chs

The Debt System

As justice clicked on the monitor in front of him, his small white cubical became dark and black. The walls of his room turned into a screen that displayed the pilot who had flown him in earlier.

"Congratulations on making it this far, players, once again, I will prep you for the game that is to follow."

"First, lets explain the debt system, each of you is serving a sentence of years, for each year of your sentence you have been given a debt of a million dollars. 10 years is 10 million , so on so forth, and serving a year on this planet gets you a million dollars however"

"For each dollar you earn against that debt you earn a bounty, for example, all of the players in this group are currently at one million dollar bounty's, which creates a hidden number only you can see, its called the bounty debt ratio. For example, lets say a player in this group has a has a 50,000 dollar debt and a million dollar bounty, that makes their money debt ratio 48,00000/49,000,000, and only they can see this number."

Justice loaded down at his heads up display, seeing his number

[Debt 999.000.000/]

"I see" Justice said.

"Players can only see your current debt which is the first number, as far as the second number your total sentence, this is unseen to others, preventing players from avoiding players based on their bounties. so why am I telling you all this? What does this have to do with the next game? It's really rather simple."

Justice's cubicle's screen shifted to a camera looking down on the planet he was on. The camera zoomed in to a battlefield in the center of the planet.

"When you first arrived on the planet, you may have seen a frenzy of people shooting each other, in a bloodbath. The area that they are fighting in is caged off, and prevents anyone from leaving until they have at least five million dollars out of debt. This battle that takes place is known as ... The Gulag"

"Damnit!" Justice said striking his room. "Mr Nomura!"

"The Gulag, as I am sure you have seen on T.V is an all out battle royal that starts every day at 6pm and lasts until midnight, any player who is new is forced to enter, and existing players can enter by betting their debt, which we will explain later."

"The rule are simple, everyone has a gun, and when your HP bar drops to zero you lose. All you have to do to get out of the gulag is to kill one player, once you do that, if you make it to the exit on the other side, you are free to leave."

"There is one last thing"

"At the beginning of the gulag, a player always has two options. The first is to bet, and the second is to buy. You can place a bet on yourself on your odds of getting out, and if you have enough money, if you win you get back double that price! Also, you will receive double for every person or bounty you collect, so a player who plays well enough can eliminate his debt and leave this planet here and now!"

"Interesting.." Justice thought

"Good look to all of you. I wish you all the best, and have fun, and remember"

"Everyone Has a gun"

Justice's screen popped on again once again displaying a set of panels.

[Player Justice]

[Access store to purchase your weapon]

Justice clicked on the screen and saw a set of weapons for sale

[Pistol(currently equipped) 1,000,000$]

[Shotgun 1,000,000$]

[Bow and arrow 1,000,000$]

[Crossbow 1,000,000$]

[ Missile launcher 1,000,000$]

[Rifle 1,000,000$]

A million dollars for a pistol? These prices... their arranged so that we can only choose one... but what is this option below?

[Player Justice J Park]

[Place bet amount]

"Wait a minute..." Justice thought. "It seems in this world you use debt to buy items... in other worlds since my debt ratio is [999,000,000/1,000,000,000] I have one million dollars in debt I can use to buy things..."

"If I place a bet... I can't afford any weapons... this is done on purpose, If I decide to play this game and I buy a weapon, I'm instantly maxed out on my current debt, but yet..."

"If I place a bet on myself and defeat just one player... I instantly decrease my debt by over two million..."

"Wait a minute!" Justice thought. "Defeat a player! That means I have to kill someone... Why... why doesn't that bother me?"

(Justice remembered)

"Well, once you decide, you have to realize, that ether way, someone is going to pull the trigger, as long as the person you shoot has a gun, you can never treat them, like a normal person, they are players in a game, a game that has one rule, kill or be killed."

(Back to present)

"That's right" Justice said arming his pistol. "All of the players on this planet are criminals, people who will kill me if I show even the slightest hesitation, not only that Mr. Nomura is also counting on me... I can't show weakness now, I have to be relentless, an unforgivable object of justice."

(In another cubicle) "Heh, its almost showtime" Willey said selecting a shotgun from the store. "I might be out of debt by the end of the night."

(In another cubicle) "Hmmm what's this" Dudley said picking up an assault rifle. "Don't mind if I do."

(In another cubicle) "It says here this weapon is equipped with autofire, it seems even someone like me has a chance of survival after all" Hao said picking up a sub machine gun. "But wait a minute what is this? Bio stimulant for 1.5 milloin? Hmmm I wonder."

Hao clicked on the tabs of his screen until he came to another far on another tab.

[Sell Weapon]

[Pistol 500,000$]

"Excellent" Hao said rubbing his hands. "Now this is a weapon of science!" He drew out a giant syrynge full of green fluid from the drawer.

(In another cubicle) "Sheesh! Why does everything have to be a gun in this place! Where's the swords? I'm a sabre master!" Sapphire cried. "Well... I guess this will have to do.." She said picking up a weapon.

(In another cubicle) "Nice!" Corey said picking up a giant bazooka "Just like the ones we have back home."

(In Justice's cubicle) "Mr. Nomura wherever you are don't worry, I won't let you die! I will make sure you get Justice!"

(In another cubicle) Mr. Nomura shuddered in his cubicle somewhere else in the beginning, crying his eyes out as he tried to pick out a weapon

"Justice!" He said crying his eyes out. "Help me!"