
Chapter 3

- Hey, Dreamer, why are you not talking?

- What you're doing? Dreaming again?

They laughed, and Dreamer smiled, he couldn't tell them about the dream he saw, they wouldn't believe him anyways. He said:

- It's just that Whisper has been acting strange lately, he has been more passive, he has been sleeping more than usual.

- Oh, is he okay? There isn't anything serious, is there?

- No, really, I will take him to vet tomorrow, and I don't think there is anything serious, so don't worry.

Yeah, it is for the best, there is no need to share it with those guys, they will find a way to make fun of that dream anyways.

After some time, Dreamer has said goodbye to his friends, and has gone home again, he was still thinking about that dream. What will happen today? Will he suffer again? Is this going to be hell from today? Why did he even have such a nightmare yesterday?

With all those questions in mind, Dreamer has finally arrived at home. He unlocked his door, and saw the dark corridor. He again remembered the pain from yesterday, when he was in the dark, he couldn't see anything, couldn't run from that pain, that nightmare. But, he had to step in, he had to continue.

He has gone to his bed again, scared of what might happen next, he closed his eyes. And eventually, he went to sleep. When he has opened his eyes again, he was resting in a flower garden, full of colors. Confused, he looked up, and saw something that looked like a terminal, which has confused him even more. There was something written in that terminal:

"Please specify the name you'd like to use"

Specify the name? Has he been playing games so much lately, that he has now even playing even in the deream? He wanted something like this so long though, so as much as he was confused, he was also happy.

- Well, gotta enjoy this dream, I guess, it just feels like a game anyways.

He tried to get up, but he felt like he was pinned down on the ground. Then the text in the terminal changed:

"To progress, please specify the name you'd like to use"

- What do you even mean specify a name?

"Please specify the name you'd like to use in this world. You will not be able to change your name once you've set it, please choose carefully"

- A name huh, I will choose Dreamer, this is the only nickname I have got anyways.

"Name has been chosen. The name chosen - Dreamer. You may now continue. Welcome to the Overworld. You can check for more information about this world in the information panel, or you can ask me any questions you have."

- Do you have a name? What do I need to call you when I want to ask you something?

"You may name me anything, as I will be able to respond to you if you mean to ask me any question, or call out to me."

- Hmm, then I will name you as Guide for now, I will find have to find you a proper name later I guess.

"Temporary name set. New temporary name - Guide. Please let me know if you have any questions, or need any guidance."

- Cool, I got something like a personal support bot.

Finally, Dreamer was able to get up. He checked the environment around him, he was in a flower garden, but there was flowers he has never seen before. There were also some bugs that was new to him too.

He was amazed by the beauty of the nature here, but he didn't know what to do other than that.

- Hey Guide, what should I do?

"You can visit one of the 5 regions, Umbratia, Oceana, Dragonia, Mystara, Floratopia."

- They sure have strange names. Okay, which one do you suggest I should go to first?

"Based on your current level, you can start by going to Floratopia."

- Based on my current level? I can level up here?

"Yes, you can level up. To do so, you should earn experience points. To earn experience points, you should achieve something."

- Works like the games I guess. Thanks Guide.

Guide hid itself, only leaving an pointed arrow for Dreamer to find the Floratopia.

- Off we go then, to the Floratopia!