
the qualifier team ryozanpaku versus team taito

kenichi again was given new gear this time it was the same outfit his grandpa was wearing based off of Xeno Goku's ataire a firm fitting black short sleeved shirt black pants black kung fu shoes with blue stockings a red vest with a long backside that is secured by a blue obi tied over it at the waist and blue armbands i also have a holster fr my nyoibo witch makes use of my dog beating cane style.

meanwhile he learned that kyoko had earned the right to use the reverse style techniques witch were dangerous and also the families secret sword meanwhile junko had developed her own finisher moves dubbing them the devil buster flames.

takeda had learned how to usee most of the techniques dudley had taught him but now that meant he needed to increase his training regimine.

meanwhile ukita had finally reached mid level disciple

the qualifier had begun

and every team trying to reach the spot of team Japan was there.

the teams consisted of team ryozanpaku team shinpaku witch consisted of kaname kugatachi kisara nanjo natsu tanimoto seigfried and their second thor. team taito witch consisted of Estele bright her brother joshua Andy bogarde and mai shiranu and their second zane.

and team yomi witch consisted of shö kana, chikage kushinada, boris ivanov, rachel stanley, and their second ryuuto who had made a full recovery thanks to kenichi's hokuto shin ken's remapping his chi network.

Flashback kenichi arrived at the hospital in the room ryuuto was in with his girlfriend remi.

"What do you want with ryuuto sama?!"

kenichi just moved past remi and placed his fingers against ryuuto's temples then he blitzed him with a rush of glowing fingertip strikes where he struck him before then ending with two palms to his temples and a spaerhand to his crown.

ryuuto suddenly got up and walked.

you wil;l be at the qualifier next week i trust you should be there.

"kenichi you'll beat sho right?!" ryuuto asked.

kenichi just chuckled and flashed him a small grin.

(end flashback.)

kenichi's team was to go first against team taito kenichi would face Estele since both had skill using the staff as a fighting style while junko would face Joshua seeing as Joshua used a mix of wing chun and phlipino boxing witch included the use of two short knife like swords witch no surprise junko also used takeda would face andy being that he used the art of striking while ukita faced mai who both were skilled in judo.

Kenichi was up first against Estele.

the two loosened up their bo's and prepaired for a fight kaname had heard that kenichi had developd an intricate bojutsu style she wanted to see it for herself and she also wanted to see Estele and her families wing Chun Bo style.

kenichi and estelle bowed then they began to fight.

estelle struck at kenichi with a forward thrust but kenichi blocked it with the end of his staff then trapped her staff with a move called lock the dog in the cage.

Estelle however spun around going for a beat the dust with the broom however kenichi parried and lassoed her staff with a noose the dog, then countered with a beat the dog's flank.

this is a spinning swat much like the one Estelle had tried for.

Estelle tried to trap kenichi's nyouibo with her own nyoibo but the result was futile as kenichi's skill was beyond her level as she was only expert level while he was high ranking master thank's to his training with his grandpa and the elder he had reached newer hights kenichi also used zanzo-ken to avoid the more lethal strikes Estele launched finally Estelle went for het first finisher called bright family staff finisher number one pumble.

she let loose a rain of thrust to hammer kenichi but of course kenichi put up his seikuken deflecting the strikes with his nyouibo and when Estelle went for the spinning back strike kenichi parried it then countered with a spank the dog's butt.

witch quite true to it's name was a slap to estelle's rear-end that knocked her up into the air then kenichi went for a move witch wasn't in the repritoire of dog beating cane but instead was from his childhood in his past life playing street hokey he sweept her leg's with his cane then as she fell swatted her solar plexuses then when she made impact and rebounded he brought his cane up and struck the butt down beside her head.

" heads i win tails you lose!" he quipped refering to his hit to her butt and his pole nearly crushing her skull.

she bowed in defeat.

the next fight was between Joshua and Junko he bowed then said "let's fight fair!" he said.

Junko had taken her kenpo stance while Joshua had taken his wing chun and sunkutan stance he he rushed upto her

junko threw a left straight.

defending from her left straight by gunting her forearm

( gunting a term that literraly means to counter strike a blow it's often used as a knife hand strike or chop to the forearm their is another method call biceping in witch one chop's the bicep)

after he stuck her arm he went for a backfist to her temple however it wasn't going to work as junko preformed a style 100 demon blaze knoicking him across the ring he took up a crane's wing chun stance and rushed her with a straight punch but befor he could meet her half way she sprang up in the air preforming a side flip and brought her leg down in a move in kusunagi no ken called a R.E.D kick witch was an abriviation for Rainbow Energy Dynamite kick the kick was much simular to the shirahama yang style's meteor kick.

(A/N yang style refers to Vegeta's fighting style while yin style refers to Goku's fighting style.)

the kick was however caught by joshua then knocked back by a straight punch aimed at her core then he went for a battle punch (also called a chain punch) but was surprised when Junko used the seikuken secretly all discipless of shinpaku alliance had learned this method however only kenichi could preform the Ryūsūi sekuken then she surprised everyone by tossing a flame that became a pillar and then moving through it setting herself a blaze then using bunshin createing several image clones witch all struck joshua with a barage of hooks and straights befor ending with a style 100 demon blaze " style 521 godly waste! " shouted Junko who had knocked joshua out of the ring the rules stated that if an opponent was knocked out of the ring they lose by ring out.

the next two fights were stale mates as andy had struck at takeda with every move in his arsenal only for taked to counter them then takeda went to strike andy only for him to counter they fought untill the time limit ran out mai and ukita both battled only for them both to be kocked out of the ring by each other's finshing move mai's spring roll drop and ukita' triple wrist toss.

witch both had caused the respective party to enter ring side.

so it was a stalemate meaning their seconds would decide the ending match in sudden death.

it was between team taito's second zane and team ryozanpaku's second Shiro fortunately both fighters were high level master's Zane smiled he assumed his fighting stance whilke shiro simply stood relaxed.

Zane rushed shiro with a punch and kick combination fallowed by a spining triple crescent kick.

all of witch Shiro dodged thanks to his six years of being blind Shiro's senses were on that of the level of grand master despite his skills being on that of high level master. then Zane went for his most trusted skill, his smite attack. this powerful thrust delivered a discharge of energy but as the punch drew near Shiro he used his ki to push aside the punch then countered with a back turn punch zane used his thunder god kick and kicked shiro in the head.

but shiro returned the force with a slap that had a blue stram of light he then rushed him with a barage of blows ending with spiraling palm thrust as he called out water streaming rock smashing fist roaring torrent.

the strikes caused zane to spit blood then shiro preformed a 530 degree spining crescent kick this knocked zane backward's towards the ropes he decided to use that one move final aural blast he shouted launching an energy wave from both hands but was surprised when shiro appeared next to him and preformed a rush of blows as he called out

"METEOR COMBINATION!" and ended the rush with a high kick sending him straight into the locker room area with a high kick. the first round of the tournement had ended so tomorrow would be team shinpaku alliance versus team yomi