

Marcellis jolted out of his thoughts.


He mentally called and his dragon came flying to where he was.

"The sorceress's cove" He spoke. His dragon leaned forward, on the ground.

 After his master had came upon, Magnus grunted then took to the skies. Sooner, they were over a dark and shady forest. A huge part of it was filled with dead trees, not a single life was found.

Magnus found a place to land, laid flat for Marcellis is alight. Marcellis went deep into the forest then further before he finally saw what looked like a hut with smoke escaping its chimney. He got to it, knocking.

It took a while before the door creaked, opening up to reveal an elderly woman

"My liege.... " She bowed as he proudly walked in

".....You seek the prophecy that's why you came" The sorceress spoke up as she shut the door.

" Clever. You read my mind" He smirked with a deadly expression.

Everything in the hut felt dark.You could feel the tense energy that lingered in the air. Marcellis didn't worry, he was already used to it.

His expression was just a cold gaze at the woman walking to what she was doing. Then she stopped and turned to him

"Give me a strand of your hair" She said to Marcellis who looked confused

"My hair. What for?" he asked

"You seek the prophecy, don't you?" was all she replied, her eyes narrowed at him.

Marcellis obliged and pulled just a strand. He wasn't okay leaving his hair. For all he knew,she could use it to bewitch him. He never trusted the old witch

He watched as she received the hair from him then walked over to the chimney. She stood there chanting with the hair in her upraised hands.

Suddenly a light wind blew in, the air more tense as the fire danced to the wind.

Her hair rose up as she mouthed the last word then gently placed the hair in the fire. She began to chant again, the flame intensified, blazing like a furry.

Everything in the hut began to rumble. Marcellis flinched at the old witch. Suddenly it stopped, clouds of vapour from the fire darted through the air forming small figures, images of humans and unnamed creatures. The witch closed her eyes then began to say

" A young boy will be your end. A noble, kind and pure heart he possesses. Conflicted in ways. The least. With the egg of a dragon, your doom is at hand"

"Dragon?", he thought confused, "That damn egg"

"I do not see when this will come to pass but it will happen" She concluded.

The air chilled, dropping, a quake resounding. A small tremble, everything went back to normal.

" A young boy?" Marcellis chuckled, "Not even a mage rider, or his mighty dragon could stop me, then a mere boy would? Rubbish."

" Kill that ego. It'll be the end of you"

She raised her voice at him.

Worse - Mistake - Ever.

 Suddenly, she felt her feet rise from the floor. Her throat went hoarse as she struggled to breath. Her whole body was in midair. Five feet aloft - above the air.

Her eyes which began to turn red, met with Marcellis who was fuming in anger.

"Who gave you the gut to raise your voice at me?" He growled, icily, rage in his voice.

She choked trying to fight the force he was using to tighten her breath, her neck. She struggled to cast a spell then she felt her whole body stiffen, she couldn't move.

Marcellis had his right palm fisted, strangling her the more his fist folded, before releasing as she dropped to the floor. She almost fell unconscious. He scowled at her as he made for the door.

"I regret making you Imm....ort...Im...Immortal." She stuttered struggling to breathe.

Marcellis gave an evil grin before escaping through the door.

"Your end will come, o king"

Going a few paces outside, he heard her say.

"Magnus, " He mentally called and it came flying to where he was.

"Burn it down"

With one breath, Magnus set the whole hut ablaze.

Marcellis glanced at the big book in his hands, a satisfactory smile swept his face.The book contained dark magic - for conjuring dreadful, spells creatures, potions and many more. It was filled with dark spells which could make you shiver but he smiled at the sight of it.

" Now for the boy" He muttered and gave a diabolical look......