
Arrival Of The Saiyans!

A month was not much time and it quickly passed by. Kayn estimated that the other Saiyans should arrive at any moment. Bulma had found the Dragonballs with the help of Krillen, but they had come across some problems at first.

The Police were chasing some criminal, she was armed to the tooth with Ak's, Ar-Rifles, rockets, and grenades! The Capsule Corp ship was stolen by her in order to escape them.

Bulma immediately identified the woman as Launch, she tossed a grenade at the police before flying off in the ship, destroy many police cars and trees close by.

This had delayed them a bit, but they were later able to find Launch and get their ship back. Once the Dragonballs were gathered, they were left at Bulma's house for later use.

When Goku went to meet Chichi, he took his parents along with him. Once Chichi saw Goku, she went into a rage. She grabbed Gohan and was about to force him to go to his room to study.

When Chichi saw Gine, she didn't say much but when she saw Bardock, she stopped what she was doing after being dumbfounded. She didn't know who these people were since she went into a rage after not hearing from Goku in a while and not seeing Gohan either.

Chichi looked at Bardock once and could easily figure out who he was. She was shocked for a while, but she suddenly turned respectful and invited them both in. Goku felt like he needed to have his parents around more to make Chichi act like this all of the time.

Surprisingly, Chichi and Gine got along. They were both overprotected parents, but Chichi was obviously more of an extremist when it came to this. Chichi was in disbelief every time she looked at Bardock.

Bardock said she was beautiful and asked how could his son hide such a beautiful wife from them. This caused Chichi to blush, she hadn't been called beautiful, not even by her own husband. Gine agreed, she was indeed pretty, saying that she might need to take some lesson.

Bardock and Gine spent some time living with Goku and his family before returning back to East City. Raditz seemed far more dedicated to his training, he even created a new Technique for himself over the year.

However, as Kayn had mentioned before, there was never any peace. All of the Z-Fighters felt an unusual power descending towards the earth.

"Looks like they're here." Every Z-fighter across the planet almost said in unison but they were all far apart from each other, while some were actually training together, like Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu.

However, the Saiyans didn't land near a city or in it. This time, they landed in a desolate place away from civilization; completely different from the canon. This may have something to do with a few changes that had occurred.

All 3 pods created craters in the ground that were massive in diameter. All at once, they emerged from their space pods.

"Hmm, that fool Raditz should be dead at this point, how useless can one be?" Anya looked around and activated her scouter.

"Raditz is irrelevant, we came for those wishing balls. Once we get those, we'll be unstoppable!" Vegeta grinned and stepped out of his pods.

"Hehe, I'm seeing a lot of small Battle powers coming from that way, it must be the weakling's natives of this planet." Nappa had his scouter set to search for all forms of life.

"What's this! I'm seeing a few decently strong ones coming our way, and fast!" Anya was different, her's was set to search for the strongest battle powers on the planet.

"Remember, Raditz's scouter went out just before his death. His scouter's capacity was about 9 to 10 thousand or so." Vegeta brought this up as a warning as to not allow them to let their guard down.

"We'll be mindful of that." Anya grinned and stared in the direction she was picking readings up from.

'If that's the case, I'll have to be a bit careful.' Nappa thought to himself.

Within 5 minutes, 4 figures arrived on the scene.

"So, they have arrived." Nappa activated his scouter to directly scan the new arrivals.

"Hmm, so these are the Saiyans, these guys are no joke." Yamcha said with worry.

"Keep your cool, Goku should be on his way now." Krillen was also somewhat nervous.


-1,380: Yamcha

-1,770: Krillen

-610: Chiaotzu

-1,830: Tien

"These guys aren't worth mentioning." Nappa sneered after reading their power levels.

"Hear me out, humans. I know you guys must have used those magical balls to revive Kakarot by now, but if you hand them over we'll grant you a swift death, haha!" Vegeta stood behind Anya and Nappa and said.

"These guys!" Tien frowned and stepped forward. "We won't be handing over anything, so get the hell off our planet, we don't want any trouble!"

"Nappa, we don't need to bother with these weaklings, release the little guys to fight them." Anya yawned and took a seat on a rock close by.

"Hoho, with pleasure!" Nappa smiled sinisterly and took out a bag of beans. After opening up a few holes in the ground, he planted the seeds.

"What's he doing?" Krillen face was started to sweat, why was this guy planting beans?

It was quiet for about 5 seconds before they felt something unusual.

"Careful! Something is coming!" Tien upped his guard, he felt life forming within the earth somehow.

Suddenly, the earth began churning rapidly, before surging toward the Z-fighters like a wave. The tumbling waves of sandy soil roiled higher and higher, increasing in speed. Almost the next instant, it loomed in front of the Z-fighters.

They didn't stick around after their initial surprise and acted quickly. The Z-fighters quickly moved away to a tall but small mountain nearby.

"Kikikiki!!" Screeches rang out and several figures emerged from the ground with wide grins on their faces.

"Goodness, what are those things?" Yamcha's expression changed a bit. These creatures were quite 'powerful' in his eyes.

"These things are called Saibamen and they're your opponents, haha!" Nappa laughed and said.

After Nappa's voice fell, his scouter went off again and another figure descended next to the Z-fighters.

"Ha! I hope I'm not late to the party." It was Piccolo.

"Goku is on his way, he should be here at any moment along with that thing he calls a brother." Piccolo still scorned Raditz.

"We'll have to hold them off until then." Tien looked over at the Saibamen with a serious expression.


"What's this? Another arrived and this one is quite strong, no, he's the strongest one!" Nappa was a bit stunned but he grinned soon after as if Piccolo was nothing.

"Not bad, it's a Battle power of 3,500." Vegeta only smirked and said nothing more.

Yamcha was first, he jumped down to combat one of the Saibamen while the rest of the Saibamen backed away.

Yamcha struck out at the Saibaman, even though his power level was higher than the little guy, it kept up fairly well.

Yamcha attacked with his signature wolf fang fist style, sending chop and punches at the Saibaman. The Saibaman dodged and blocked quite a lot of his attacks until it was kicked in the face. As the Saibaman was kicked away it caught itself and started backflipping away.

However, Yamcha wasn't done, he appeared behind the little guy and aimed for its throat. The Saibaman quickly caught his fist and performed a spin throw on him, tossing him into the air.

Yamcha came down to attack the Saibaman after recovering, but it dodged and took to the air.

"Don't run!" Yamcha gave chase, but he Saibaman merely jumped on a small mountain and used it to lunge itself at Yamcha. Yamcha laughed and disappeared, he soon appeared behind the Saibaman who was falling toward the ground.

"Haaaaa~!" The Saibaman turned around in mid-air, only to see and blast descending upon him, it couldn't dodge and was hit directly with the Kamehameha.

"Ahhghghg!" The Saibaman made some sort of strange and painful screech until it was crushed under the blast, creating a mini crater.

"Yeah! He did it!" Krillen and Chiaotzu cheered. At this time, they were also being watched from a crystal ball by Bulma, Baba, Chichi, Master Roshi, Ox-King, and Oolong.

"That's one down, looks like you a green buddies are no match for us. So take your green army of idiots out and leave, haha!" Yamcha gloated. He had turned away from the Saibaman who was still twitching in the little crater.

"You foul mouth little...."

"Don't bother Nappa, it isn't over yet." Vegeta only smiled.

"Yamcha! Look out!" Krillen eyes went wide from horror. The Saibaman opened and eyes and smiled sinisterly before lunging at Yamcha.

Just when it was about to grab Yamcha, a blue and sharp energy attack came into contact with the Saibaman's neck.

Its head flew into the air and landed some ways away from its body and the others!

"What!?" Anya stood up in shock, while Vegeta and Nappa looked over with stunned expression. This was no different for the Z-fighters, who were watching the grave situation just moments ago.

Everyone looked and saw who executed the attack just now. There were 3 people, it was Goku, Bardock, and Gohan that appeared. Judging from the hand moment, it was Bardock that killed the Saibaman.

"Kakarot, you have some very careless friends, he would have been blown up if that Saibaman had latched onto him. Tsk! So much for earth's mightiest fighters, just a bunch of weaklings." Bardock looked at Yamcha with disdain, what idiot would let their guard down when the enemy wasn't even dead, he even turned his back to it!

"Well, I guess that's only Yamcha, he doesn't do much training so he's pretty weak." Goku's blunt words almost made Yamcha pass out.

"W-what's? How can this be?" Anya and the rest of the Saiyan were in disbelief. They could easily recognize Bardock, the notorious low-class Saiyan Warrior.



"Vegeta, are you picking up these readings?" Nappa started to sweat, the scouter's number kept going up until it stopped.

-9,200: Goku

-13,000: Bardock

-5,200: Gohan

"Damn it! It's over 9,000!" Vegeta grabbed his scouter in a blind rage and crushed it!

Author Note: Sorry, I had to! LMAO!

Anya saw a challenge coming, this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought. She finally stood up and readied herself, things had now turned serious.

"Well, well, I never thought I'd run into the infamous Low-Class warrior Bardock. I assumed you and the rest of the Saiyans were dead at this point in time." Vegeta returned to his calm and spoke indifferently.

"Hehe, Prince Vegeta, how could I die so easily? I heard the stories, you're working as a lackey for Frieza without any thoughts of resisting, some Prince you've become." Bardock's expression showed disgust.

"How dare you talk to Prince Vegeta like that!? Have you gone mad!?" Anya was instantly enraged upon hearing Bardock's disrespectful words.

"Hahaha!" Vegeta suddenly broke out into laughter.

Just as he was laughing, a little star appeared next to Goku, Bardock, and Gohan. Then 3 more figures emerged from that spot.

"Gasp! This...." Nappa's expression darkened.

The people who appeared this time were Raditz, Gine, and Kayn!