
Chapter 12

Cameron tapped his index finger on his lips as he called Rylie for the fifth time that day. No matter how many times he called, it would go straight to voicemail.

He sighed as he twirled his phone in his hands and stared blankly at the TV. Joel was beside him on his couch, watching his friend moping around at his condo the fourth day in a row.

Cameron had called him frantic on the second day and told him that he couldn't get a hold of Rylie. When Joel tried to call her as well, he got the same response. She had disappeared from their lives.

"Joel, do you think something happened?" Cameron looked at him pleadingly. Joel didn't know how to respond since he felt partially guilty.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's okay. She would've called if she wasn't right?" He patted him on the back but Cameron still had a concerned look on his face.

"Then maybe it's me, it's my fault. Maybe I'm not the person she thought I was. I'm too passive, too weak…"

"Stop it, Cameron! There's nothing wrong with you! You're a great guy with a lot to offer! Whatever it is, I'm sure it has nothing to do with you!"

Cameron gave a weak smile and mumbled a thank you. He sank back into the couch and went back to staring blankly at the TV screen.

Joel ran his hands through his hair and let out a soft sigh. This was his fault, and he knew it. She was probably scared of him telling Cameron, so she felt it was best to run away. But what was he supposed to do? Let her be assaulted?

Cameron, who was an introvert and had a hard time connecting with others, had found someone he actually liked, and he had to stick his nose where it didn't belong. He groaned internally.

When he thought about it, Rylie wasn't a bad person. She seemed to be genuine when it came to Cameron. She does have a bit of a shady dating history but the circumstances that they met weren't planned. It was all a coincidence. If she could change Cameron, what's to say he couldn't do the same for her?

He let out another sigh and stood up, "I'm just going to go for a little fresh air, I'll be back in a second."

Without making eye contact with him, Cameron nodded his head.

As Joel took the elevator down to the main floor, he thought about how his actions and curiosity changed everything so suddenly. He knew he had a tendency to baby Cameron but he was just looking out for him. Maybe this was something he had to learn the hard way…

When he stopped his train his thought, he noticed he had wandered quite a distance from his place. But at least he was able to rationalize his guilt a little.

Joel figured that was enough time and turned around to head back. He only took two steps before he felt a drop of water on his right cheek. Looking up at the sky, he realized it was starting to rain. He quickly assessed his surroundings for somewhere to take cover but spotted someone in the distance he knew, someone he was just thinking about.

With no umbrella, jacket or coverage, he ran after her in the rain but just as he was about to reach her, she sprinted off down the road. Not giving up, he dashed after her; she hadn't seen him approaching so where was she going in such a hurry?

The surroundings around them drastically changed but Joel didn't notice until Rylie made a sharp left into a house in shambles.

There weren't many people in the streets, but he could see why. It was not a neighborhood many people would want to walk through themselves at night. The roads had lost their colour and were filled with many cracks; the sidewalks were uneven, and the houses were small and crowded together.

He approached the one that Rylie dashed into and peeked into the closest window. Drenched from head to toe, he stared in disbelief as he watched her running around trying to place cups, pots and anything else that could hold liquids under the dripping water coming from the roof.


Emilia happily strolled down the stairs in a pink graphic tee, jean shorts and a white cap. She grabbed an apple off the kitchen countertop and stuffed some snacks into her mini backpack.

As she took her first bite, Yuri also came into the room with an army green sling bag over his shoulder.

"Hey Yuri, heading to the studio?"

"Yep," was all he said as he put on his sneakers.

"Okay, just thought I'd let you know I'm going out with a friend today, so I'll be home late."

"Got it. Make sure you take care of yourself and get home safely." He flashed her a smile and left out the door.

Emilia let out a sigh of relief and finished the rest of her apple. They had started exchanging words again here and there, but things were still awkward between them. The only thing she could do was give him his space and have him approach her when he was ready. She just hoped it was sooner rather then later.

She heard a honk outside and saw James' car through the window. She threw her apple core away and hurried out the door.

James was leaning against the passenger door waiting for her. She eyed him up and down and saw that he took her seriously when she said to dress casually. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black cargo pants. She smiled and was about to high five him when Yuki appeared out of no where.

"I thought you left already?" she said confused.

"I was about to but then I heard a honk and came to check who it was…"

"Oh don't worry, it's James! You guys met last time. We're going to Wonder World today, isn't that exciting?"

"Wonder World?" The two men said in unison.

"The amusement park?" James said as he lifted one eyebrow.

"You've never been? Oh! We're gonna have so much fun!" She exclaimed while clutching his arm.

"Uh…" Before he could get a word out, Yuki coughed.

"Well, I've got to go but don't stay out too late. We've got to help uncle sort through auntie's things tomorrow."

"Okay "bro", she teased as he waved goodbye.

"So is that your…?"

"Yuki? Ah, he's like…a brother to me. My parents took him in after his died in an accident."

"Oh, I see…sorry I asked."

James remembered leaving a message with a man named Yuki telling him to ask Emilia to call him back. But she said she never got it. Was it done intentionally, or did he simply forget?

Getting frustrated, she grabbed James shoulders, turned him around and pushed him towards the front of the car.

"Okay, enough talking! Let's go or else we won't have time to do everything!" She opened the door to the passenger seat as James jumped in.

After some missed turns and red lights, they finally arrived and were headed to the front gates. James glanced around and realized that he recognized the place.

"You know what, I think I have been here before…but I was five at the time so I don't remember much."

"Either you don't like crowds or have no friends," she teased as they got their hands stamped.

"What?! No! Guys would only bring their dates here! We wouldn't go with each other," he pouted.

"But we're here together."

"What..that…that doesn't count because you brought me here!"

Emilia smirked innocently in response as James blushed. He was so cute when he got all flustered. It was amusing because he was usually so stoic and put together, so it felt like she was seeing a different side to him.

"You'll just have to bring me next time. Common, let's get in line for that one!" She pointed to a fire-engine red metal rollercoaster with some steep looking hills.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" He chased after her, but Emilia just giggled. 

When it was finally their turn, James' palms were sweating profusely. He wasn't scared of heights, but he didn't remember going on a rollercoaster before. The screams he kept hearing for the last 30 minutes just made him more anxious, but he tried his best to not let it show. Not that it mattered because Emilia could see right through him, and she was anticipating that first drop.

His heartbeat even faster once they were buckled in and he finally lost his cool when they were clicking their way up the hill.

"Emilia, I don't know if I can do this!"

"Whoa James, it's okay! I'm right here, you don't have to worry. Here, take my hand," she turned her hand face up and he clasped it immediately just as they reached the top. 


They both screamed at the top of their lungs, her in excitement and him in fear. But what started as fear for James became a happy rush.

When the coaster pulled into the station, they were both waving their clasped hands enthusiastically.

"Okay that wasn't so bad. What other surprises do you have?"

"Lots, let's go!" she grabbed his arm and pulled him along.

James was dragged onto every ride that had drops, spins, twists and even some that went backwards. Of course, they also had to take food breaks in between and fill up on corn dogs, cotton candy and funnel cakes!

The evening was coming to an end and the sun was setting in the sky. The park had turned on their ambient lighting and maybe it was the overall mood, but all the couples had come out.

Emilia didn't notice and was pointing at James' distorted face in the photos. He laughed along but was becoming very self-conscious. Maybe the other couples were giving him weird ideas, but he also felt the urge to grab her hand. She made that comment earlier and no guy and girl spend THIS much time together, right?

He extended one finger then the rest of them slowly. Maybe doing this will help him organize his thoughts. He was an inch away before she whisked her head around and grabbed his arm excitedly.

"James, James! Let's go on that! Look how pretty the Ferris wheel looks with all the lights!"

"O-okay, sure."

The ride attendant held open the door for them and Emilia sat on one side of the cart. James would usually sit in front but he felt brave today. She had made room for him too, so he took it as a sign and sat on the same side. He let out a breath and the male attendant gave him a thumbs up as he secured the door.

As they slowly circled to the top, fireworks exploded into the night sky and engulfed it in bright colours. She excitedly pointed out the window and stared in amazement. James smiled back but not because of the fireworks, but at how Emilia found joy in the littlest things. He never grew tired of her reactions. She had probably seen the fireworks a thousand times, but she acted as though it was her first.

"That was awesome," she exclaimed as she leaned back into the seat.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool, thanks for bringing me here," he slipped his hands under hers and clasped them together. She was surprised but didn't let go.

"I didn't know I needed this, so thank you. It's been a long time since I genuinely let loose and felt like myself," he smiled at her, and she gave him a warm smile back.

"I hope you'll show me more sides of you," she tugged his arm closer and leaned her head on his shoulder.

'Ahhh I'm so happy right now!'

James covered his eyes with his other hand to hide his embarrassment.