
Drawn: A journey to a new world

I have heard about sleep talking, sleep walking but sleep drawing in what world does that exist? in my world apparently. Brenda King is an 18 year old college student in her first year who suddenly starts drawing in her sleep, for some unknown reason she draws the man she dreams about along with some other items that are featured in the dreams constantly for a period of time until her dreams become a reality and she's drawn into a parallel universe to fulfill a prophecy and right a wrong.

JazarahBlade · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The Amittkabah

I just want to know if I'm sane at the moment because no dream of mine has ever felt this real and is this Aryk guy mute? No wait that's wrong he was the one who asked why I was unconscious, so I turn to him for answers hoping that I would get something.

"Aryk, can you tell me why I've been dreaming of you?"

"Ah-rek" I looked at him lost, "it is pronounced 'Ah-rek' and what do you mean dreaming of me?" at this he turns towards Uriel. Is he seriously correcting my pronunciations now?

"Brenda what dreams are you talking about?" Uriel asked, are you kidding me right now, don't tell me the dreams aren't related to what's happening now but Aryk showed up in all of them.

"I have been seeing Ahh-rek here for a while in my dreams with a strange amulet that..." I paused debating whether to part my shirt and show them the tattoo but decide against it " ... looks like a flame trapped in an emeraldish glass heart"

Aryk audibly took in a deep breath, "The Amittkabah" looking at me oddly

Uriel looked excited "you have been dreaming of the Amittkabah, and Aryk, wonderful, wonderful! Perhaps there's a reason you are the fated one"

Wait, what does that have to do with anything? I felt disappointed that they don't have an answer for the dreams, but this 'fated one' and the earlier 'destiny' probably means they have something they can at least tell me.

"yes I have, but first of all you said that this is a 'different world', Yatonwa, do you perhaps know what world I am from? And secondly how did you bring me here?"

"Edenah, your world was the first perfect world, but the sins of the people flawed it and Yatonwa was created, the Amittkabah led us to you and you were brought back through the portal" did he just say portal? Like intergalactic portals in sci-fi and fantasy movies and stories? It keeps getting more ludicrous but I still can't see why I'm suddenly in a meadow with perfect weather with people who's strange language are being automatically translated into my ears. "how long have you been having those dreams?"

"assuming I'm not dead and this isn't purgatory, I've been having the dreams for about 3 weeks now give or take a day or two"

"why would we assume you are not dead, child?" child? He doesn't even look as old as my mum's younger brother Uncle Mark who just turned 37 over the summer, that's not important now Brenda, right, right. "can you describe this dream to us?"

I might as well, so I did and at end Uriel had a ruminating look and Aryk looked a bit shocked. "You have seen the great evil?" at this point I had long stopped being dizzy and nauseous but at the mention of this 'great evil' I felt an inkling of the terror I felt from seeing the red reptilian eyes mass, "how's that possible Uriel, it hasn't been seen in almost 2000 years during my great-grandfather's time." That sounds wrong great-grandfather should be four generations ago and judging by Aryk facial features he should be in his early twenties his father shouldn't be more than 70 years old which combined should still be less than a century so where's 2000 years coming from?

I pinched myself, yep I felt that, Uriel looked up at the sky and I followed his line of sight and saw the sun, I was starting to believe that I really was in a different world for one the sun looked bigger than the regular one on earth, it was like we were closer to it. Also it was almost white in colour not at all like the yellow- orangey tone of earth's sun. And even though it looked like I was stand outside on a summer day there wasn't a bit of discomfort or burning sensation from the heat emitted. The sky was really blue with white super fluffy clouds and birds were flying in different directions but they were all far enough that I couldn't cleary make out the species.

"Brenda, there's a prophecy about you but before I tell you that can you bring out the Amittkabah, it's the amulet"

"I'm not with the amulet, shouldn't you be asking Aryk he always had it in my dreams"

"No the Amittkabah went to Edenah first to find you and Aryk simply followed its path to you" before I continue my slow reactions and thought process today and the past few weeks, but mostly today are quite uncharacteristic of me, I maintain a 4.0 GPA and have been praised to have a quick mind. But that's for things that follow logic not for fantasies. My brain probably noticing that this is real finally started working normally but the conclusion it drew gave me a pause.

Could this Amittkabah amulet have imprinted itself on my chest?

"Ummm if I am right, I think your Amittkabah has turned itself into a tattoo on my chest".