
Dragon of Absolute Sovereignty (DXD)

Sharon Savant, a boy meant to be the next chief of a clan filled with Dragonkin: Humans with the muddled bloodline of the proud dragons. What would you expect to happen to such a clan? Decimation. In less than a day, the entire clan was wiped out, except for .... You guessed it, Sharon Savant. Join him as he journeys to the peak of the world with his Harem. ‐------------------------------------------------------ Yeah, it's a Harem fanfic. Personally, I enjoy Harem stories, so all my fanfics (old and new) will most likely be Harem. It is R-18, so I will have lemons in the story. I'll try to space them out, but if you don't want to read them, you're welcome to skip them, as it won't affect the flow of the story. ‐------------------------------------------------------ I don't own any of the pictures (including cover art), High School DXD or the characters. My OC character design is Ookurikara from Touken Ranbu.

Legaro · Anime et bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
32 Chs

Ch 23: The Birth of a Dragon King

'Lose? Me? No, I will not lose. I cannot lose!' Sharon roared in his head as he started to absorb the aura around him rapidly.

"I will not lose." He said with a cold voice as his eyes slowly widened. 

'That's it! The concept!' 

His golden eyes slightly glowed as he retreated, away from the clearing. The aura accumulating inside his body rapidly becoming more and more dangerous. 

The aura was like a herd of rampaging bulls, surging within his veins. It was something excruciating, but it evoked a sense of intense power. That was when it began, the incredible evolution that would shake the supernatural world.

Akeno, Suzaku, Kuroka, and Shirone watched with a smile as they saw Sharon evolving. Bikou, Arthur, and Le Fay watched as they could feel the intense pressure emanating from him.

Meanwhile, Vali and Grayfia were left in awe seeing his evolution. 

The air around him crackled from the overwhelming power that emanated from his body. The wind blew wildly around them, as his eyes glowed brightly. 

"I will never lose!" Sharon said with a wide grin as he had selected and condensed his aura to represent that concept ... Evolution.

Evolution ... a path that symbolized growth and the power to adapt, a concept that had no bounds, nor limits. It was the only concept that he was interested in ... one where he would never have to bow to others, never have to lose those he cares for ... one where he stands at the absolute pinnacle. 

The aura surrounding Sharon began to settle down and rapidly enter his body. 

With a grin, and with an abundance of energy within him, he glanced at Vali.

"I hope I didn't make you wait too long?" Sharon asked with a smirk as he could feel immense power rampaging within him.

The two smiled as they nodded and rushed toward each other. Vali's fist was covered with his divine dividing power, while Sharon's was covered with his aura, imbued with the essence of evolution.

The moment their fists connected, the shockwave blasted the both of them back, hurtling into the trees.

A smile appeared on Vali's face as he glanced at Sharon. "I'll keep dividing your power, Sharon. Over and over, as long as I need to."

A moment passed as the others could sense the tension that was evident between the two fighters. However, unlike what Vali had expected, Sharon was laughing wildly. 

"Hahahahaha, will you though, Vali?" Sharon asks as he leaps toward Vali. "Then do it, show me how you will keep dividing my power."

The fists made contact again, however, it was clear to Vali that Sharon's power had not decreased. Rather, it was slowly growing stronger and stronger.

"Impossible! HOW are you doing that?"

Vali asked as he tried to punch harder, narrowly missing Sharon who dodged.

"I've adapted ... to your power, Vali." Sharon said as he could hear a deep thundering laughter from Vali's arm.

"Boy! You've done it, congratulations on becoming history's youngest Dragon King."

Albion's voice resounded through the clearing as the spectators were shocked.

"Dragon King? Like Vritra or Jorgunmandr?" Le Fay asked as Arthur observed Sharon closely.

"I see why Vali wanted this young man to join us, and respected him so much."

"He's really that strong, huh ... I kinda wanna fight him now." Bikou said as he spun his staff in his hands.

"Albion! Let's do it." Vali said quietly as Sharon was getting used to his concept.

"Vali, you have yet to master it, you can't use it as you wish!" Albion said as Vali gritted his teeth.

"I'm not letting it end like this, Albion! 5 years, I've waited 5 years to fight him, and show him that I'm worth being his rival. If I lose like this ... I'm nothing to him." Vali said with clenched fists as Albion could feel the emotions rampaging inside Vali.

"Vali ... I understand. However, remember ... it only lasts 30 seconds." Albion said as Vali grinned and nodded.

"30 seconds, I'll see what 30 seconds gives me the time to do." Vali muttered as a pale blue light shined from Vali's arm.

"Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker." Vali and Albion said together as a scale mail armor surrounded his body.

"Balance Breaker ... how interesting." Sharon commented as he rolled his fists back and grinned widely.

"This will be my last stand, Sharon ... bring it on."

"As you wish, Vali ... I'm not holding back."

They both said as they grinned and flew into each other.

"Divide!" Vali yelled as his punch made contact with Sharon's and divided his power.

'So his power is magnified due to Balance Breaker?' Sharon realized as he began to think.

'Albion said I need to combine the concept with my already existing aura moves ... let's try it.' Sharon thought as he was dodging Vali's attacks.

Sharon's body began to glow and his speed multiplied, allowing him to fly by Vali multiple times within a second.

"Your divide ability only works with physical contact, I've just got to avoid that ... don't I?"

Sharon said with a smirk as he unleashed an intense barrage of attacks filled with his rampaging aura, each one nearly shattering Vali's bones upon contact.

The fight had completely turned tables and was now a one-sided onslaught. Sharon was decimating Vali's armor, slowly breaking it.

However, at the last punch, Vali's armor retreated and he began to fall.

Sharon pulled back his punch and caught him.

"That was a good fight, Vali. You've grown strong." Sharon said as he landed and waited for Le Fay to heal Vali using her magic.

"Albion ... thanks for the help." Sharon said as he slightly bowed his head.

"Don't mention it, kid. I got to see history's youngest Dragon King in action, I'm quite satisfied." Albion said with a hearty laugh.

"You three, you're the ones Vali's chosen as his allies ... not bad. You're all quite strong." Sharon said as his eyes began to glow and their aura became visible to his eyes.

"What the? What's going on?" Kuroka asked as Shirone, Grayfia, Akeno and Suzaku were clearly confused as to why their eyes were glowing and they could see a weird energy around everyone.

"Aura, it's something every being has. Dragons call it aura, Devils call it demonic power, Angels call it light power, Fallen Angels call it holy power, and so on. It's a unique ability to be able to see them, and you joining my peerage grants you that ability." Sharon explained as he glanced at Vali, who was standing up now.

The two stared at each other, a smile on Sharon's face, while Vali was gritting his teeth.

"A good fight, you pushed me into evolving. Thanks, Vali."

Sharon said as he stretched out his hand with a balled up fist.

"You just keep getting stronger, huh?" Vali scoffed as he fistbumped Sharon's outstretched hand.

"That's right, my rival, grow stronger. I want to fight you again." Sharon grinned as he glanced at Vali's group.

"This one ... she's a strong one. Reminds me of that story I read a while ago ... about Morgan Le Fay." Sharon said as Le Fay was smiling cheerfully.

"Seems something big is going to happen. I've met far too many Sacred Gear wielders already and I'm still in just Japan." Sharon commented as he glanced at the moon, which was right above their heads.

"Seems it's midnight ... I'm finally 18, haha." Sharon said with a chuckle as he turned away.

"Le Fay ... if you're interested in learning Draconian magic, come find me. Though you'll need to join my peerage to be able to use Draconian magic." Sharon said with a wink as he stretched out his wings and ascended into the sky.

"Girls, let's head home."


This chapter was a bit late, sorry for that.

My parents had come to visit and I also had numerous midterms so I was a bit stressed out.

Anyways, let me know if you liked the chapter. I love reading comments, good or bad!

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Do leave comments, as I'll read each one and take it to heart on how I can improve my writing.