

Deloise was dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans. She turned on her phone, searching for food spots on campus. Seeing her roommate wasn't available, she figured it was best she found her way around campus.

Sooner than later.

As she strode towards the direction of the cafeteria, she made mental notes on the way and couldn't help but notice the odd looks thrown her way from fellow students.

The Royal Arts Academy was a community of over five thousand people - staff and students Inclusive. It was a community that was tight knitted and uneasy to get into.

As a result, people recognized each other by default. Making it obvious when a new face showed up. And with Deloise, being a new intake, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Trying her best to appear unaffected by their stares, Deloise headed quickly towards the school's cafeteria, hoping it wasn't too filled up with people. It was school hours afterall.

Upon entering the cafeteria, she was welcomed by beautiful aromas of pastries and food. Her stomach grumbled at the deliciousness, prompting her to look around for a counter.

As soon as she found it, she made her way towards it, but was stopped by a familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

" Running off again? " The voice said behind her, and she turned around.

Upon sighting the guy, her eyes squinted, trying to recollect how, where and when they met. As soon as the facts were verified, a scowl made its way to her face.

She made to leave but felt a broad hand hold her by the wrist, " Leave me alone. I'm not about to spend another minute with your rude ass."

" Did you just call me rude? Have you met yourself? " Aaron asked, sporting an incredulous look on his face.

" Can you please get your hands off me?" Deloise demanded, already aggravated.

" Why did you run off? I've been on the lookout for you. Got lost? " Aaron placed his hands in his pocket with an aggravating smirk.

Deloise felt dumbfounded. She couldn't believe the audacity he had to walk up to her without the littlest remorse for what he did. Even though she got help from Layla later on, he didn't know that. She could have been stranded for goodness sake!

This went ahead to depict how inhumane he could be to strangers. What good was his chiseled body and beautiful face if the moment he opened his mouth, all she wanted to do was smack his pretty little head?


" Take a picture, it'll last longer. You do know it's rude to stare right? It's also very rude to ignore people." Aaron tutted.

" You know what I think is rude? It's rude to keep a girl away from her food with meaningless talk when she obviously and desperately wants to be anywhere but here, talking to you." She lectured. " If you'll excuse me, I have better things to do. "

Tony sauntered into the conversation with a smile, " Hello! It's me! You know, the friend you left behind to talk to this beautiful lady. " He addressed Aaron who threw fireball glares at his intrusion.

Deloise didn't know what to do, so she decided to go along with it for the minimum time possible. The guy seemed a more decent human than Mr Rude over there.

" Hi." She greeted, keeping it short and sweet.

" Hi beautiful, care to come join the table, there's space for one more. Come on! Don't be shy now." Tony urged Deloise over to their table. Stella was seated and watched them approach her.

Deloise didn't want to sit with them. She was only interested in getting herself some delicious burger, but apparently God had other plans for her. As she approached their shared table, she contemplated rejecting the offer and just getting a to-go order but Tony was too kind about it and she didn't want to seem stuck up.

Aaron on the other hand was radio silent, he could tell that the little firecracker didn't want to sit with them but was trying to be nice about it. He knew that If he had been the one who offered, she'd be on her way to wherever the heck she stayed without as much as a reply.

The trio finally settled on the table with Deloise sitting opposite to Stella and Aaron beside her.

" Okay Beautiful, this is Stella, Stella - beautiful." Tony introduced, and Deloise broke into a shy smile.

" Deloise." She corrected, sharing a light handshake with Stella who wasn't the most excited to meet her.

" I was fine calling you beautiful. Matter of fact, I'm keeping it. Beautiful." Tony reiterated with a smile, while she reddened.

" Shut up." Aaron muttered, hitting his foot underneath the table. An act that didn't go unnoticed by Stella.

Deloise kept looking at Stella, trying to gauge exactly why she seemed so familiar. The lady seated before her felt so familiar that she could have sworn she'd met her at some point.

While the guys spoke, the two ladies were calm. Stella expertly ate her burger and Deloise pressed her phone, waiting for the to-go order she made and counting the seconds till she had to leave the strangulating area.

" Tell me, how did you get into this school? Are you visiting? " Stella asked, breaking the silence.

" Yeah beautiful, tell us, how did you meet the big guy over here?" Tony asked, genuinely interested.

" Um, I'm a scholarship student. I just arrived here a few days back. Still feeling my way around. Prospective actor in the making. " Deloise tattled, having noticed their keen attention to her.

" Scholarship program? Didn't realize they still did that. " Stella said in a condescending tone. Deloise felt off. " I guess they need to let people in for free, so they appear more humane. You're welcome anyways. " She rounded off with a signature smile.

As soon as Deloise saw her blinding smile, she recollected where she saw that face. She couldn't believe her eyes, it was the one from that movie! Stella Davis!

" Y-yo-you are Stella! From the movie! " Deloise squeaked excitedly, totally forgetting her previous comments and reeling from the fact that she got to meet someone she was watching some months back.

It was a full circle moment.

" Um, I've done quite a number, so you're going to have to be specific. " Stella couldn't be bothered with her antics, she wondered how Aaron met a lady who didn't exude an iota of elegance. She acted like the slums she definitely came from.

At this point, Stella couldn't wait for Deloise to be on her way out.

" Yeah dork, you actually need to be specific. When did it air? " Aaron added with an air of arrogance, finally joining the conversation.

" Three months ago? " She said unsurely, feeling the spotlight. She wasn't comfortable with the tone and manner they spoke to her. Especially that of Stella.

" Is this an interview? Let the girl off! It isn't a crime to have seen your movie now is it ? " Tony said, successfully bringing the attention to himself. Deloise shoots him a grateful smile which didn't go unnoticed by Aaron.

" Yeah whatever." Stella couldn't help but notice the unusual way in which Aaron kept his attention on the slum girl. She felt like she was out to seduce Aaron and that thought didn't go down well with her.

At this point, Deloise was seeking a way out. She could hear the distaste in Stella's voice, and Aaron wasn't her biggest fan at the moment.

Yes, she had figured out Mr Rude's actual name over time. At that moment, Deloise's phone started ringing. She dug out her phone from her pocket and it was Amanda!

Pleasantly surprised, she excused herself and picked the call, " Hi, Ams! Longest time! how're you doing?"

" Babes! How are you doing? It's so good to hear your voice! " Amanda said in a familiar dramatic tone, bringing a genuine smile out of Deloise.

On her way out, Deloise sights her order headed for the table and quickly intercepts the waiter, " One minute. Can I call you back?" Deloise requested, took her lunch and proceeded outside, sending a wave at the table and signaling her leaving.

" You better! I'll be waiting."

On getting outside, Deloise hung up the phone, ready to leave. She was thankful for Amanda's call. Due to its timely intervention, she was able to get out of that situation.

Unwilling to dwell in the not so pleasant thoughts of them, Deloise proceeded back to the dorm and made a mental note to return the call when she was home and done with lunch.


Esther was inside her kitchen. Opening up cupboards and taking note of the provision she needed. She opened the fridge and its emptiness was glaring, including the need to visit the supermarket.

She was swamped with a lot of orders in recent times and most times, got too busy to cook anything and ordered take out instead. The dreaded visit to the provision store was something she had to do as it ate deep into her healthy eating habits.

While she mentally noted the important items she needed, she prepared to take on the darned job alone, as Karen was on a trip.

These days, during their conversations, all she could hear was about how much love, care and attention she was getting from her husband.

When Esther heard the beautiful stories of Karen and her husband - whom she'd never seen despite her being friends with Karen for a long time, she was brought back to the point when she had someone who cared for her. Someone who she could confidently call hers.

Sometimes, she wondered if she was being too hard on herself by refusing to put herself out there after so many years. Esther didn't like her pattern of thought and immediately shook her head in an attempt to snap out of it.


Deloise finally returned to her dorm room. Having walked all the way up the stairs and from the cafeteria, she felt exhausted and barged into the Living space, forgetting about a potential sleeping Layla.

Moments after the deed was done, she recollected the fact that she wasn't alone. Deloise dropped her food pack on a table and looked over to Layla's bed with what could be described as a sheepish look.

Fortunately, the bed was empty and made. Signaling she was probably out for some class. Aware of the fact she was alone, Deloise locked the doors and plopped to her bed with burger in hand, ready to be devoured.

In a few minutes, Deloise was pretty much filled and in awe of how good the burger tasted. She wondered if there was anything bad about Royal Arts and just when she wanted to declare the answer nil, the picture of Aaron and Stella fluttered into her mind.

As their brief, not so brief interaction replayed in her mind, she couldn't understand how someone so beautiful could be so ugly.

When she had come across the movie of Stella that very night, she'd been wholly convinced and won over by her level of art that she had unconsciously given her a beautiful stereotype and character.

Who would have thought that she'd get to meet the real person and have every single good impression she nursed shattered by her?

Deloise was jerked out of her thoughts by the ringing of her phone. It was Amanda. She smiled in recognition, having forgotten to return the call as she'd promised earlier.

" Hey babes." She grinned, happy to talk.

" Hey superstar! What's up? I've been waiting for your call." Amanda said through the phone, her tone excited.

" Don't mind me, I was kinda busy trying to eat and it sorta slipped my mind, sorry. How're you doing?"

" It's alright, I would probably forget all about me if I were you! Pfft, it's The Royal Arts darling."

Amanda was never one to hold grudges. She was a say-it-and-move-it kinda chick. One of the traits Deloise had come to love about her.

" You know it's not like that. But then, tell me, what's it like over there? What have I missed?" Deloise chatted excitedly, relaxing into her bed In readiness for what she believed was going to be a long session of catch up. Except that it wasn't.

" There's nothing, it's been boring the whole time you've been gone. With exams fast approaching, there aren't as many parties and the vibe has just been low over here. "

" What about Ann? How's she doing? " Deloise asked, feeling a wave of nostalgia wash over her. It's been a while she'd thought of her former best friend who was still yet to talk to her.

" Locked up in her room or somewhere with the boy." Amanda said offhandedly. " Ever since you left I've been literally living in your room and I'm not sure we've exchanged more than a few words. I think she wants to talk to me about you but she's being a prude about it." She managed to say in one breath.

" Well, I guess I'll be here whenever she's ready then." Deloise said, having nothing else to say about the topic. It was already hurtful as is.

" Enough with the downing talk, Tell me, what's it like over there? How are the boys there? I'm going crazy thinking about all the drama that surrounds that school."

Upon hearing Amanda's curious antics, Deloise couldn't help but laugh. If there was someone who was more excited about her than herself, it was Amanda.

" I've just been trying to settle down, I haven't even attended class yet. I've only met a handful of people, including veteran actor Daniel Greenwood.'' Deloise knew pretty well how huge it was to meet a person such as Senior Daniel. She intentionally mentioned the name in passing and waited patiently for Amanda to go berserk.

" Daniel Greenwood! Fuck me senseless! Are you kidding me?! I'm about to hop on a plane to visit you because damn, you are one lucky superstar in the making."

" You're such a drama queen." Deloise said in-between laughs. " He's way out of your league so don't even think about it."

" Never say never sweetie. You never know, I just might be what he needs to settle down." She said, patronizingly.

" Yeah right. Focus on the guys in Chicago, you'll have more of a chance." Deloise said in a playful tone.

" I've told you Dee, never say never."

Amanda said with a playful suggestive tone and while the words were still in her mouth, the door to Anna's room opened and she strolled out. The look in her face told Amanda that she'd been listening to the conversation.

" Anyways, back to the story. I actually met him the day I- " Deloise was cut off by Amanda.

" You know what? Let's talk about this later okay? I love you!" Without waiting for a reply, Amanda hung up and turned to face the leaving form of Anna. " Where are you off to? " She said to Anna, causing her to stop midstep.

" Last time I checked, I don't answer to you. But if you must know, I'm going to see Liam. Ring a bell? The one who you enjoy referring to as a boy. " Anna replied with gritted teeth.

As much as she tried her best not to listen to the conversation with Deloise, it was hard with how loud she was being.

" Whatever. I just spoke to Dee." She stated, watching to see her reaction. " Are you still not going to talk to her?"

Anna's muscles visibly tensed. Leave it to Amanda to casually speak about sensitive topics. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry about Amanda's apparent inability to read the room.

" I believe I made myself clear about this topic." She said and continued on her way out.

" You're not even going to apologize? That's Deloise we're talking about here. Your childhood friend! " Amanda's tone was rising.

" Exactly! So stay out of it and mind your Damn business, Amanda. Read my lips, " Anna stressed, apparently ticked. " I. Don't. Care. We're done with this conversation." She said and immediately left the house. Leaving a somewhat stunned Amanda behind.


Daniel touched down Chicago. He was seated in a black SUV, going through his phone while the driver fired away to his hotel. He had a penthouse with one of the leading five star hotels in Chicago booked and waiting for his arrival.

Despite the many attempts of Elvis to get him to sleep in his home, he still went ahead to book a hotel. He was one who treasured his privacy and that of those affiliated to him.

Having fans scattered about, it was only logical to prepare for every situation in advance to avoid mishaps. Despite the fact he wasn't to stay over at Elvis's home, he still promised to have dinner with his family.

Daniel got on his way to see Elvis after visiting his penthouse and freshening up. It was going to be the first time he met Elvis's wife and children, so it felt wrong meeting them without a gift in hand.

" Is there any place where I could get some gift bags and items? "

" Depends. What kind of gift do you need? " The man behind the wheel said, his accent betrayed his Italian heritage.

" For children? " He said in an unsure tone. " Just something courteous." He added.

" If it's for children, sweets will do. Just go to the grocery store and pick up some good sweets."

" Okay, can we take a detour then. " He said and the man nodded in reply.

The duo spoke for a while until they got to the store. Daniel felt stuck. He observed the area and saw that there were less than a handful of people inside the store and calculated dropping in and out without getting his identity revealed.

" You not going sir?" The driver asked again and this served as a kick to his butt. Before he knew it, he got out of the car with a mask and walked into the grocery store, ready to pick up something and take

his leave.

Daniel hung his head as he sorted out the best sweets to get. His eyes crossed a familiar bottle and he picked it up. On raising his head, he caught a glimpse of someone and his breath was knocked off his lungs.