
A New Beginning

My name is Julian an Ex war veteran, today I turn 82 and I can feel death coming for me but I have no regrets even though my life was once a hell participating in war all the killing I had done always haunted me, it had turned me into a rock with no feelings but life didn't give up on me I found a woman I started to love, I married her and had kids after the war ended I retired from a bullet wound in my spine, my son soon grew up into a perfect man found a beautiful wife for himself and had a son, that day was the happiest day of my life when I carried my grandson, as years passed my grandson grew and we spent a lot of time together he would force me to watch different animes with him and soon I grew used to it in fact, I started liking it we both loved pokemon and we used to always argue which is the better pokemon. I laugh at myself thinking how funny that an old man arguing with his grandson about anime but I didn't feel ashamed because I started to live my childhood which I never had, I always thought that God didn't exist when I was young but after experiencing life and everything that it has given me I believe even if God didn't show himself to us but he is still watching over us all a guiding us.

"Sigh, being alone in the hospital is pretty boring and this fucking pain in the spine is killing me"

'I wonder when will my grandson come, he said he will visit me after school is over, it's going to be another long day I guess I will sleep'

As I close my eyes I was suddenly surrounded by darkness and I was slowly losing my consciousness I suddenly started cursing in my head 'fucking death can't even let me meet my family one last time'

After I die I feel nothing but its still weird that I can still think I start to freak out then suddenly everything turns white and in front of me there is a middle age man smiling, I took a minute to calm my self down.

"May I know who are you?"

"Some call me God, Some call me the creator but it is up to you to decide who I am to you"

After listening to him I was shocked to the core, I suddenly went to my knees in front of him

"Thank you, Lord, for granting me a good life"

"Rise, I don't need your thank you I am happy that you don't blame me for giving you a cruel start, there are very few souls like you"

"I wouldn't dare accuse you of anything"

"I am quite happy today so I will grant you a second life with three wishes to go with it"

I was really excited to hear what he said even though I am an old man getting a chance to live again is very tempting, I started to think what wish I should make and I finally decided

"Lord my first wish is to be reincarnated into the universe of the pokemon in Kanto region"

"My second wish is to have my memories of my past life with me"

"My third wish is to have an AI-based system"

Hearing my wishes God smiles and say

"You are very intelligent for wishing your memories to be intact, many people forget such a crucial aspect and have been reincarnated without there memory"

"Now I will ask you how do you want to be reincarnated? do you want to start as a baby or do you want me to create a body for you and send you there? if you choose the second option you can choose any one starter pokemon you want for the start of your journey"

Of course, I choose the second option as any reasonable person will choose it

"So you choose the second option, good"

suddenly a screen appears in front of me, I look at the screen and realize I can make my body the way I want it to be, seeing this I become happy and start shaping my body, I choose a slender muscular body with a little tan skin but not too much, I set my age at 16, height 6 feet, red eyes, black hair and made my little brother 9 inches 'hehe' after that there was a section of starter pokemon I browse through it and select Chimchar because I really liked it final evolution and its blaze ability after I finish designing everything I look at god, then suddenly i remembered something

"Lord, how does the timeline work in the pokemon universe?"

"Ah I almost forgot to inform you as the planet which you are going to reincarnate is 100 times bigger than your previous planet so 1 year in your new world will be 10 years in your previous world and the elements in your new world is so rich that people tend to live a very long life and grow slowly, that's why you don't see ash become old"

After listening to him I calculate that if my previous world had the same concept I could live up to 800 years at average

"Lord I am ready"

"Good, may you enjoy your new life to the fullest"

He said and waved his hand, suddenly a portal opened under me and sucked me in before I knew I became unconscious and drifted away.

Hey guys, this is my first novel and I am writing it for fun and for my entertainment so I thought why not share it will all of you guy.

English is not my first language but I will try my best to make it presentable.

If some of you are confused with the timeline it's like 365 X 10= 3650 days/ year in the new world as for why I did because as you know Ash and other characters never grows up and it may cause some loopholes in my story so I didn't want to take any chances.

Hope you guys enjoy.

Evil_God_Zarakhcreators' thoughts