
Drake and his Nature

I'm going to share something very important Drake would do evil experiments to random civilians that he met.Drake had forever scared me by doing an experament on me.Though I can run faster hit harder and hide easier I still remember to this day the gut wrenching pain and the screams of fear and his laughing face while he cut into me.My clarification is that there was definitely something off about him days before and I refused to admit it.Another thing was of about him was his Stingeness and greed.

My brother had only given me one gift a giant box and it wouldn't open.Many years went by while I was ignoring my brother I spent at least half of my life trying to gain some piece of mind.Then my friend came to my blacksmith shop and told me my brother was killed by a dragon.Thanks to my will and tough composure I didn't brake down right then and there but that didn't stop me latter.Threw me into deep despair and hopelessness.

I don't know what possed me latter to do what I did I went home that night and went and opened my one gift from my brother a box and found a sword.Soon after a screen showed up and on it it said (dragon sword) captured game start.Then I passed out while I was out something merged with me giving me mysterious knowledge of a game.When I awoke I saw a women over me she said that I mysteriosly showed up and that I was in dragon village one of the places I learned about in my dream in fact all of this seemed like that game.I said dragon sword remembering what the screen said before and the screen showed up I didn't know what to think or how to accept that drake could do this to me even after his death.

After I came back to my senses I looked at the screen and it said Area dragon realm (Incarnation of dragon god) active title.Items (blacksmith vortex) and (dragon sword) dragon sword +7 attack power and blacksmith vortex /description small incomplete realm were you don't need anything to survive and can work forever time passes 1,000 times slower/.I soon look at my hands and there is a ring on my finger a description pops up blacksmith vortex activator and it says invent password and I put the password as (Dracon spell 1). Dracons points Constitution +20 Charisma +18 Strength +15 Wisdom +18 Intelligence +19 Dexterity +20 Race Half Elf Class blacksmith secondary class Ranger. Ever since that screen popped up weird things happened like when equipped Incarnation of the Dragon god title all fire based attacks get a 50% boost.Also in this world everyone knows me as the noble who lost his land and it indeed happened after I came here someone told me I was saved from my castle during a rebellion. Ever since then it's been hard for me but I finally found a special item that will let me get started on a journey to get back to my original world. That item I obtained by accident it was (class rewrite) it was a magical item that lets me get one more class without it being penalized.And I know what I want to be a Dragon god swordfighter but in order to become one you have to have the dragon god teach you.