
Dragon Online

Kyle Turner is a teenage boy who has always felt out of place. Unlike his peers, he doesn't possess any special abilities or magical powers. While others around him are accepted into the prestigious Mage Academy to train and one day defeat the tyrannical Beast King, Kyle is left feeling inadequate and alone. One day, as Kyle was going about his mundane life, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a starting message: [Dragon system online] [You have tamed the blue dragon] [New user details are now valid] [All abilities currently (lv1)] [New ability gained: Blue dragon flame] "What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle muttered in bewilderment, unsure of how to process this unexpected turn of events.

Danespl · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

First Class

Kyle decided to complete the quest later. Right now, he wanted to take a rest. Kyle closed his eyes for just a second. Suddenly, Eddie called out his name. Kyle jumped up from the bed, and fell on the ground. He looked around, startled. Eddie called his name like the whole school was under attack. He saw that nothing is wrong, and immediately stood up from the ground, facing Eddie with anger rising inside him. He was furious.

"Sorry about that. Let's go explore the whole academy a little." Eddie suggested.

"Not interested." Kyle replied as he went back to lay on his bed.

"Your loss." Eddie said, coming out of the room with Jake. Kyle closed his eyes, and went back to sleep. The two went down to the first floor of the hostel building before heading outside for the main academy.

They arrived at the academy. The Mage Academy was a huge, eco-friendly academy covering 500 acres inside a biodome. It had flexible classrooms with holographic projectors and collaboration areas with interactive surfaces. There are digital libraries that students can access using neural devices, along with indoor gardens and water features that promote well-being.

Students used special devices to learn faster, supported by lecturers who were high rank mages along with immersive holographic displays. The curriculum included courses like BioArt and Virtual Reality History, as well as discussions on how to control their abilities and advance in ranks.

Extracurricular activities featured virtual cultural exchanges with students from other planets, sustainability projects, and advanced sports facilities that encourage physical and mental health. The mage academy was open to students from different planet to develop in their mage abilities.

Eddie and Jake was amazed. The academy was beautiful. They went to the digital libraries. Upon arrival at the libary. They met students inside. Some sat down while others walked around the libary.

The digital library was designed for easy access to a vast range of knowledge. It featured an open layout with high ceilings and natural light, creating a welcoming atmosphere. Large, touch-sensitive screens line the walls, allowing students to browse books, articles, and multimedia content effortlessly.

Students could connect their neural devices to instantly retrieve information and absorb content quickly. Augmented reality enhances the reading experience by providing additional visuals and interactive elements related to the material. The library housed millions of digital texts, including e-books and research papers on mages, war history , abilities and their full potential along with AI algorithms suggesting personalized materials based on students' interests. Collaborative zones were equipped with interactive tables which allowed students to work together on projects, while quiet pods provided soundproof spaces for focused study.

Virtual reality rooms offered immersive learning experiences, such as virtual field trips. So you won't need to go there before you could learn about the place.

The two of them took a glance at each other, "Kyle is missing out on a lot. We should tell him about this." Eddie suggested. Jake nodded in agreement. They sat inside the libary for a while after taking some digital texts about mage abilities. The quiet pod was immediately activated over their table where they sat. After hours of reading and scrolling. They decided to head back to the hostel. It was now late.

Their watches displayed a half moon logo, signaling them to get back, and sleep. Allthe students left the library including Eddie and Jake, heading to their various hostel rooms.

When they arrived at their room. They saw that the window screen had dimmed to night mode, and all the lights were turned off. Kyle was snoring away while changing directions on the bed. He slept like a baby. The two of them went to their beds and slept off. This was now their new home. So it would be preferable if they felt comfortable.

The next morning. The classes they were to take, and the times was sent to their wristwatch. The three of them took a bath in the showers one after the other, and went straight to the first class.

The first class was called "Introduction to abilities." and was  designed to take place in class D. Fifth floor of the academy building.

Kyle's mind raised with thoughts. He was wondering how the blue dragon would look like. He couldn't wait to see it. So he decided that once he was done with the first class. He would find a large, empty and quiet place to release the blue dragon.

The three arrived at the classroom together. Inside the class. They were only forty students inside with a mage at the front ready to start lectures. The class featured flexible seating arrangements, allowing students to choose comfortable spots for learning. Augmented and virtual reality tools created immersive experiences, enabling exploration of complex subjects. AI-driven platforms personalize education,  which adaptied to each student's needs and progress. Interactive smart boards facilitate dynamic lessons, while global connectivity allows collaboration with peers worldwide.

The three went to seat down at the back. Even though there were a lot of empty spaces at the front. The teacher saw them sit down at the back. The man was tall and imposing, with a lean but muscular build. His skin had a warm, olive tone. His face was angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline, giving him a regal appearance. Deep-set, piercing green eyes shimmer with intelligence and wisdom, framed by thick, dark lashes. A slight furrow in his brow adds an air of seriousness, suggesting he is deeply engaged in his thoughts. His hair was long and wavy, cascaded down to his shoulders in rich, dark brown hues, interspersed with strands of silver. He tied it back with a simple leather cord, which allowed a few loose strands to frame his face.He had a prominent nose and full lips that curl into a knowing smile, revealing a warmth that invites students to engage, and  a well-groomed beard, peppered with gray, added to his distinguished look, and his overall demeanor exudes an aura of authority mixed with approachability. He was dressed in a white jeans and white top.

Kyle noticed the girl who was announced as a Rank A back at the test. She looked back, and saw Kyle, and showed off a smile at him. Kyle was stunned. He wondered why she smiled at him when they don't know each other.

"Another annoying brat. I can't deal with them. I already tolerated this two." Kyle thought as he turned his gaze at Eddie and Jack who sat comfortably, and stared at the mage in front while smiling widely.

"Backbenchers." The man said in a low tone using a fake cough to hide. He began to speak, "Hello students. Welcome to your first year in the academy. My name's Kale. I am thirty five years old." Kale introduced himself, and gave a warm smile to the students.

"What with all the long intro?" Kyle thought.

Kale continued, " i will be your general ability teacher throughout your stay in the academy. My goal is to teach you about abilities and their full potentials. In this class you must focus." Kale tapped on the digital screen and started the lecture.

The first class was spent detailing the different types of abilities and how to control them effortlessly. Although most students knew about this. It still had to be explained so that the little knowledge they knew would be certain to them.

After Class was done. Kyle discarded Eddie and Jake by telling them to wait for him in the libary. He went to an empty training ground. He scanned the area to check if no one was around. After clarification. He released the blue dragon.

A blue flame appeared first then the blue dragon came out of the flame.

This chapter describes the academy and world background better. Let's hit stone goal this week. vote with power stones for more chapters. Leave a comment if you find anything inappropriate.

Danesplcreators' thoughts