
Master, Please...

Darkness overshadowed the night, coupled with the dark energy that lingered in the air. Silently stepping into the dark alley with a base underneath. Puny humans everywhere, such weak creations. The master will be infuriated. A cloaked figure suddenly stopped in its tracks, staring into a dark corner.

Then suddenly a voice, "Did you find it?"

"No master but give me another chance. I will n..." the cloaked figure was cut short and its knees sank to the cold concrete ground staggering and unable to mutter.

"Incompetence", The voice from within the dark corner spoke again.

Then continued, "Useless"

The cloaked figure began to shake, saying

"I beg of you master, please"

"I hate incompetence"

A dim light appeared from within the corner. It brightened, revealing a book. The book ascended, levitating in mid air. It stopped just inches over and away from the cloaked figure.

"N-No m-mas-master, please"

The figure stuttered. The book glowed and the words in it as well and a blank page flipped open.

"Good riddance", and immediately a light from the book struck the figure. Its voice shrieked both in fear and inexplainable pain. Its cloak landed on the ground, empty.

The figure using it vanished. An image appeared on the blank page, more like a creature. It was hideous: having two horns on its head, had half of its body covered in fur while the other half(legs) weren't legs but two long hind hoofs. It had a short tail, ears like a deer's, razor sharp teeth. Its hands were like a human's but covered in black fur.

The light decreased as the book clapped itself shut.


"Twerp!" Damian called out to shawn again who just stood glued to the spot. He slowly turned to meet Damian's dazzling brown eyes. 'Hmph! How could I compete with this hottie'

"Look what we have here. Seems twerp face was eyeing my girl"

Damian said as he clenched his fist, making shawn gulp hard.

"what! Cat gotcha tongue?" He mocked

"N-N-No" Shawn stammered, shivering a bit.

"N-N-NO. Be a man, Frost",damian said, almost yelling and his team mates chuckled

"I wasn't looking at her, Damian. She'sShe'sa girl,not that pretty", Shawn replied with shaky legs as he held his locker for balance

"What"damian snapped 

"NO. What I meant was that, she's gorgeous"

"So you were looking at her. Twerp face was eyeing my gal" damian gritted

 "No damian. Oh please don't hurt me"

Damian and his team laughed at the fear filled weakling.

How can someone be so timid and weak. Hebrought his fist closer and just then, the school bell rang.

"Hm, saved by the bell Frost", Damian muttered as Shawn sighed in relief.

"This ain't over twerp" He and his team walked off but not before gifting the other a hard blow to the gut. And it hurted a lot as the boy held his throbbing tummy.

"Curse you damian" He groaned painfully.

He slowly locked his locker and walked to class. All eyes on him as he entered, everyone laughed silently at Damian's lastest and continual victim. He managed to get to his seat, ignoring all the silent laughters, mockery and whispers. The teacher for the period came in as he took his seat.


A voice called out to shawn, who still held his tummy.

"Hey!!" The voice called again and Shawn turned to its direction.

It was Tyler - the fantasy nerd, always talking and believing in supernaturals. Sometines he was thankful he wasn't a nutcase as he termed tyler who believes dragons exist..

"Damian really got ya, uhn" Tyler whispered

Shawn gave him a glare, turning his gaze to the teacher for the period.

"Rude much" He heard the latter whisper.


Lunch time!

This was Seattle, a prosperous city in Washington DC state.

And the school was a private board, the very best in the city. He never knew he'd get the scholarship to study here. Spring high, was the very best. Renowned for its numerous records in debates and competition. Never inferior to any. And Shawn had won a scholarship over there, though with the help of a wealthy business icon. Still, it wouldn't be said that Shawn Frost wasn't a nerd and one of the many geniuses.

 As the students walked through the hallways. 

All the students walked in two groups to the cafeteria. Shawn brought out the lunch his mum prepared and placed it a tray he took. He was searching for a lonely spot (a seat) when he saw Tyler wave at him but he ignored the nutcase. Then his eyes caught chloe, who was gisting and giggling with her friends on a seat nearby. He was so zoned out,admiring and drooling over her, he didn't notice when he tripped. He fell to the floor and his tray went flying and landed on someone.The whole hall gasped. Shawn felt his spirit leave him, as he gulped really hard. Uh-Oh!