
Prologue - Confused

In the vast expanse of nothingness, a striking young man floated effortlessly, his piercing eyes shimmering like diamonds in the darkness.

His very presence commanded attention, and his mere gaze could bewitch the hearts of any mortal being.

As the boy stirred from his slumber, he was immediately overcome with confusion and disorientation.

He tried to make sense of his surroundings, but it was all a blur.

"Where am I?" he thought aloud, his voice echoing into the void.

But there was no response. Only the silence of the emptiness.

He then tried to piece together his identity.

"Who am I?" he wondered, but the more he tried to recall his memories, the more his head spun. He felt dizzy and weak.

The boy tried to move his limbs, but it was like he was weightless, suspended in mid-air. He tried to speak again, but his voice was barely a whisper.

As he struggled to make sense of his predicament, he sensed a faint glimmer of light in the distance.

It was a flicker of hope amid his confusion.

With newfound determination, the boy began to propel himself toward the light, his eyes fixed on the distant beacon.

He didn't know what lay ahead, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward.

As he approached the light, he felt a sudden surge of energy, like a current of electricity coursing through his body.

And then, in a blinding flash of light, the boy was transported to a world beyond his wildest imagination.


"This is?!" The boy remarked. After arriving in this new world, he found himself standing on a lush green plain, surrounded by towering mountains in the distance.

The sky above him was a bright shade of blue, and the sun shone down on him with a warm and welcoming embrace.

As he took in his surroundings, the boy realized that he had been transformed into a creature unlike any he had ever seen before.

His body was covered in shimmering scales, and a pair of majestic wings unfurled from his back.

He flapped his wings experimentally, feeling the rush of wind beneath them.

It was then that he noticed a group of creatures approaching him, each one more fantastical than the last.

There were elves with pointed ears, dwarves with bushy beards, and even a group of centaurs galloping toward him on their powerful legs.

As they drew closer, the boy noticed that they were all looking at him with hostility and fear.

"A dragon?! A nonelemental dragon one at that." Said a tall, regal-looking elf. "This is bad. Evacuate the women and children NOW!"

The boy was taken aback by the reaction of the creatures, realizing that his new form was indeed that of a dragon.

But before he could talk. The centaurs suddenly charged towards him, their spears raised high.

The boy panicked, unsure of what to do. He spread his wings and took to the air, desperately trying to evade the attackers.

As he flew higher and higher, he could see that the world around him was not as peaceful as it had first seemed.

Dark clouds were gathering on the horizon, and he could hear the distant sound of thunder.

As he soared above the landscape, the boy noticed a castle in the distance, its walls towering high above the surrounding forest.

He decided to make his way toward the castle, hoping to find answers to the questions that plagued his mind.

As he approached the castle gates, he could see that they were guarded by a group of knights in shining armor.

"A dragon!" one of them shouted, his sword drawn.

The boy quickly realized that he needed to find a way to communicate with these creatures if he was going to survive in this new world.

He landed gracefully in front of the knights, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible.

"I mean no harm," he said in a calm and steady voice. "I am not your enemy."

The knights hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to react to the dragon's words.

But then, a figure appeared from within the castle gates. It was an old man, his long white beard flowing in the breeze.

He approached the dragon cautiously, studying him with a critical eye.

"Who are you?" the old man asked In a weird language. Yet can be still understood.

The boy took a deep breath not realizing this and tried to explain his situation.

"I don't know," he urgently said. "I woke up in the void, and then I was transported to this world. I don't remember anything about who I am or where I came from."

("A dragon speaking fluent and perfect English? It can't be...") The old man thought.

The old man studied the dragon carefully, noting the intelligence and awareness in his eyes.

"Perhaps you are not here by chance," he mused. "Perhaps fate has brought you here for a reason."

The dragon cocked his head, curious.

"What reason?" he asked.

The old man smiled. "Only time will tell," he replied enigmatically.

"For now, let us welcome you to our world and see what destiny has in store for us all."

And with that, the old man extended his hand in greeting, signaling the start of a new adventure for the dragon in this fantasy world.