
Dreams of Being Normal

Yeah, Adulting sucks for Ariana too. Ariana sees herself as mediocre and struggles with many of the questions in her life. How to just be normal amongst all the shinning successful people in her family, how to accept who she is, and discover what she wants out of her life both professionally and sexually.

Jim_Wakes · LGBT+
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Being Mediocre

What is wrong with mediocrity? I've asked myself this several times a day over the last week. Growing up in a mid-size city, local university, not much trouble to get into, this breeds mediocre, right? I visited New York City once. Time Square has everything you've see on TV and more, complete with at 6'4" man, built like a wrestler, long brown beard, pink tutu, and combat boots. He looked like Andre the Giant just got out of ballet class. He was a walking billboard for "Welcome to New York". Yep not the life for me. I'll take my boring mid-size college town, thank you.

There is an issue with mid-size college towns, you get bored, the street rolls up around 10pm on most days and ironically almost nothing opens until 10am, despite the fact that everyone is busy running to their jobs at 8am. Go figure!

I'm 20, I want to live a little. Just, I want to live a little, safely. I don't know what this means though and I know I'm contradicting myself.

My parents tell me that I need to get my shit together. My life of mediocrity is just that mediocre. So, I live in my families basement, I did decent in school. I went to a local community college, got a drafting degree and started working at a wonderful job for a boat builder. It pays my bills, I even give my parents a little rent money. See, I'm not a total loser. Just compared to maybe all of my family, I might be a little slow on the upswing. Never was good at sports, matter of fact, I've never excelled at anything. My brothers, one is a pro-athlete and the other is going through his residency to be a surgeon. Don't even get me started on my cousins. Hey, one of us has to keep our parent's heads out of the clouds. Perhaps I was being a little punny. My father is a pilot and mom, she is going back to her law practice since all the children have "flown the coop", well mostly. I can see at any moment, she will be kicking this baby bird out of the nest to fly.

The only problem is, have you seen the rent prices? Even in a small town, I may need a second job. I'm figuring, maybe, I can talk one of my girlfriends into getting a place together. I probably could swing that. Like I said, my upswing is a little slow.

When I say girlfriend, I mean girl and friend. While I do have a few female friends that I wouldn't mind being a little extra something special with, most of my friends prefer the opposite gender and I'm not sure which I prefer. I'm even a little slow in the upswing in that area, go figure. Story of my life. I find women to be beautiful and sexy but men have these deliciously long cocks that fit wonderfully down my throat, in my ass and fill my pussy with ecstasy. I want to submerge my fingers in a woman's pussy and watch her moan in pleasure and bury my face into her breast, licking every perfectly shaped areola.

Ug.. I totally digress. Let's move away from my sexual fantasies of confusion. I know what you are thinking...just have a menage a trois. I like monogamy. I'm the extremely jealous type. Don't like to share. Nope!

See I digress again. Where were we? My mediocrity.