
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

Chapter 76: Show Us What You Got (Part 1)

Hey guys,

Sorry, short chapter today. I was very busy with work as I took more shifts and I barely had time to write chapters.

Anyways, don't forget to leave stones and comments



One could see Kisuke Urahara and Erza Scarlet sitting on the opposite side of a table inside a shop. Behind them were people from their respective groups. Ururu, a young girl and employee of the Urahara Shop, was walking around with a tray serving Erza and her group tea.

The armour-clad girl took a sip of the tea and hummed in delight.

"This tea is quite a delight," she said.

Urahara grinned behind his paper fan,

"Why thank you. It's a personal recipe."


He closed his fan,

"Now, I believe we have much to discuss.

"We do indeed."

"Great! First of all, who are you and where do you come from?"

Erza put her cup down and looked at everyone native to this universe. She could see Ichigo, Chad, Orihime, Yoruichi, and Tessai looking at her.

"We come from an organization called the MCG and we were sent here."

"Sent here?" asked Yoruichi in her human form.

Kazuma tried really hard not to stare at her since her real-life form was much more beautiful than her 2d form.

"Yes, we were sent here to help neutralize a threat that could upset the balance of this world."

That's when Kisuke figured it out,


The man looked at her in the eyes with a serious tone,

"You're here for Aizen, am I right?"

"That's right." the woman nodded.

"How did you know about him and what is the MCG? How come I've never heard of them?"

"Let's just say we have someone with a special talent and we can't say much about our organization except it was created to deal with threats against the world. We also operate in secret which is why Soul Society doesn't know about us," Erza said.

The chat group worked on a cover story they would tell when encountering the people of this universe and they found a solution.

Be as vague as possible while telling the truth.

Kisuke smirked while the rest of his group looked confused and intrigued.

"Is that so? Let's say I believe you. How should I trust you? And Aizen is really cunning and possesses tremendous power. He's not going to be easy to stop. Who's to say you're not with him?"

Erza nodded,

"We know what we will be dealing with. Besides, I can assure you we are in no way affiliated with Aizen Sosuke. In fact, we wouldn't even be here if we were with him. As a matter of fact, you've seen our power and the enemy didn't know of our existence," Erza replied while motioning to Saiki.

"Ah yes. We've seen how easily he overpowered the Arrancar. It's quite hard to believe he's human. I don't believe we've introduced ourselves. I am Urahara Kisuke."

He then pointed to Yoruichi who gave them a cat-like grin

"You've met our lovely Yoruichi Shihoin,"

"We've met," the dark-skinned woman said.

"Yes, we did," Erza said.

Kisuke then turned to the teenagers,

"The orange strawberry is Kurosaki Ichigo-"


"- Next to him is Inoue Orihime."

"Hellooo. Thank you for helping us." the orange-haired girl said we a cute smile.

"No problem, Inoue," Erza replied.

"You can call me, Orihime!"

"Then you may call me Erza Orihime."

"Hehehe. Okay, Erza-chan!"

For some reason, the rest of the group had to cover their eyes from the bubbly girl's bright smile.

"And this giant here is Yasutora Sado," Kisuke said as he pointed at the giant teenager.

"You may call me Chad and thank you for helping us." the teen said with a deep voice.

"Wow, you're voice is super deep!" Aiura said when she heard Chad's voice.

"Huh, thanks?"

"And finally, these are my employees, Ururu, Jinta and Tessai," Kisuke said as he pointed at a small black-haired girl, a red-haired boy and an adult giant with a distinguished mustache.

"Hello." Ururu and Tessai greeted with a bow.

Jinta simply hummed in response though he kept a wary eye on them.

Erza nodded,

"I believe it's our turn. My name is Erza Scarlet and I am the team leader of this mission."

She pointed to Kazuma,

"This is Satou Kazuma."

"Yo!" the boy in question raised his hand to greet.

"This is Saiki Kusuo," Erza pointed to the pink-haired boy.


Orihime, Chad, Jinta and Ururu all flinched in surprise when they heard Saiki's voice in their head.

The spirits in the room looked at the humans in confusion,

"What's wrong, guys?" asked Ichigo.

"I don't know, I just heard a voice inside my head," Chad replied looking at Saiki in confusion.

"You did? Me too. Ooh ooh God, is that you?" asked Orihime.

'Yare Yare, it's just me,' Saiki said.

Both teenagers looked at the pink-haired youth,

"Saiki-san, was that you?" asked Orihime.

Ichigo frowned,

"The hell's going on?"

Aiura turned to Saiki and placed her hands on her hips,

"Don't be lazy Saiki, talk to them like a normal person. Not everyone can hear you,"

The psychic sighed and looked around,


Kisuke turned to the boy and let out an interested hum,

"Interesting, was that telepathy? How is that possible? Would you mind letting me study you?"

Saiki gave him a weird look before replying,



Aiura then turned to the crowd,

"Yello. My name is Aiura Mikoto! I'm sorry for Saiki, he's very shy."

The latter glared at her while she let out a "Te-hee".

Erza then spoke and pointed at Kuroneko,

"And finally, this is-"

"The Queen of Darkness! You may call me Kuroneko!" the girl shouted while strands of darkness flowed on the floor and behind her.

Everyone looked at her power in effect with interest.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

They all turned to Orihime who was clapping excitedly.

"Wow! Really!?"

Kuroneko gave a smirk and laughed,

"Huhuhu. Indeed Orihime-chan."


Kazuma smacked Kuroneko's head interrupting her show,

"Stop that! You're only embarrassing yourself."

Kuroneko held her head and glared at Kazuma,

"Shut up! You're one to talk Hiki-Neet!"

"Huh? You wanna say that again!?"

"Hiki-Neet! Hiki-Neet! Hiki-Neet!" the girl snapped back and stuck her tongue out.

"Ahem." Erza let out and glared at the two bickering teens.

The latter two froze and acted like nothing happened.

Kisuke chuckled,

"What an interesting bunch. Now that We've introduced ourselves. Why don't you tell us what you can do?"

"In that regard, I have a different idea." Erza suddenly said.

"Oh? Do tell?"

"A spar."

"A spar?"

"Yes, How about we spar between our groups? It would allow us to know what will we be working with as well as show what we are capable of since we will be working with each other."

Kisuke placed his hand on his chin and thought about it,

"Interesting. Very interesting. What do you think?" Kisuke said before turning to Yoruichi.

"I say we do it. Let's see what they got," The woman replied.

"Alright," Kisuke turned to Erza," We accept your proposal.

Erza smiled,

"Good, but first there is something we must do."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Find a place to stay."


Finding a place was surprisingly easy. Although they did offer help to find a place to stay, the MCG group declined their offer since they had their own ways.

They just had to ask Aiura.

The girl brought out her crystal orb and did weird things with her hands when suddenly some sort of GPS map appeared in the orb. The Otherworlders simply followed it and found themselves in front of an abandoned building which still had, for some reason, running water and electricity. To sleep, Erza brought out a huge wooden cart filled with bags. Normally, her pocket dimension wasn't big enough to hold all of her things. However, Kazuma had found a trick in eh Multiverse Chat system. After discovering that they could send each other items using the chat system, Kazuma discovered that he could store items using the attachment option of the chat. they simply had to create a draft message and attach the file containing the item they needed to store.

Using this loophole, the group now had a makeshift inventory that they could use when they needed to transport stuff into another dimension.

Erza had brought enough futons for each of them and the place was clean enough that they could place it on the floor. Kazuma had used earth magic to fill up the holes in the building so that no rain would leak.

Once they fixed the place up, they went back to the Urahara Shop where everyone was waiting for them.

"Did you find a place to stay?" asked Kisuke.

Erza nodded,


"Good. Now, let me lead you to where you will be sparring."

They all followed him when he opened a latch on the floor leading to an underground base. Even if they had seen it in the manga, the sight of the base in real life still left the interdimensional travellers in awe.

"Welcome to my underground base!" Kisuke said.

"Oooohhhh," the five let out.

"Thank you. I made it myself. Here, you will be sparring to your heart's content."

"This place is amazing," complimented Erza.

She looked around,

"So how will this work?"

Kisuke grinned,

"We will send one representative randomly and they will fight. Unless we have volunteers?"

Erza looked at her teammates and had a silent conversation before she nodded,

"I will go first."

"Great! Then you're opponent is Ichigo!"

The latter looked at the man incredulously,

"Huh, why me?"

"Because I said so. Now chop-chop! We don't have much time to waste."

Ichigo groaned,

"Ugh. Fine," the boy replied and stepped forward with his black shihakusho and large cleaver-like Zanpakuto.

Erza remained calm and held out her hand. Yellow motes of mana appeared before coalescing into a two-handed longsword with beautiful craftsmanship.

Those not in the know looked at her in surprise.

"Is that a Zanpakuto?" asked Ichigo.

Erza shook her head,

"No, this is simply a normal sword."

"Huh. Then how did you do that?"

"It's a special ability of mine. It allows me to store objects in another dimension."


However, Erza didn't elaborate. She took a stance and raised her sword.

"Are you ready, Kurosaki Ichigo?"

Seeing her serious attitude, The boy grinned and brandished his Zanpakuto,


Kisuke, seeing the two warriors ready, raised his hand.


Both fighters tightened their grip on their weapons.