

A boy who never had the chance to do anything thanks to his illness always spent his time in the hospital. The only thing that brought colour to his life were Marvel and DC comics. NOTE : THIS IS AN AU ( ALTERNATE UNIVERSE ) [This World is a Bridge between the DC and Marvel multiverse, all the possible information you know about the characters is totally useless since there is a possibility that it will never happen or it will happen differently] Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of it's character. I own my own elements and my OC(s). --- WARNING : English's not my Mother tongue So there will be grammar and paraphrasing mistakes Hope it'll be readble -- UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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67 Chs


That same day in the afternoon Nat went to the Baxter Building, now she was on a table, on which a machine was running x-rays checking her internal condition, organs and every muscle in her body, outside the room was Susan checking and operating the machine with the slightest movement looking for any anomalies, finding two, while two people behind her being Jen and Yelena watched all this.

Susan : "It is true her uterus and ovaries have returned, but it is as if a girl is about to get her period".

Yelena : "Be clear please Sue"

Susan : "These are new organs, they are adapting to Nat's adult body, but this will take her first period to pass before the ovaries produce eggs, which will take a while until they adapt."

Yelena leaning against the wall looked at all this with hope "And how did all this happen" she asked.

Natasha : "It was thanks to the one Derek injected me with" she replied getting up from the table.

Susan : "Nat that not only cured your infertility, it fixed all the negative things your body has suffered in your life, bringing you to the best possible state" commented Susan.

Jennifer : "And not only that, it looks like someone has already enjoyed your new condition"

Jen pointed out with her gaze, the marks on Natasha's neck and bare chest making her frown at what she said.

Natasha : "That's not your concer..."

Yelena interrupted her and what she said made everyone look at Nat with almost accusatory looks

Yelena : "You slept with Derek."

Susan : "What, Yelena, Nat would never do that" she stood up as she spoke.

Natasha : "Yes, it was with him"

She admitted causing everyone in the room to remain silent, Susan's face said it all and as she was about to speak Nat interrupted her.

Natasha : "It happened after Stark's party, when I took him to his room, he woke up, only this time everything he was repressing came out, he tried to control himself by drinking one of his drinks..."

Natasha : "They had helped him so far, but this time he did nothing...he with the little rationality he had left begged me to leave"

"So you decided to help him" Jen sighed knowing what happened.

Susan : "It was because of the Asgardian Alcohol, it's essentially magic, that has to have knocked down Derek's defenses"

Susan sat back down as she said what could have involved Derek getting out of control

Susan : "Haa...we should never have let him get into that stupid competition in the first place"

Jennifer : "Hey it wasn't stupid, I finally got to get drunk and boy...no man did I get a favour from Prince Curly" smirked Jen as she made her point.

Nat nodded agreeing with what she said, at that the door to the room opened walking in someone familiar to them but they weren't expecting here.

"Hill" Nat called out.

Maria : "Agent Ramanoff good to see you in good condition" smiled Maria Hill professionally being a woman of 1.78m tall, brown eyes, short black hair and a body to rival those present.

"Mm, I wonder what one of Shield's agents is doing here," Yelena said provocatively.

Hill looked at her for a moment

Hill : "Natasha, Shield is back in operation, but due to Nick Fury being missing I have been appointed Director of Shield."

Nat smiled knowing why she was here "I see, congratulations".

Maria nodded "I'm here because Shield needs people Natasha, I want you back at Shield"

Nat looked for a moment Hill, before refusing

Natasha : "I'm sorry but I, I already retired from being a spy and stuff"

She stated making Maria grit her teeth refusing to lose a valuable asset.

Hill : "You should think again Natasha, Shield could help you protect your precious boy, or his information could fall into the wrong hands"


A shot rang out, a bullet grazed Maria's cheek by millimetres, everyone was shocked by this as they saw Nat pull a gun out of nowhere and without hesitation shot Hill missing her by millimetres.

Natasha : "That will be my only warning, touch him and Shield will have me as their enemy"

Se finished dressing, grabbed her things and left without anyone saying anything to her.


Two days later at night.

Walking up from the basement, Derek came into the living room, the first thing he saw was Nat lying on the couch with Agumon lying on top of her asleep.

Nat was wearing black shorts and a black shirt

Derek : "Nat, you're back from your meeting with the avengers" he said as he walked over to her and kissed her on the mouth, welcoming her back.

Nat responded by kissing her back wrapping his hands around her neck "Yeah" she replied lovingly

Natasha : "You've been, a long time downstairs haven't you?"

Derek : "Not so much, I'm just enlarging the basement with the help of the Adaptoids, I've achieved my dream of a Japanese bath, I've upgraded and changed the metal bases of the house with some runes included"

He boasted sitting on the floor getting almost level with Nat lying on the furniture and pulled out two weapons from the inventory

Derek : "These are the new weapons I promised you, They are made of Secondary Adamantium, I used AIM technology to make the two weapons fuse together making them work as machine guns and shotguns or ranged, I integrated an Ark reactor into each weapon, once you run out of bullets, the reactors will kick in and you will be able to fire energy bullets."

Listening to Derek's explanation, Nat looked at the weapons in amazement as she paid attention to the explanation about the weapons

"Thank you, honey" she said and put the weapons away in the storage ring he had given her.

Derek was a little surprised by what she called him, he moved a little closer to her talking flirtatiously

Derek : "And what did the avengers want with my beautiful Black Widow".

Nat smiled at this and pulled out her phone, a holographic screen appeared in front of them showing the video of a group of kids, about the same age or older than him fighting a man in a green and purple suit while his face was blue.

"This is Kang the Conqueror, we had already faced him before A-DAY, but this time he came back to take one of his Iron Lad versions to his timeline to become him, knowing what his future is Iron Lad decided to form a group to avoid becoming Kang, called the Young Avengers, which has been active stopping robberies and criminals this month" explained Nat.

Derek remembered this, although he didn't expect it to happen if he was honest, even Cassie was in the group with the suit he had upgraded for her (Looks like some turning points will happen somehow), then Nat went on to introduce each of the group.

Natasha : "This is Wiccan has magical powers, Hulkling is a shape shifter with super strength, Kate Bishop a great archer and trained by Clint, Speedy a speedster, Patriot injected with the blood of his grandfather who was a former super soldier like Steve and Stature being Cassie Pym."

"Interesting, no one was hurt" questioned Derek.

"No, but the younger version of Kan went back to his timeline, this all happened a week ago and this" Nat moved the screen showing another video showing four young men fighting a monster and then destroying a building.

Natasha : "These are Robin protected from Batman, Kandur protected from Aquaman, Kid Flash protected from Flash and this is the clone of Superman created by Cadmus, from what Tony could find Cadmus has been experimenting with cloning trying to create the being or beings that could replace and kill if the league, if the heroes turn against the world"

Derek : "So?"

"Mmm I won't tell you, but tomorrow you will know after all you will have to come with me" denied Nat.

Seeing that she wouldn't give him any answer he leaned closer and whispered in her ear

Derek : "What if I try to get some information out of you"

Nat smiled daring him to try, understanding Derek pulled out his mobile phone and made Agumon come in just making his body touch the screen, then grabbed Nat in a princess bag starting to walk up the stairs getting to his room heading to the bathroom.

The moment Natasha entered she was surprised to see that the bathroom was now bigger, it has a place to take a shower, also a replica Onzen from which water came out so crystal clear from metal dragons in which Derek had put inside them a magic water stone.

-Magic Water Stone

As the name says it is a magic stone that produces Water, this water has the effects of removing skin blemishes, removing dead skin from the body and relaxing the person who uses this water.

Derek had gained some interesting things from the daily rewards and this was one of those and not only that he managed to enlarge the bath thanks to the help of a new rune he learned being Enlarge: This rune allows the user to enlarge objects or increase the space of different places. Thanks to this rune he was able to increase the size of the bath without the need of Space Magic.

Nat who was still in her arms got down looking at all this surprised "How did you do this in a few hours?"

"Hehe, with the help of a bunch of synthezoids and a bit of magic" he laughed seeing Natasha's surprised face.

"You have to teach me Magic" Nat said waiting for him to answer her.

Derek looked at her not knowing what to say he asked the system (Dude, do you think I can teach her magic).

System: [Yes host you should just use the Group Function like you did with your familiar Agumon.]

Derek : "Alright I'll teach you some magic"

she smiled as Derek easily accepted her request, he walked over to her and started to take off her blouse.

Nat lifted her arms up letting him do it, once he took it off he exposed her chest, she did the same with him until they were both naked.

Nat smiled as she saw Derek's friend raised in all his glory "Hehe someone's in a good mood" she joked, grabbing his member as she moved her hand up and down.

Derek : "It's hard not to... do it, when I have... a redheaded Milf doing this for me"

He said between breaths feeling her touch, without staying still his hand moved down to her private area as it went over the little red patch managing to reach her vagina and caress her clit by sticking a finger in, stroking and massaging her walls.

"Come" without another word she led him into the shower, while outside the bathroom steam covered the glass doors making it difficult to see what was going on inside.


A few hours later Nat and Derek were lying on the bed naked after some action as she lay on top of him "Nat".


"Are you sure you want to learn Magic" he asked her.

Nat looked at him for a moment and spoke

Natasha : "My whole life has been dictated by what other people have wanted me to be, a weapon, a spy, something they can use and throw away"

Derek hugged her a little tightly wanting her to understand that she is not alone.

Natasha : "When I joined the Avengers I thought that would never happen again, But that ended only to realize that everything I learned and the strength I gained wasn't enough, none of it is of any use to me when there are Gods, Demons, Aliens and monsters that can destroy the world or enslave humanity at will and take away what is important to me" she replied looking him in the eyes.

"Very well, but first I will have to tell you my biggest secret" Derek waited a few seconds, seeing that she waited calmly for him to speak.

He decided to tell her about the system except for the God who gave it to him, he explained that one day out of nowhere a blue screen appeared in front of him, as if it was a game with everything and functions, status, skills, inventory, shop and missions.

When he finished Nat said nothing but her look said she still didn't believe him, Derek smiled knowing what she was thinking.

Understanding that she better see for herself she went to the system options and found the option.

Group System: Gives group members a low level system without inventory, shop and quest options, allows people in the group to communicate with each other privately (mentally or by chat), shares Xp, allows the user to give equipment or skills to people in the group.

The user is the only one who can manage the points designated to their group's stats.

You wish to join the group with: Natasha Ramanoff (Yes/No).

Derek selected Yes and a screen appeared in front of Nat.

"This is..."

"Press yes" understanding she pressed yes.

(Now do you believe me) Derek spoke mentally through the mental connection between the two of them through the system.

(You were telling the truth)

(Yes, you are one of the few people I trust to tell you this about my Nat)

So far.