

Ryoutomei Sougo is a Samurai from a distant land who wishes to end the feudal war. However, he crashes and drowns deep into the ocean after setting sail into the ferocious storms. He died after accepting his death. As soon as he wakes up, he is in the otherworld. He never knew he survived that and was somehow stranded in the unknown. Unfamiliar with earth, he was guided by a young boy who took care of him after he was lying down injured. Even though he's not from this world, he sees the positive sides of it. No wars, and peaceful life. With that, he accepts his new life. After being recovered, he sets his journey to the new world, the other world. Facing monsters, meeting friends, and harsh roads lies ahead, obstructing his path. gods and divine beings to clear his curious mind about this world. With his friends, he sought to find the truth of this world and why he was fated to be here.

Morororo · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


"Umu, Katá táwa(Descend, above the sky.)" The tribes performed a ritual early after they have captured Mika.

"Umm... you know, I'm not really tasty, so please... can you untie me? My back is hurting..." Mika was roped on a long wooden stick, and hanged with a reverse posture that made his head dizzy and his back hurt.

"Wá! (Silence!)" The chief yelled. He was upset that they had caught two, but Mika had caused them to lose one.

"Isa, malù amabhá utu, Unabī kutawá!(Now, all it's left is you to be offered for the Unabī!)" The chief now made use of Mika by offering him to the being called the "Unabī" before dawn the opposite of their plan.

"Aya! (fire!)" The chief ordered his men to set the fire.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" Mika's back was burned and his clothing slowly became charred.

At the very least, he prevented others from meeting the same destiny, so Mika swallowed the anguish and accepted his gruesome fate.

However, there was still hope for Mika since when Sougo eventually came, he saw Mika being slowly burned alive by the tribes in their camp from above the hill.

With a bow and a quiver full of arrows, Sougo arrived prepared. Sougo got into a shooting position and started aiming. Lusina tried to see and understand what he was aiming at when, at last, Sougo let go of the string and shot in an ambiguous direction.

Unexpectedly, he accurately shot someone in the neck from a distance. Lusina quickly ascertained that the person who recently blew her and Mika's cover was the man with a trumpet. Before attempting to save Mika, Sougo made an effort to silence the alert. Sougo then demanded that Lusina attach a flame to his arrow, but Lusina resisted.

She was concerned that everyone, including Mika, would be cooked alive after burning the entire camp.

But Sougo was adamant about his objective, so he lit the fire on his own. Sougo lit up an arrow that had just caught fire and shot it with flames at one of their homes.

Almost the whole camp went up in flames...

Lusina was given the orders by Sougo to surround her magic and lock down their escape routes. Lusina was tasked with helping him and then waiting for Sougo to enter the camp and return.

Sougo fired his successive shots at their house one after the other, without stopping. In the quest to save Mika, he slid down the hills after having finished with each of his shots.

The entire tribe panicked and ended up running to get their families and children to safety. But he shot the families ruthlessly, killing them one by one regardless of gender or age and letting none escape his sight.

"MORO! (STOP!)" The father, suffering from the shot of his arrow, shouted, obstructing Sougo's path in an effort to protect his family. And although Sougo couldn't understand a word, he was perfectly aware of what he was doing.

"Ai familia, omo kapa! (Please, spare my family!)" The father was staggering but still protecting his family from Sougo.

But Sougo didn't care...

In front of his family, Sougo took his katana out of its sheath and cut his head open.

The fact that they wrought the mess and would then plead for mercy disgusted Sougo.

He ultimately killed the family after killing the father...

Slaughtering every last one of them, then eventually came the brute of the tribes.

Gripping his axe furiously as he encountered Sougo once more from when he dodged his attack. Both launched themselves as they hold their weapons firmly. Sougo and the brute went past after they landed a hit.

The brute grinned in his hunger for blood as he noticed Sougo's bleeding and scratched chin. Sougo was unfazed. The brute just left his chin with scars in contrast to Sougo who cut his stomach open. His intestines were oozing out when Sougo hacked through his stomach. The brute fell to the ground and died.

As he resumed his massacre, Sougo made sure to eliminate every one of them, one by one. As Lusina gazed upon the horrible spectacle of a slaughter, her eyes widened in horror.

In a massacre filled with dead bodies and burned remains, Sougo killed the last one, the chief.

After that, finally saved Mika from the ropes and moved back to safety as they ride Mika's horse.

"*Cough* Ugf, hold on, the fire smoke got into my lungs." Mika was rescued and began coughing after being set free.

The three made it to safety as they traveled deep into the forest, only a stone's throw from the camp.

"That was merciless what you did back there..." Lusina had seen it all with her eyes. The horrifying scene that she would never forget.

She saw children and people being slain one after the other and some were being burned alive while they were screaming at the top of their lungs.

Hearing that, Mika's face grew pale, and he questioned Sougo's methods, asking why he hadn't tried to save him in a different way without killing the families. He saw a group of skulls back there and wasn't sure if he should be feeling horrible despite how awful he felt.

"At the very least, I'm very grateful you two saved my life and caused you guys some trouble. Thank you..." Mika thanked both of his saviors for rescuing him. Not once but twice Lusina had seen Mika's hand was shaking badly out of fear.

Hyoo! Hyoo! Hyoo!

As they were on their way home, an unexpected voice was heard from around them.

The ground was shaking and could be awfully felt by the three as though a huge creature was approaching.

Then, came across an eye that emerged from the darkness, glowing with yellow light and sharp-shaped pupils on their way home. The eye slowly moved towards Sougo, Mika, and Lusina who were aghast at seeing the massive creature.

"Guys... I think... I think... That's..." When Mika first saw the enormous eye, he was unable to speak clearly.

A surprise was brought by an eye that was around the size of 9 human infants.

"RUN!" Mika yelled.

They encountered a huge ravenous beast, which brought to an unexpected meeting of their doom.

They saw a monster with a wolven-like appearance until it fully revealed itself. It drooled as it witnessed them scurrying around like ants as its fangs were bared and it desperately craves blood. its left eye's enormous permanent scarring. It had a massive body that was 29 meters long and a height of well over 57 meters. There was no denying Mika's reasonable hypothesis that the creature was what the tribes revered, the Unabī.