
Chapter 554: Innocent Fred and George (Edited)

"No!" The Great Hall echoed with lamentations, countless young wizards couldn't accept this fact. Tom noticed that even Cho Chang, usually calm, was open-mouthed in surprise. For young wizards, this was too shocking.

No Quidditch tournament this year? Was the magical world on the verge of destruction?

Anger, shock, confusion, and other emotions were brewing in the Great Hall, but Dumbledore wasn't concerned in the slightest because he knew that the following news would completely divert attention from the cancellation of the Quidditch tournament.

"Because starting in October of this year, Hogwarts will hold a large-scale event that will last the entire school year. This event has taken a lot of time and effort from both the teachers and the officials from the Ministry of Magic, but I believe it's all worth it. Everyone will be able to participate and enjoy unforgettable moments. I am pleased to announce that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year."

"Oh my!" Fred jumped up from his seat in surprise. "Are you kidding?"

The Great Hall filled with non-malicious laughter, and the gloomy atmosphere caused by the cancellation of the Quidditch tournament disappeared completely. Almost everyone began to laugh, even Dumbledore.

"Of course, I'm not kidding, Mr. Weasley. But since you mentioned a joke, I have a rather good one. Once upon a time, there was a giant, a banshee, and a goblin who walked into a bar together..."

Tom burst into laughter, attracting a lot of attention.

"Oh, Yodel, have you also heard that joke?" Dumbledore cheerfully asked from the stage.

Tom struggled to contain his laughter and activated his Occlumency with all his might. It would be a disaster if someone found out what he had in mind! School transfer and such things could already be scheduled in his agenda...

Fortunately, at that moment, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat energetically, allowing Dumbledore to quickly change the subject.

"Well, telling jokes here isn't very appropriate... Where was I? Ah yes, the Triwizard Tournament. Let me introduce what the tournament entails..."

The Triwizard Tournament was a friendly competition between the three main wizarding schools in Europe, held every five years with the organizing schools taking turns. The Triwizard Tournament had been around for about seven hundred years but had been suspended due to the high number of fatalities.

"...the champions will compete in three magical challenges, and we all believe this is an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to forge friendships..."

Tom raised an eyebrow. Dumbledore might have a point to some extent, but the true purpose of the Triwizard Tournament wasn't simply to provide a platform for young wizards to make friends. The key was in the "Three Wizards"; it was an excellent way for Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons to expand their influence.

The competition's description was clear: a "friendly competition between the three main wizarding schools in Europe," so only the three largest wizarding schools in Europe could participate. This title wasn't a big deal for Hogwarts, but for a wizarding school like Durmstrang facing competition from Koldovstoretz, it was quite valuable. Furthermore, this was an excellent opportunity for the "Big Three" to stand out and demonstrate their superiority. Ranking wizarding schools was extremely difficult to determine, and the Triwizard Tournament gave them a direct way to communicate. Which school had the most outstanding students? You only had to look at the Triwizard Tournament results.

"In summary, the time has come. In October, the heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will come with their carefully selected competitors, and on Halloween night, an impartial judge will select the representatives from each school... The champion of the Triwizard Tournament will receive a prize of one thousand Galleons."

The Great Hall was filled with an exciting atmosphere; each house table had people looking eagerly at Dumbledore or talking animatedly with their peers. Only Hermione was focused on the number of deaths.

Of course, young wizards were excited and hadn't yet realized a problem: what kind of person could represent Hogwarts? Everyone was captivated by the high prize and ultimate honor.

Dumbledore's next words shattered the dreams of countless young wizards.

"The Ministry of Magic and the participating schools agree that only students aged seventeen or older can enter the competition."

These words fell like a piece of bloody meat into a hot frying pan. Many young wizards remained motionless in their seats, displaying expressions of pain and anger. Their fantasies were shattered by the chains of age. Third, fourth, and fifth-year students were undoubtedly the most unfortunate group in all of Hogwarts. Not only would they miss this year's Triwizard Tournament but also the next one. In comparison, first and second-year students were the luckiest. They could be spectators in this competition and participants in the next.

The opening ceremony concluded with a mix of excitement and disappointment. Students left their seats and headed to their respective house common rooms.

"So, what was the second half of Dumbledore's joke?" On the way back, Hermione recalled the half of the joke told by Dumbledore. Her curiosity was piqued, and she longed to know more.

"I don't know, but look at the teachers' platform, don't you see a 'giant,' a 'banshee,' and a 'goblin' right there?" Tom nodded toward the teachers' platform.

Hermione looked toward the end of the Great Hall and saw Hagrid, McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick sitting at the teachers' table, laughing and chatting.

Hermione suddenly understood the essence of Dumbledore's joke. She suppressed her laughter and playfully hit Tom. "You're crazy. If they find out, you won't have any free time before Christmas."

"But seriously, I have a joke that starts in a tavern."

Hermione: ???

"Can you tell me?"

"Of course not." Tom firmly rejected Hermione's request. Most of those tavern jokes were vulgar and not suitable for an obedient girl like Hermione. They could negatively influence her.

"Piu! piu!" Tom heard two strange exclamations, and he turned his head to see Fred and George scowling at him.

"What's going on?" Tom approached the two pranksters.

"We're thinking about how to fool the so-called 'impartial judge' Dumbledore mentioned and successfully enroll in the Triwizard Tournament. Fred and I will turn seventeen next April! I think we should give it a try."

Tom looked at Fred and sighed, "Fred, George, it's the first time I've realized that you two are so naive."