

    " Why are you giving me that look uh?"

   Shawn glared at the nerd in anger and pity. If before he had any amount of respect for him, now it was burnt to nothing.

   " Take a very good look at it. It's just like Excalibur," Tyler was still adamant, " y'know, the sword in the stone. The sword from Arthur, Camelot. Like look at its blinding Aura"

    The idiot was grinning. Shawn was fuming, his right fist folding the more in anger. He'd soon lose it and punch the sucker right in the jaw line. He rose to his feet, dusting his thighs away, inhaled the air that had begun to grow tense. The sky was starting to get cloudy. A storm was fast approaching.

    " You dragged me all this way for a damned rusty old piece of metal that's not even worth to be called a Sword. Excalibur and sh*t? Camelot? Arthur? Do I look like Merlin?" Shawn growled, anger rising up the more.

   " Maybe they were right about you. You're a dumb nerd. A stupid excuse for fantasy. Dragons and shit don't be existing. Are u for real? Now the next thing that's gon' pop outta ya sh*tty mouth is magic"

" I refuse to be seen with you. People already think I'm deranged. I ain't you. So just leave me alone and go find a mental hospital 'cause you'll never amount to anything if you continue in ya naive pursuits and beliefs" Shawn continued, a hand racking over his hair, " And----"

   The wind stirred and died and then stirred again. Fear stirred in Tyler, his feelings were crushed. He looked at the other. Those eyes were purely cold, a harsh tone to adjust. This was his only friend. And now---..

     An uneasiness made his mind curl up in the darkest part of his mind. He envisioned himself falling into a pit and never being able to come out. He just felt pain now. There was this heaviness in his throat, it was weary, icky, his vision blurred and he wanted to cry. He simply knelt down there. Unable to react or move.

     "---... and you think everyone is allowed to dream. We're just dust. Nothing more. And to dust we return. No hope. Faith. Trust is so useless. And love mostly doesn't exist. It's simply trash. Why....." Shawn said, his voice cold, then began to panic, eyes growing wide

    He noticed the shift of emotions and stopped his rasping and banter. He sighed in defeat. Lips curling out a curse. 

 The wind dropped abruptly. Shawn noticed this and frowned. Strange. The sky was cloudy and gloomy. And it began to drizzle. He inhaled and exhaled.

   " Just leave me alone for now." He mouthed and turned in haste. Taking long strides to avoid the upcoming rainfall, not even bothering to look back. Tyler just stayed there, crushed all over. The pain hurt more than Damian's fist.


        Even along the path of the dead. Nothing was more weary than such indistinct sight. The broken walls. Gory floors. Blood on every corner of the foundation. Darkness reignited. A few distant steps, a figure matched into the light.

    " Have you found it?"

" No master. Permit me to go beyond the reefs. We're doing nothing in this wretched wasteland. Give me permission to break the nightly code. Humanity is at our mercy. Why choose such lowly methods. I can bring it back to you."

    A huff echoed from the dark.

" Very well. But do not fail me. I know that egg is somewhere close. After the commotion. Such news can't simply be framed. Trace the cause of that light before the end of seven days. Else I'll personally see to it that you remain extinct and all your worthless relations. I gave you those powers to be put to use. Not for incompetence."

     " Thank you master"

 Footsteps rang out in the distant and dropped.

  The walls suddenly trembled. And a deep red flame rose from his chest. A symbol of a dragon mark.

" There, there old friend. We'll be reunited soon enough. Have patience. Our time will come and the earth will quake. It's coming."