
Dropped X2

"On Planet Hage the games were all we had." " The rules are simple. Everyone has a gun and if your HP Bar drops to zero you die." "We are sent to this planet as criminals in debt. The games and bounties are how we buy our way to freedom." "Everything was going fine, until one day an 18 year old boy landed on the planet. After he landed he changed the games forever, and after that the entire world came to know... Justice" This story takes inspiration from Squid Game, and Alice in Borderland, if you enjoyed those you will certainly like this The image I used for the cover is not mine, if you would like it removed please contact me

Gaburieru · Romance
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7 Chs

A Planet of Two Rules

(6 months ago)

In the middle of a court room an eighteen year old boy with white hair stood in a suit and tie, awaiting his sentence. As the judges shuffled their papers and talked amungst themselves, he twiddled his thumbs behind his back trying to keep himself calm.

"Don't worry" His lawyer said reassuring him. "We've come this far, we won't lose this case. It doesn't matter what they say! What you did was not a crime!"

"Order" A man at the center of the room yelled slmming his gavel. After getting reassuring looks from his judges, he approached the center of the room to read his sentencing.

"This was a case, unlike we have ever seen, and through much deliberation, we have ruled against the defendant. Here in the year 2112, We the Supreme court of planet Earth, have unanimously decided, it is in fact illegal, to host custom war games!"

"But that isn't fair to my client! They weren't war games! They were fun games! Racing, non of them involving guns! No one died, and the games were played with all of the safety precautions required for sustainabilt-"

"Nonsense! This has nothing to do with death? Do you honestly think it is ok, to allow eighteen year old boys to garnish their own military! That boy comes from a family of revolutionaries! They were all scum just like he is!"

"Your just scared" Justice said

"What?" The justice answered.

"Your afraid, afraid of individual people perusing their own happiness, when my game became an internationally known success, you had to stop it because you want people to keep watching your game, the game of death and subjugation where human rights are violated... The gun game"

"Very well" The judge said. "If you hate it so much, its the perfect place to spend your sentence! By the powers vested in me I sentence the defendant! Justice J. Park to 1000 years on Planet Hage! For the crime of creating his own survival games outside of regulations!"

"Justice!" A woman cried from behind him.



(Back to present)

"Justice!" Mr. Nomura exclaimed "Doing out the math… you have a would have had a 10,000 year sentence… that got taken down to a one thousand year!"

"That's right" Justice said sighing.

"Just what exactly did you do!"

Just as Mr. Nomura spoke out, their was a slight shake in the aircraft that shook everyone in their seats. As the shaking came to a stop, the lights inside the aircraft turned on, signaling they had landed.

"So... we're finally here" Justice said peering out the window. "Finally offically landed on the most dangerous planet in the universe"

"It's not official just yet" A voice said from the pilots room.

A door to the pilot bay opened, followed by an old man in military gear walking out of the cockpit. His hair was short and grey but his face was clean and shaven, like it had just seen a razor. His hazel eyes ran across the room inspecting his poisoners.

"Welcome to Planet Hage," He said drawing a pistol. "Hage is an acronym for Everyone Has A Gun, if you play around with the letters enough. We originally wanted to call it EHAG, but that didn't have the same ring of death to it." He said laughing.

"Hage is a planet of two rules"

"The first rule here… is to never speak about your bounties to anyone!"

"You there! in the hood! Step outside!"

"Yes... yesi-"


The man kicked the hooded man out of the aircraft, and then jumped outside onto the ground following him.

"Why! I was quiet the whole time! I didn't say any-"


The man fired a shot into the mans head, killing him instantly on the spot.

"The second rule" The man said, putting away his gun. "Besides the rules inside each game, are that there are no rules, you can be killed by players, chefs at a restaurant or even peacekeepers. That man lying dead was a rival of another player on this planet, he paid me to make sure, this one never made it out of the gate. Out here you have no rights, no system, no ethics, out here there is only the games, and each one gives you a gun. Once I let you out of your restrains you find a pistol on the back of your seats."

The prisoners started squirming in their seats each desperately trying to draw their gun.

"Hehe, its no use" The man said laughing. "Even if you managed to grab it it would be now good... now" He said walking to the center of the group.

"As I heard from your conversations, you have a decent idea about what is going to happen here, but if you are expecting a breifing explaining everything that goes on, I'm afraid that's not my job, my job is to explain to you the rules of each game, its up to you to fill in the rest."

Mr. Nomura using all the strength he had, raised his hand to ask a question.

"What the hell? This isn't middle school? Don't raise your hand just say what's on your mind.

"Does that mean... that since your here..."

"That's right" The man said laughing. "The first game has already started.

Mr Namura exchanged glances with Justice, terrified about what was to happen next.

"I see" Justice thought. "In that case..."

"As it stands now, you are still in uncharted space, it is six o'clock now, by midnight, every single one of you has to be inside of that big white building, its a safe house where players cannot be killed."

THe man pointed to a white building about 50 meters away from their location. There was a large open area between the two spots, almost as if it were made for brawls and fights between prisoners.

"The game starts the second you touch the ground, As soon as I have cleared the area, I will release your constraints, after which you can do as you will"

As the man walked away he chuckled to himself.

"As we say every time we start fight" He echoed over a speaker in the aircraft. "Live and let die!"

Instantly all of the prisoners restrains were unlocked, allowing them to freely move.

All of them armed themselves with pistols, and pointed their weapons at each other ready to fire. As they each stared each other down, Mr. Namura ran to the center of the room and desperately tried to stop them from firing.

"Please!" He begged with no weapon in his hand. "Lets find a way to work this out!"