
Dream Realms (Discontinued)

Listen, don’t read this cringey book, either ways there are more chapters that aren’t related to the book than the chapters related to the book. I’m also way too lazy to take down this book and it’s a reminder on how I actually was a better writer back then /hj. - Celeste is going to different worlds and adventuring until she stopped in one. Wanna find out read it yourself •_• I’m sorry if I did not spell anything correct or did the wrong info I will try to make more I was just bored so I made this make one be motivated for the first chapter and lose inspiration •-• Comment if you want to give me some ideas if you want it’s your choice I will do it Also please check out my other bad book I made called Once Upon A Time (ps it sucks)

Lynne_Mercadel · Fantaisie
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Another dream (not a chapter)

Dream about friends? November 22, 2020 8:57 am

We were in like a test and I was in the middle of it when the dream started. So I completed it to become something I forgot. When I got older in the dream I see like a group and I tell them what the challenges are and that helped them and you have like a item and one of the girls got a chair and bendable white chair. So then like a guy gets mad and he comes from a volcano and people say to calm him down because he kept burning people. He used a napkin to burn us for some unknown reason and I was scared and I had a friend and they next to me and I got touched on my arm so I went to the closet as the napkin fell off and I thought he booby-trapped the closet so I got hand sanitizer and sprayed me and everything inside. The guy was a blonde and my friend was a curly blonde. The dude killed everyone and I mean everyone except my friend and I also burned from the sun. Then I forgot a scene but then after I was in my apartment and my friend and other contestants lived there but not the dude who came out the volcano. We were in my apartment and we were getting along like we were all best friends both of them and I was the only girl. We were so happy but then.....

My friend said "Your not in your home, your not in your apartment...."

I opened my eyes and I couldn't hear the last part but I think he was going to say "your in a dream" I lived that dream and I had friends who would talk to me and stuff and we so happy. The dream had to end I was sad 😔

Also all the dreams I posted today are old dreams I wrote about during the date it had in that chapter

Lynne_Mercadelcreators' thoughts