
Dragon of the iron throne

This my story so if I make any mistakes please tell so I can improve the story

scott_perry · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"AHHHHHHHHH!" screamed a woman under a full moon lighting up the room with its pleasant glow that the people think as a good omen.

"Keep pushing my lady you are almost there" said a handmaiding helping this poor woman give birth. During this moment inside the woman you can see a little baby boy preparing himself for what he has to do to survive in this world.

' So I am going to be born in a couple of seconds , I wonder what house I am in and who are my parents' thought the baby trying not to be weirded out about being born again with a adults mind.

"One more push my lady" said the handmaiding towards the screaming woman.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" screamed the woman giving one last push with all her might for her baby to come out in the world.

You can hear a baby crying from being born in the hands of the handmaiding who is holding a soon to be the most powerful man the world has ever known.

"huff, huff, huff bring him to me" said the painting woman on the bed waiting to hold her new baby boy in her arms.

"At once my lady" replied the handmaiding holding the baby. She walks to the woman on the bed handing over the baby to his rightful mother.

'So this is my new mother who is supposed to look after me' thought the baby.

"Wahh, wahhh" the crying baby in the mother's arms.

"Its ok my baby boy dont worry nothing bad is going to happen to you" said the tired woman the moment she said the words the baby stop crying

'She seems to be a nice person let's hope she is' thought the the man inside the baby.

"My lady should I get your other children" asked the handmaiding.

"Yes can you get them for me please" replied the the mother as soon as she said that the handmaiding went off.

'So I have siblings I wonder who they are' thought the baby.

After a few minutes went by you can hear the doors opening revealing a single person coming in the room.

"Oh my baby girl come her and come meet your new baby brother" said the mother holding the baby boy while gesturing towards the girl to come closer.

As soon as the moonlight hit the long white hair on the girl it revealed a little girl who doesn't look more then 1 years old girl walking to her mother. She looked so small that a small push will make her fall over.

As the little girl was walking towards her mother the door suddenly shot open with a loud bang and out comes a older man with shoulder length white hair and with a golden crown on top of his head.

'Who is this fucker coming in here' thought the baby looking at the man who is interrupting him with his mother and his sister.

"Oh so your are finally done giving birth to my son" said the man towards the mother.

"Yes I am" replied the mother.

"Good" said the man as he walked towards the mother and children with caution on his face like he was nervous about something.

"Your name is going to be Drake, Drake of the house of targaryen my son" said the old man.

'Wait what did he say' thought the soul inside the baby.

"Drake targaryen" said the mother looking at her baby with love in her eyes.

'Holy shit!' screamed the baby in his mind.

"Come and meet you baby brother Daenerys" said the mother gesturing the little girl to come over.

The little girl walks over to her mother to see her little brother. As soon as she reached them she saw the little baby in her mother arms and she showed a sweet loving smile towards her brother.

' Well shit so my sister is the future mother of dragon and my father is the mad king, but judging the place I am in now I assume I am still in kingslanding so that means that my father has only started to fall into madness' thought the baby looking at Daenerys then at his father.

'So I have been aloud some powerful wishes with being in the most powerful house in this world, I am so going to cause alot of fear towards my enemies and hope for my allies so good fucking luck' thought baby.

While the baby is in deep thought Daenerys is looking at him with a loving smile along with her mother but Aerys the mad king was just standing away from in his own world thinking if anyone will betray him.

"Alright I think I should get some rest" said the mother towards Daenerys who just nodded her head and then left the room. Not long after the mad king left as well heading towards the throne room.

"Goodnight my precious baby boy I will see you in the morning" said the mother towards Drake whilst kissing him on his forehead for a good night.

'Here is my new life in the Game of throne world and I'm so excited, but also nervous and what I will have to do in this world' thought the baby in his own mind.

' There is one thing I would have to do when I'm able to and that is to train in the art of war and combat but with the help with the sharingan and with the experience of Deadpool I believe I will be able to topple anyone in my path but when I get my magic then chaos would erupt in this world' thought the baby planning his future.

Then something hit like hammer on hit.

'Oh SHIT I'm a baby AND i have to have someone wipe my ass FUCCCKKKK' realising what is going to happen to him for the next year or so.

With that as his last thought of the night he finally went to sleep in his new mother's arms.