
DROPPED Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN)

Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN) Everyone knows Harry Potter, but do you know the story of the magic world? Have you ever read historical accounts of the goblin war? How did the ancient wizards manage to subdue the powerful race of house elves? Why Salazar Slytherin doesn't like muggles? What does the magic world in China, Brazil or Africa look like? You will find out in the next episode of Pokemon! All Harry Potter rights, characters, spells and more belong to J.K. Rowling. BUT the story you will read here as well as the characters not present in the original story belong to me! P.S: It's the first time I write a novel and I'm French, English is my second language. And for the cover image, I did it on photoshop, but I took lots of pieces of images all over pinterest, so if a piece belongs to you, tell me ^^'

Strom400 · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

Nascent Soul

Nice, France, 06/10/2020, 10:08 p.m.

* sighs *

Sitting in front of the screen of his computer, Lucas, 19 years old, brainstorms in search of an idea for his first fan-fiction.

Some day earlier, after finishing the last Harry Potter fan fiction worthy of name on Webnovel, he decided to create his own, different from the others, one that would not be a pasted copy of the original story (HP and all that the story implies obviously belongs to JK Rowling). And when he hovered over the list of these favorite novels, his mouse unexpectedly stopped on "Long Live the Hokage". That's when the idea came to him.

"* Yes! I will tell the story of a man who crosses the story of the magical world! *"

And that's how Lucas found himself in this situation, to say the least absurd ...

"* Haa, what should I do? This idea is excellent, original and I feel that it has potential! But faced with this white sheet, my brain is empty and I can no longer think of anything ... *" Lucas continued to think long while massing his head.

After several tens of minutes of psychological torture, Lucas tells himself that the night gives advice and went to bed.

When his body relaxed on his bed, the veil of night covering his face, his eyes shone for a long time, seeming to reflect the dreams and desires of all the children of this world and many others.


800 AD, January 1, in a mansion in Paris, France.

"Go ahead madam, push! I see his head." In one of the rooms in this mansion, a young blonde woman dressed in a maid's uniform was helping another slightly older woman to give birth.

She had black hair, eyes just as black but slightly reddened by the effort, a smooth skin and a slender waist. She seemed to be 25 years old while still 30. Her screams of pain tore a grimace from the maid and her husband who was standing on the other side of the door. This man was dressed in a sober suit but which reflected his nobility, he tried to keep a neutral face, almost severe, but his eyes betrayed a deep concern for his wife.

After a few seconds which seemed to be years, the baby finally decided to go out.


"He's a boy, madam, and he's in good health." Say the right one while showing the baby.

"Wait * hu * Leah, I feel that * hu * it's not over, there is * hu * has a second one ..." The gasps of the woman cut her speech several times, but these eyes remained closed .

Leah, the maid went back to work and a few minutes later, the couple looked at the twin babies.

"Éléonore, they are so beautiful, how do we call them?"

"Well, I think whoever cried, we could call him Gabriel, as for the other, why not Elias? Gabriel and Elias Ademisault? What do you think Arolde?"

"I'm fine, that's fine! Haha, twins, nothing could have made me happier!" While chatting with his wife, those eyes never left the faces of his children.

And it was at this moment that Elias, the one who had not cried and who had a confused look on his face, began to cry. It was as if a shock wave spread in all directions, the wooden mansion creaked slightly, the bed sheets crumpled and the couple's hair moved.

The couple's trembling eyes fell on young Elias, stunned.


"* 5 years, for many of us 5 years is not much, after all time flies like water, didn't it? But have you ever tried to live 5 years in the body of a baby ? Finally I mean while having the memories of another life? No you never try it! * "

"* But I do! My name is Lucas! Well, not anymore, now it's Elias, Elias Ademisault, second son of Viscount Ademisault, one of the great noblemen of France. The last thing I remember before coming to this dirty and smelly world is that after trying in vain to write a fan-fiction about Harry Potter, I went to bed. And the next morning, I woke up in the arms of an unknown woman, in a bed unknown, in an unknown mansion. * "

"* Oh and did I say that when I cry of rage or sadness, the whole manor house threatens to collapse? Ah and I have a twin brother, Gabriel, he is generally nice, for a child of 5 years, but I feel that he is very jealous that I can do magic and not him, hehe. * "

"* I will summarize the situation from my birth until now ... So when I was arrived in this world, after a few minutes asking myself" Who am I? Where am I going ? And in what state am I wandering? ", a flash of inspiration crossed me and I understood that I had transmigrated! After that, I uttered a cry composed of a mixture of sadness, fear, of joy and excitement. And that's where I understood! I am in the world of Harry Potter! But long before his birth, well before even construction of Hogwarts! We are in the ninth century! Gringotts does not even exist, there has not yet been a goblin revolutions, the international code of magic secrecy has not even been considered since the friction between muggles and wizards was barely been around for a few decades. * "

"* Here is the information that may be useful to me now. So I know the main lines of the history of this world, but that does not help me much, I do not remember the exact date of the foundation of Hogwarts, but it should be around the year 1000 and Beaubâtons as well as Durmstrang should have been created more or less at the same time. I know that powerful wizards have a long lifespan but I would be 200 years old at the time. , I will be an crumbling old man, that doesn't help me ... *"

"* Well the story is not on my side so too bad, then I know several kinds of magic formula but not their wand movements, so I do not think I can cast them. So I only have the kinds of spells which do not have a precise wand movement, namely the 3 unforgivable spells and the patronus ... * "

"* Rhaa but to be able to launch these kinds it takes a large amount of magic, I could not do until I am at least 14 years old. What can I do, I must become stronger if I want to survive, after all, relationships between muggles and wizards will quickly deteriorate, which is what will cause the creation of schools of magic. * "

And it was then that Professor Flitwick's thin voice echoed in his head.

"We turn and we lower, we turn and we lower, we turn and ..."

To which Hermionne's voice replied, "WinGArdium LeVIOsa and not Leviossaaaa ..."

Hi everyone! Here the author, thank you for reading! This is my first chapter of my first fan fiction! So do not hesitate to comment, to correct my spelling, my mistakes ...

I'm french, english is my second language ;)

Thank you !

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