
Dreams of the Fool

He died after being hit by a truck. A normal death, right? What is not normal is that he had been reborn and it was not what he expected. 'THE HELL? I AM IN HORIMIYA AS IZUMI MIYAMURA!

Arcanum_02 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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80 Chs

Chapter 29: A Whole New World Part 2

As he slept, Izumi once again fell in a cacophony of voices repeating the verses of his budding reality marble.

and it was starting to irritate Izumi.

'When is this torture going to end?' he thought.

For what felt like an eternity, he was slowly drowning in the concert of madness when he heard something he hadn't heard in sixteen years. The voices were quiet as if the main actor had come to the scene.

"&̵̨̀x̶͓̿d̶̯̏j̴͎͊%̸͕̚$̸͇̆#̷̘͘ ̵̢͂í̷̞s̴̼͆ ̵͎̔ṅ̴̳õ̷̠ẗ̷̲́ ̷̗̕m̴̐͜e̴̲̾a̷͎͗n̶̗͝t̸̬̚ ̸̘͆f̴͈̂o̶͛ͅr̶͎̍ ̷̰̍m̴̝͗ò̴͎r̴̻̓t̴̮̎ȁ̵̞ľ̵͖s̷̥̒.̸͈̑"

Izumi's eyes widened in shock when he heard the voice. He didn't know what to think as it resounded so deeply in his very soul.

"̷͖̋Ț̶͝h̶̩̓é̸̬r̸͖̽ē̴͍ ̸̲͂i̶̖͝ṣ̶̔ ̶̲̒n̸̗͆o̸̠͝ ̷̝͌b̸͓̀ȇ̶͙g̵͕̈ï̷͎n̵̲̒ṇ̶͛ȉ̶͜n̴͎̾g̴̠̾ ̵͉̇n̵̝̕o̷͍͝r̷̤̾ ̸͓͋e̴͍͋n̸̰͗d̸̉ͅ"

Suddenly, on the outside, Izumi started to convulse as if he was having a seizure as Pain started to wrack throughout his whole body.

"AAARRGG!" was the only thing Izumi could let out as the pain started to intensify. But it didn't stop there, as Izumi could feel his soul being affected. Ever since his astral training with the Ancient One in the MCU, he has had a slight sense of awareness of his soul. No, it was more like the pain was coming from his soul and it was affecting his body on the outside as a side effect. Izumi felt something a burning sensation so high, it was as if his nerves were exposed and we're turned up to ten.

"T̴͈̒h̷̬̓ệ̶r̵̻̊e̶̹͝ ̵̢̑ǐ̴̟s̵̞̉ ̴͖̓ỏ̴̥ň̵̳l̷͓̽y̷̻̾ ̴̖͆N̴̪͆o̵͈͐ẗ̵̘́ḫ̸̃ḭ̴̈́ṇ̶̓g̸͓͐.̶̹̀ ̵̭̕T̵̰̾o̷̲̊ ̵͓̍d̶̯͠e̵̢̓n̸͈͐y̸͉̌ ̷̲̓i̸͇͘t̸̗̃ ̸̫͝ì̴͖s̵̟͊ ̵̝̿C̸͚͝r̶͇͐e̴̼̊a̴̘̍t̵͔͒i̷͓͝o̵̙͐ṉ̸͋.̴̩̊"

At that moment, Izumi felt a billion different sensations that he couldn't even begin to describe.

The voice then turned silent before another took over. This time it was not a cacophony nor the all-encompassing voice. It was his very own that Izumi heard, but this time for every verse. it spoke Izumi felt like a weight accumulated on him. There was no pause in between words and it was spoken with a force he had never spoken before.

[I am the Fool with many dreams]

He felt it, the verse was echoing in his very being.

[From the Beginning,]

Memories of his birth from his first life and the birth of his seconded appeared in his mind.

[Until the End]

The death he experienced, the sheer might of the void that called him passed through his mind.

[There is only the never-ending potential]

Memories of the growth he had experienced during both lives passed through his mind.

[So long as I march, I shall never stop]

Memories of his mothers, the friends he had and the battles and struggles he had overcome passed through his mind.

[Touched by the void and brought forth by dreams]

Memories of the voice of the empty space after death, the sensation of the pain he had during his brief stay passed through his mind.

[My mind is my world and my world is my mind]

The feeling of his unbreakable will during his both lives passed through his mind.

Suddenly, his voice started reciting new verses,

[Then let me show you my Wonderland.]

Izumi felt like he was about to burst.

[Come forth my Dreams of the Fool]

As the voice uttered those final verses, a bright light encompassed his mind before everything disappeared.

Izumi groaned and opened his eyes. He was lying face down on what seemed to be grass.

'Where am I and what the hell happen to me?' he thought as he examined himself.

At that moment, he felt something in himself had changed. He felt livelier, more active, more positive. He felt like something was complete like a missing piece of a puzzle was finally slotted into its place. He heard no voices. He had no migraines. He felt no pain anymore. He stood up, patted himself and looked up in front of himself. At that moment, he was breathless. Describing it as beautiful was a huge understatement. In front of him was a vast land with the greenest grass he had ever seen It was as if pollution was not in this place's vocabulary. Izumi looked at the ground and saw some vein-like paths going everywhere.

The biggest one was a blue vein that was slightly pulsing as it reached until Izumi couldn't see anymore. The other one was a steady white one that was a little thinner than the blue one. The last one was thinnest and it was the blood-red coloured one. All the veins would sometimes cross paths, but they would never intersect. He looked up and saw what was the strongest sky he had ever seen. Sure in Emiya Shirou's reality marble, gears were floating in the sky, but this was on another level. The sky was not a sky, it was more like the space with countless stars across the horizon. He saw the Sun in the center of the sky. Gravitating around the Sun, like planets, were different balls composed of different things. They were 8 in total. The first one was a ball of blazing hot fire. The second one was a crystal clear ball of water. The third one was what looked like a ball of air. The fourth one was a ball looking very similar to the planet Earth. The fifth was a ball made of a mix of plasma and lightning. The last one was a grey metallic-looking ball which seems to change shape constantly. The last two were different. The seventh one looked more like a dark planet as the ball of light was slowly making its revolution around the sun. Izumi could feel the holy energy emanating from it. Finally, the eighth one. I'd the others were like planets, this one was like a comet. It was the smallest out of everyone and it was blood red. Izumi could feel the sweet and nauseating feeling of demonic energy.

'These are the magic that I have mastered.' he thought in surprise as he looked at the spheres gravitating around the Sun. Izumi then spotted something. In the center of the sun was a black circle that seemed to turn counter-clockwise inside the side. It was not very big and it didn't look like it affected the magical solar system.

Izumi started to walk when his foot bumped into something. Looking down, he saw something sticking out of the ground. As he picked it up, he recognized it as his noble phantasm : Fragarach: The Gouging Sword of the War God.

'Wait a minute." he said. and looked up. He suddenly spotted countless weapons sticking out of the ground. Shields, swords, axes, spears, bows, any kind of weapon were available to his sight. He could also spot stuff that was not weapons like the desk of his room. Seeing that, he suddenly had an idea. He thought about Murasame and picked up a random sword beside him. As soon as he picked up the sword, it was his beloved one-cut killer. It was as if it was always there. He tried again with another sword, but he kept the first one. Once again, it worked. He now held two Murasame. Laughing in disbelief, he let them fall and stab into the ground before continuing on his exploration.

'Should I find a way to go to the Holy Grail War?'

He let that thought in the back of his mind. It was definitely something he should try later. He soon turned around and was met with floating pieces of rock platforms forming a stairwell. Izumi followed its course and looked up. He saw a single throne that was overly decorated.

'It is not meant for a king.' thought Izumi as he started walking towards the throne. The rocks platforms aligned themselves underneath his feet for him as he climbed towards the throne.

"It is not meant for a king as this place is not a kingdom.'

As he arrived in front of it, he slowly turned around and sat down. His eyes gazed at the world in front of him.

"Since this entire world is my workshop to bring my dreams to reality, The Dreams of the Fool." he finished out loud with a huge smile.

Izumi sighed in contentment before he decided to try a little magic. He brought his hands up and opened his magic circuits. Izumi could feel he had changed. His mana was now running smoother and it felt like he had an increase in his mana capacity. He checked the number of circuits and his eyes almost bulged out when he counted a hundred circuits running at 1000 units each.

'What the hell! The amount almost increased by almost double and units jumped twenty-five times high. What kind of bullshit boost is this? Is this normal? Can someone increase their circuits like that? Actually, what kind of person goes through what I have?" Izumi shouted as he examined his newly created circuits.

He brought his hand out and summoned a small ball of fire. He could feel that he used less mana than he usually used. he tried with many different spells and they all had the same result: inside his reality marble, he used less mana for more powerful spells. Finally, he noticed one passive effect of his reality marble. His mind had become sharper and faster and he could easily absorb information from the numerous stimulus.

"This is amazing!" shouted Izumi like a child being gifted on Christmas. "Can I summon (Dark Matter)?"

He couldn't find any traces of Dark Matter in the reality marble so he summoned a ball of it. Soon, a black ball appeared hovering above his palm.

'It seems that since my Dark Matter is not connected to my soul, but my conscience. Therefore, there will not be any Dark Matter in here unless I find a way to connect the esper ability to my soul' he thought.

But It was a thought for another day as he was having fun with his reality marble right now. After what felt like hours of experimenting, he finally decided that it was time to exit the place and wake up.

'So how do I get out of this place?'

As soon as the thought entered his mind, the world warped and everything turned black before Izumi opened his eyes to find himself in his room.

'So that's how it is.'

He slowly got up from his bed and went to the bathroom. For one, he felt amazing as he felt complete.

"Was this how I was living for the past 16 years?" as he examined himself.

Today was Saturday, so it was a half school day. He quickly took a shower and went to eat breakfast.

As he ate his breakfast, he opened the system and checked the number of points he had.

[Total points: 3600 points]

He remembered when he first got Dark Matter, he searched for a pill to increase brain power. He went to check it again.

[NZT-48 (permanent): 3000 points]

He grinned when he saw the price.

'It seems I can afford it, but it is better to not buy it now. I have to master what I currently have before gaining another power-up, otherwise, it will go to waste. Besides, we never know when I will need the points.' he thought and ditched the idea of purchasing the pill for now.

He then looked at the chat group and he saw that they were in a conversation.

[Kuroneko]: Hey, it's been 2 days and Izumi didn't answer. Did something happen to him?

[Tony]: I don't think you need to worry since the kid is very strong.

[Kazuma]: I'm sure he went to get down and dirty with his girlfriend.

Seeing the message, Izumi got irritated and started typing.

[Izumi]: Who the hell got down and dirty you lonely Hikineet!

[Kazuma] Oi!

[Korosensei]: Ah! young Izumi is here!

[Erza]: Hello Izumi. We were trying to contact you, but you weren't responding.

[Izumi]: Wait really?

Izumi scrolled back up through the chat and saw that they were indeed right.

[Miki]: That's right. People were getting worried.

[Saiki]: +1

[Izumi]: Thanks for worrying and I was indeed preoccupied with a problem.

[Kuroneko]: What happened?

[Izumi]: I was sick.








[Kazuma]: What do you mean you got sick! We can't get sick because of the purification pill. We are also superhuman! Well except for Tony Stark, unless he used the pill.

[Tony]: I did. It's almost like the Super Soldier Serum, but I couldn't analyze the content.

[Kazuma]: I stand corrected.

[Izumi]: I became sick magically because something changed in me.

[Tony]: Hey kid, let me give a little bio class. When boys grow up, they experience changes in their bodies. It's called puberty and it's nothing to worry about.

[Izumi]: What no!

[Kazuma]: HAHAHAHA! That was a good one old man Stark!


[Kuroneko]: +1

[Erza]: +1

[Miki]: +1

[Saiki]: +1

[Izumi]: No I got something better.

[Erza]: Well don't keep us waiting.

[Izumi]: I got a reality marble.

For several seconds, no one responded to the chat before suddenly exploding.


[Kuroneko]: No way!

[Izumi]: Yes way!

[Miki]: You're kidding!

[Izumi]: Nope.

[Saiki]: Damn.

[Erza]: I'm guys what is a reality marble?

[Tony]: I second that question. Is it as amazing as you make it be?

[Korosensei]: Me too, I need answers.

[Kazuma]: Let me explain. A reality marble is a world located inside the soul of a person with an alien sense common of daemons. People like that have the ability to overwrite the world with their own. In the Nasuverse, it is the magecraft that is the closest to True Magic. You ca. find more information by reading the visual novel Fate/Stay Night

[Kazuma]: Wait, did you buy it from the system or did it occur naturally?

[Izumi]: It occurred naturally. I think its formation started the moment I was born and it was accelerated when I was invited to the chat group.

[Erza]: Wow. That is amazing.

[Korosensei]: Congratulations student Izumi.

[Tony]: Hold up! What is the alien common sense of daemons?

[Kuroneko]: It's when a person does not have a normal mindset or common sense. Are you going to be okay Izumi?

[Miki]: Are you saying he's going to become like Emiya Shirou?

[Tony]: Who the hell is that and what do you mean?

[Saiki]: The protagonist of the eroge visual novel Fate/Stay Night.

[Kazuma]: What she means is that people with the Alien common sense of Daemons are classified as mentally ill by regular people.

[Korosensei]: Oh.

[Erza]: Is there anything we can do to help?

Izumi was starting to get uncomfortable at the turn of the conversation.

[Izumi]: Guys, there is no need to worry. I will cross the bridge when I reach it.

[Tony]: If you say so.

[Korosensei]: But do not hesitate to talk to us. Even if I am not your teacher nor a teacher in your world. I will always be a teacher.

[Kuroneko]: Yeah, what he said. I am also your friend.

[Erza]: In our guild, Master always says that comrades are like family so we can help you if you need any.

[Miki]: That's right. You are also part of the Psychikers so we are here to help!

[Saiki]: +1

[Kazuma]: Even if I want to throttle your neck most of the time, I will be here to help. Unlike a certain useless goddess.

[Izumi]: Thank you, guys.

'Less than I month of meeting each other and they are acting like family. How strange.' smiled Izumi seeing their messages. He looked at the time and almost choked on his food.

'Holy Shit! I'm going to be late!'

[Izumi]: Guys, I have to go to school. I'm going to be late. So Bye!

[Tony]: Ah school! That was such a long time ago.

[Kuroneko]: Not everyone is as old as you old man. Bye Izumi!

[Kazuma]: Alright then, I will go hunt some toads without getting its saliva on me and earn money before someone wastes it all in booze.

[Erza]: Me too, I will leave because I will go on a mission. Bye!

[Korosensei]: Ok. Bye! Bye!

[Miki]: Okay, Bye Izumichi!

[Saiki]: Bye

Izumi closed the chat, got ready and left for school.

I hope you liked the reveal of his Reality Marble.

Have a good day.

Arcanum_02creators' thoughts