
Dream of their Son

Several stories of characters in the same universe from hero to villain what will be the destiny of each one death or life.

Huz · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


The Eternal Kingdom is a magical kingdom of elves and humans, ruled by a great Wizard King. It sits at the center of the world, surrounded by dark lands, evil creatures, and cursed lands. The Eternal Kingdom is protected by powerful wizards, who are constantly battling the forces of darkness.

Breno is a young orphan, who grew up in a slum of West Tuncesh, after his parents were killed by the soldiers of Tunczesh. He found work as a common laborer, and lived a meager life, but thanks to his hard work, he managed to save enough money to move to the Elven lands, and live in luxury.

Breno lives a life of leisure, in an opulent mansion in the heart of the Elven capital. He spends his time smoking opium pipes, drinking wine, playing cards, and whoring. He is a powerful magician, and he enjoys the favor of the King. He is known for being extremely good looking, with blonde hair and green eyes. His charm and intelligence earn the praise of the court, and many elven princesses compete for his attention.

Breno has no friends, no family, and no one who cares about him.