
Drawn: A journey to a new world

I have heard about sleep talking, sleep walking but sleep drawing in what world does that exist? in my world apparently. Brenda King is an 18 year old college student in her first year who suddenly starts drawing in her sleep, for some unknown reason she draws the man she dreams about along with some other items that are featured in the dreams constantly for a period of time until her dreams become a reality and she's drawn into a parallel universe to fulfill a prophecy and right a wrong.

JazarahBlade · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The fall

"Tah-to? What is a tah-to?" it doesn't seem strange that he's unfamiliar with the term, so I tried describing it to him but he was appalled at the idea of people willingly enduring the pain of being stabbed repeated for a few words or pictures, obviously he doesn't understand the psychology behind it. I turned away from them to adjust the camisole under my shirt making sure that my cleavage wasn't showing because the thought of them seeing it felt sacrilegious like I'd pollute them Uriel especially. After making sure that I was as decent as can be I turned around and exposed the tattoo to them.

I watched their reactions, noticing that they but had a thoughtful look on their faces before they simultaneously changed into that of surprise so I looked at the tattoo, What the heck is going on again? The tattoo was disappearing gradually till there was nothing left, was it going to turn back into the amulet again? We waited for a few minutes but there was no appearance.

"The aura of the Amittkabah is still coming from you but it isn't enough that if one isn't aware then you just seem like any other Yatonwan"

Everything is just crazy, I adjust my shirt and run my hands through my hair, when last did I get a haircut? Probably not since before I got into college, I doubt that would be rectified soon. "How soon can I get back to my world?" hopefully it's before Brad and Marie drop by my place.

"It seems the Amittkabah is fully integrated into you, you are speaking our Eonki Language quite fluently" excuse me? I spoke English thank you very much! I didn't even know of the language before today. "Sorry, let me explain myself clearer, the Amittkabah is a divine item given to us by the Creator towards our redemption, not much is known about it except it will be a great tool for you, the fact that you are able to understand our language is due to it and also it is giving the illusion that you are also speaking Eonki," that explains that

"Any other use I should know of? And you still haven't answered my question"

Uriel sighed "not specifically but it should help you in your quest " wait could it be like the almighty cheat I always read about in wuxia web novels? That would be so cool! Wait! Why am I getting all excited about this, as much as it'd be nice to be a main lead in a transmigration story which this is not, I rather prefer my normal non-fight-for-your-life and boring busy school life. "as for returning to your world..."

"I'm afraid that would be impossible"

I looked at Aryk "what do you mean by 'impossible'?"

"Well at least for now, your key back to your world is the Amittkabah and now that it has been integrated into you, it won't be able to lead you home until destiny has been fulfilled" you've got to be kidding me

"He's right, Brenda I am sorry about that, I know it must be hard to comprehend all this and it is quite an heavy duty to be placed upon your shoulders especially when you have no interest invested in saving us apart from your route home"

I sat back down on the grass, not minding that the grass is going to leave stains on my blue shorts, that's the least of my worries at the moment. Take a deep breath Brenda, I tried to repeat this to myself a few times before deciding that no breadth can be deep enough to calm this situation down. "So let me get this straight, I can't go back to earth until I save a bunch of aliens from what I don't know about, I am not even done saving myself from group mates that don't do their tasks for the projects given to us.

Is this some kind of cosmic joke? "What am I even supposed to save you from?" couldn't they have found someone else to save them from whatever I just started college I doubt I'm equipped to save anyone.

"total destruction, like Uriel said earlier, Yatonwa was created after Edenah but to be more precise it was created after the divine filament was broken down to let the world drown. Yahweh decided to create a new world to see if man can really withstand the evil in their hearts without the influence of the devil. Yatonwa is much smaller in scale than your world" I'm guessing he was referring to the flood during Noah's time [1]

He paused to sit on the grass opposite me before continuing, oddly enough he looked more human at that moment, well a flawless looking one at least, "a scene similar to the garden of Eden in your world was established, Ya'ton which means 'New Beginnings', there was no serpent to tempt man so the fall was avoided, Yahweh's presence was almost constant in those days, so strong that we still feel it now."

"Man multiplied and continued to fellowship with him, the Creator is Omniscient as he knows even the end from the beginning he knew that the heart of man was weak and filled with curiosity so he allowed us an insight into Edenah for years in the Piatuah, this is a kind of library that records the major events in Edenah and also the lives of people around the planet to give an insight into your world" he looked towards Uriel before continuing

"He knows more about it than I do, we were exposed to both the good and bad of humanity from heart warming encounters regardless of tribe, race and religion in your world along with the wars, conspiracies and plotting, they were all recorded and slowly but surely curiosity started to brew evil in the hearts of some, then about 2000 years ago a passage was opened into Yatonwa, the seeds of evil in the hearts of those people acting as a beacon and the great evil found its way into the world. They tried to rebel against the Creator and he sent them out of Ya'ton, some of them left immediately while the others were remorseful realising their wrong and begged for forgiveness"

"Yahweh forgave them but refused them entrance back into Ya'ton, but some of the others felt really bad for them and interceded on their behalf but to no avail so a small group asked if they could leave the garden to help them, Yahweh saw their compassion and allowed them to go with them and offered the repented a chance, a prophecy, which is why you are here" he ended with an intense look at me.

1 the flood spoken about here is the 40 days and nights of rainfall that covered the earth save for Noah and all the living beings in his Ark.

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? xoxo Jazarah

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