

How are you living?

What is the purpose of living?

Living and thinking day after day. Is it the perennial and Universal question? Which answer human beings are searching for from the beginning of their existence. Is it a question only for the great beings of history like those great ruler, philosopher and prophet or is it a question for loser who pass his time lying on the bed dreaming about beautiful future and and all the complicated question of existence or is it a question for everyone? Adam a young man full of future prospet has the best dgree from the best University of his country. Relatives are waiting for the news of his big job with a big fat salary or a powerful position in civil service. Alas! It has been three years since he graduted but still unemployed. A man who has a great future waiting for him simply lying on bed thinking about all the mysteries of universe. Sometime his life is full enthusiasm and some time his life is like the darkest night full of pessimism. Life has given many things but has taken something from him. A man with a very small dick what life can give him. All the colours, joys and hapiness of life have turned into bleak world of waste land. He fells like the estranged bird living in an empty house.

"A bird in an empty house

sad echoes makes to ring"

Passing days after days watching porn and reading light novel with lot of sex scenes. Watching, reading and masturbating with his small dick that is the activities of his life. He can not share his sad story with other for the fear of losing honour. Still shared with few close friends some them made fun of his inability, few just consoled him for few minutes and left him because they do not want to have a sure loser as their friend. Life is a tale which is full of emptiness. Still Adam thought about life read those texts of philosophy and sacred scriptures but all for naught he fell in never ending despair again and again. Adam is reading light novel which tells about those fantasy world. He fanatasies about never ending world full of mythical creature. He dreams about godess like beauties by his sides who only love him. They are trying to service him with their mouths and pussies. They are looking admiringly at his dragon below. Veins protruding on it's surface giving it a felling of ancient. Their mouths are drolling with saliva, cum dripping out of their pussies, eyes are full of love and passion. He sees dreams in many fold. Sometimes he sees dream of filling bellies of beautiful godess with his dragon semen. Sometimes he sees dream of travelling a world full of wonder where he will have his own adventure and heart warming time with his girls. All of those are just dreams which can only be dream. But Adam is still a man, a man with a tiny dick. All those beauties, all those dream of cum dripping godess are only stimulation for his masturbation which is the only form of Entertainment in his shut in lonely life. Dreams are dream. Adam still hope to come round by a miracle and hope of having happy life with a loving wife and family. Sometimes hope remains as hope and fades with the passage of time and dream never come true. Adam is like that drowned in unending darkness of hopelessness and he thinks that life will end just like that, dying somewhere alone at old age no one to take care, no one to love. May be that is the harsh truth of his unfulfliled life or may be fate has something different for him. Who knows? Time will tell.