
9 Suddenly hated

I whisper to James "Hey, Why is everybody staring at us?" He smiles the dorky smile that I love and says "They are staring at us because I'm James the hottest guy in freshman class two" talking in a louder tone he says "And because... I Love You!" No no no why is he saying that. "Um.. Let's hurry to class" and pull him to run with me.

We sit down and I pull my hand away from his and glare at him. he writes something on a piece of paper and passes it to me and I read "Why are your so mad? I'm just stating that you mine." I look over at him and judging by his expression I think he is satisfied with the result of me being mad at him. The bell that means class is starting rings.

The class finally ends and when James is finished picking up his stuff he whispers "I will go and get our lunch meet me where we eat lunch when your done in here. Okay?" I nod. As soon as he leaves the classroom door a swarm of girls surround me and ask me questions like "How long have you guys been dating?" Or "How did you guys start dating?" I just ignore them and and push through the crowd of girls and walk torwads the door and I'm walking down the aisle and someone trips me and I fall and here someone say "Your not aloud to date James because your a unpopular ugly pig and I don't know what James sees in you." I see a pair of bright red high heels walk away.