
Chapter 3 part 2: Bath House

<i>"And thy servant asked, 'What shall happen if she refuses to come with me?' To which I responded, that if she refuses to accept her calling, than your duty is done. She cannot be forced to fulfill her destiny, but you may do all thats in your power to convince her to come to the Dragon Lands across the sea."</i>

<i>-Late words from Lord Exultant Vithmiris Irnfried, King of the Dragons. Circa 435 pc.</i>

"I can't believe you tried to fight an Aiverix," the voice belonged to one of the two guards who had entered the tavern. He sat next to Junipor with his tail wagging in full spirits. His ears were bold with an extra trim of fur, and his skin was a deep amber. The guard wore the standard leather cuirass and vambraces typical for the Hitecross militia. The soft blue tunic, and frost white fur boots stuck out amid the crowd of parishioners. He was a bit older than Junipor, with a little grey in his soft brown hair and a couple of creases under his eyes, but he was still handsome. In a way Junipor thought his maturity had only made him more attractive.

Junipor was back on the barstool, sipping on a tall glass of water, and was happy to finally receive some attention. The world was fuzzy amid all the chattering and singing, she still felt the aftertaste of the spiced mead each time she swallowed. Her ears perked down in order to muffle some of the noise, but her tail coiled around her torso to cover her nose.

In between sips Junipor had to pull her tail aside, which flooded her nostrils with all the odors in the room. The musk of all the males, and the spices from all the females was hard to ignore. Had she not been so drunk Junipor probably would've been able to handle it. Since her fight with the Aiverix the night had begun to wane, and the tavern had gotten even more packed.

Scarlet was once again mingling with a dozen other male potentials, all of them were fit and brimming with health. But Junipor had only managed to spur the interest of this one lonely guard.

"What can I say," Junipor's voice was still sluggish, "I like to fight…"

The guard stifled a laugh, "Maybe next time you should think it through?"

"Maybe he should think it through, daring to fight a female…" she intentionally leaned forward to let her cleavage show. Her fingers drew circles on the wooden counter as she watched his eyes flicker downward.

The male guard couldn't help but take a peek, but quickly turned away. "Sorry, but I already have a bond mate." He continued to talk, but all Junipor could hear was the sound of disappointment and creeping depression. She feigned a smile until the guard offered to buy her another drink. Junipor accepted it of course, but she couldn't help but imagine it tasting bitter.

Eventually the guard had to walk away and return to his post, Junipor held her frozen smile until he had left his seat and proceeded to exit the tavern. With Junipor sitting to her lonesome, Derrick looked back over to her with concern, "You ok pup?" He handed her a new mug of mead.

Junipor looked over to him, her placid smile sinking to a grin, and then looked back down at the drink. The mead wasn't the same brew as before, it wasn't nearly as thick and brown. She could see the bottom of the mug and count all the small cracks in the wood. "What kind of swill is this Derr—" she hiccuped before she could finish her sentence.

"Special blend, instead of honey I used strawberries with a dash of sugar. It's got a lot less bite, but will keep you feeling tipsy." He smiled as if proud of his concoction.

Junipor sighed as she brought the mug to her lips. The beverage was sweet on her tongue. As the night continued to drag on, the bard had shifted her tune to mimic a lovers moan. The stringed violin behind her emphasized her most intimate desires. Junipor turned around in her seat to see dozens of villagers holding each other close, their dancing was in line with the sounds of the bards sensual melody. Their tails wrapped around each others as they nuzzled close. Her sister was among them, Scarlet had her hand behind one of the males heads as he rested his cheek onto her bussom.

It was enough to make Junipor scoff in frustration. She looked down at her own chest in disappointment. Across the tavern, the three Aiverix still chatting amongst themselves. Dunsk was drooling on the table, blood still spurted from his mouth, while the others seemed focused on their own private conversation.

Trixy rested her chin in her hands, while her elbows rested on the old wooden table. She wore her years well, appearing matronly yet somehow strangely regal. For some reason the female warrior seemed familiar to her. Trixy looked over to Junipor, cocked her head to the side, and got up to walk over.

"Damnit," Junipor scolded. She didn't want to talk to the Aiverix anymore. She swiveled around in her seat to face the bartender, Derrick just patted her on the shoulder and watched as the female approached.

"What can I get you? Are your men eager for another barrel?" Derrick asked Trixy as she arrived.

Trixy's ears twitched at the question, she sat next to Junipor and leaned her elbow onto the bar, "No thank you, I believe we've caused enough trouble for one night. But I have to ask, why is this adorable little vixen not enjoying herself?"

"You can ask her, not me." Derrick shrugged.

Trixy leaned in closer to Junipor, "You know, I bet if you let your guard down for a just a moment, you'll find yourself with a mate before the night is done. Look at that poor thing over there," Trixy pointed to a male sitting by the fire pit across the tavern. "I bet if you go over there and offer him a drink he'll glom onto you without a second thought."

Junipor raised a brow, she looked over to the fireplace and barely noticed the random male sitting on the large cushioned chair. His dark black hair, and long tail immediately stuck out to her. Junipor knew who he was, the Governors son had often come to Hitecross, especially during the mating seasons. He was prone to choosing only the most fitting females, and had yet to choose a bond mate. "Not interested," Junipor's voice was like a dagger in the night.

"Something wrong with him?" Trixy asked.

"Other than him fathering two or three pups a year, only to leave them behind…no thanks."

"Hmmm," Trixy leaned back, "So you want a little something more. Well have you thought about my job proposal?"

Of course Junipor had thought about the proposal, she thought it was ludicrous. "To go into the Sacred Sands, what are you crazy?"

"I honestly don't understand your hesitation," Trixy sighed.

Junipor straightened herself, her arms rested on the counter with her fists clenched."No one goes there, hell I don't think anyone's sat foot there since the first founders. So no, I don't want to lead you there."

"I could pay you," Trixy didn't seem the least bit nervous.

"Better pay me first," Derrick interjected. The Aiverix clearly ran a serious tab.

Trixy looked over to him and offered a wink. "Relax you'll get your pay."

Junipor had enough of this, the night had already turned out to be a disappointment with the only proposition coming from some random warrior outcast. She shot up in her seat and placed a small coin purse on the counter in front of Derrick, "I'm too drunk to count buddy, you mind figuring it out for me? I want to get out of here."

"You're leaving already? But the nights still young." Derrick carefully withdrew a couple copper pieces from her purse, then returned it to her.

Junipor nearly dropped the leather pouch as she picked it up, her fingers were fidgety. "The festival will still be here tomorrow, and I feel like I need a bath. Especially after your worm touched me." She looked over to Trixy accusingly.

"Thats on you," The female warrior shrugged, "you had to question his honor. You should thank me for stopping him from going any further.

"I stopped him, and I'll do it again if I must," Junipor's gait was clumsy as she stood.

"Be safe tonight Junipor," Derrick's tone was sincere. It was obvious he didn't want her to leave, but there wasn't much he could do to change her mind.

"Thanks bud," Junipor returned a soft smile.

Before Junipor could walk to the doorway, Trixy lightly grabbed her on the arm, "You know…males are attracted to courage. You come with us tomorrow to the Sands, show us the best path there and back, and I wonder how long it would take for the news to get around that you've journeyed with the Aiverx? And that you've gone to the most terrifying place on the isle?"

The offer was tempting, it was impossible for Junipor to hide her excitement. Her tail wagged a bit, and her ears suddenly straightened, "Fine…but just so you're aware, its not the most terrifying place on the Isle." Junipor brushed her off and walked towards the door.

Outside the air was cold, the breeze stung her bare skin. The average human would've frozen to death if they ventured in these harsh lands for more than a couple minutes, but the Pharine's weren't so disturbed by the conditions.

The village was a sprawl of homesteads, surrounding a central church. The temple to the goddess was built using all the precious metals the villagers had when they established the town. Most homes were single story wooden burrows, only a few stood larger. Most Pharine's preferred to build their homes downward, creating basements and adding floors underground rather than upward.

The market district was quiet and dark this time of night, the only shop owners still around were those serving alcohol or trinkets said to bless the mating season. Fertility beads could be purchased with a single copper piece, and blessed armbands for a silver coin. Junipor touched the Drakestone necklace around her neck, it's tooth shape had a sharp edge that prickled against her thumb. She hated that some grubby male had his hands on it. The thought of him touching her made her feel squeamish.

Past the markets, through the tree, there was the only marble construction in the village of Hitecross. The bathhouse wasn't built by her people, it was discovered when the first founders originally ventured inland to find a suitable place to found the colony. No one knew who had built the place, or where they got the marble, only that it was there. At first they didn't know what to do with the old bathhouse, but after experiencing their first winter the founders were quick to restore the building. It had been constructed over a vast hot spring, making its baths perfect to lounge in.

The bathhouse had become a staple of luxury for the town. Pharine's frequently came and went throughout the day, even during the summer months the waters were pleasant. The main entrance once held a solid marble doorway, but it had been cracked to pieces when they founders discovered it. Unable to repair the marble, they had replaced it with a solid oak door instead.

Inside, the building featured one large pool that encompassed most of its interior. Its waters were bubbling from the steam coming from underground. A series of fountains poured into the steaming water from the edges of the walls. There were also seventeen additional smaller pools in separate chambers, each of them large enough for one or two people.

Junipor noticed a couple were occupying the central pool, so she ventured to the side to discover an empty chamber for herself. She shut the door behind her, and swiftly peeled off her clothes. She sat her boots, leggings, and tunic to the side but kept her necklace around her neck. The water was warm as her foot broke the surface. It was only waist deep, and Junipor couldn't help but moan a sigh of relief as she laid in the private bath.

For several minutes she kept her back to the wall, letting her legs sprawl out and her arms submerge. Her breasts rested as the water came up to her collarbone. By the time Junipor felt like Dunsk's sweat had been washed away nearly an hour had passed. She could've fallen asleep there, but had a greater desire to seek sojourn in a firm bed. With clumsy legs, Junipor got out of the water and retrieved a free towel resting nearby.

There was one addition the Pharine's had made to the bathhouse. They took it upon themselves to build a large wooden inn alongside the marble construction. The only way to enter was through a backdoor toward the far end of the bathhouse. Junipor carried her clothes with her in a bin as she left the private chamber. She privately hoped someone would notice her, the towel couldn't cover anything below her tail, but the few other guests didn't seem to care.

Once she exited through the back door and into the resting inn, Junipor found a spare room and closed the door behind her. Each room only held a bed, a nightstand, and a place to dry clothes. Servants to the goddess routinely cleaned these rooms, Junipor could tell the bedsheets were fresh and several candles were already lit. This was a place to dry off, and rest after spending time in the bathhouse. Pharine's were prone to falling asleep after a long bath, and thus this small inn was a comfortable way to relax. Junipor decided she would rest before returning to her own burrow.

She laid on the spare sheets, letting her bare chest hang free, and coiled onto the bed. Her tail coiled around her waist, her ears tucked back so that they hid under her white hair. The soft feather pillow's felt snuggly against her cheeks.

When next she opened her eyes it was morning, Junipor could tell by the smell of morning dew that the sun had newly risen. With a groan she shifted her position, clutching her legs together and pulling the blanket over her bare chest.

Her loins were on fire! She remembered what it was like last year, eagerly hoping to meet a mate and hunting for attention wherever she went. Her throbbing excitement was fit to explode between her legs…but so far was only met with disappointment. Pharine's were most fertile in the spring months, and right now Junipor could feel her body craving, desperately, for attention.

Junipor bit her lip, she reached down to sink her fingers in the soaking slip between her legs. She spread the swollen folds apart and searched for the pearl twitching for relief. Her fingers were coated with her own lust and sticky desires. Just as she was about to press further, the door to her room opened. A ray of light broke through as someone noticed her. Junipor's panting breathe was getting out of control, she looked over to the doorway in distress. Her eyes were desperately pleading like never before. With flustered cheeks, and convulsing limbs, Junipor hoped whoever was watching her would come inside and sate her torment.