
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 9: Human Ignorance and the true threats of Grimm.

Amber has seen many things in her life, events that the average person of remnant wouldn't believe.

It was at the moment of pure surreal clarity, witnessing Kalis slaughtering hordes of grimm in the blink of an eye, has toppled most of what she has done or experienced.

It was bizarre and fantastical, the most unbelievable feat she ever saw. Not to mention killing a legendary grimm with ease.

However, though he saved the city, no one seemed to cheer for his heroism. As Amber saw their stiff faces and widened eyes, it was quite the opposite, they feared him.

Amber suspected something like this would happen. No one could do what Kalis has done. Not to mention that Kalis would be mistaken for a fanus-a race of people that is not favored in parts of mistral. And yet she had hoped for a better reaction.

The hours passed before the town went back to normalcy, repairs went under way, the injured were attended to, and everyone kept a wide berth from both her and Kalis. The same glares from before turned into weary glances.

But Kalis didn't seem to care for their change in behavior, their scorn, or even the whispers that followed.

As though they're petty nature was below his notice. Eventually they were back at the Inn, taking a much needed bath, before heading down towards the dining hall.

It was early in the morning, and there were less customers than the usual pack of people. As Kalis and Amber descended downstairs, the few customers remained bolted out the door.

Amber brows furrowed at their disrespect, while Kalis shrugged it off, continuing towards one of the vacant tables.

"I guess everyone is in a hurry to repair the town. Oh well, more food for us," Kalis chirped, grabbing one of the menus.

Amber turned her sharp gaze at Kalis.

"What? Is it something I said?"

She shook her head and sighed before sombering over to the table, pulled out a chair and slump down.

Confused, Kalis followed, and sat before her.

After a couple minutes a waitress appeared to them, and asked them for their orders. Amber simply mumbled the dishes she wanted while Kalis… ordered practically everything that was on the menu.

The waitress's eyes boggle in disbelief, her mouth agape.

Kalis nodded to confirm what he said was all true. As she hurried in the back to tell the chefs, Kalis turned to observe Amber's melancholy mood.

She had been in the dumps for quite a while, and Kalis didn't understand why. Was it really what he said? Was she sick? Did someone say something to her? Why are human-frail and weak creatures-so complicated to understand?

"Amber?"Kalis voiced, tilting his head.

No response, She continued to stare out into open space, twiddling her thumbs. This was concerning, as she was being more quiet than usual, a behavior that Kalis started to see a common pattern.

But it was nothing that he could not fix.

A mischievous smirk crossed his face, as his tail slithered underneath the table. It writhe towards Amber like a serpent until it brushes against her legs.

Amber squeaks loudly as she jumps out her chair. When she looked down, She saw Kalis' tail wagging at her underneath. Amber glared at Kalis with an accusatory pout- but he showed her the most innocent smile.

"So, back to reality Amber. Y'know I heard that Lala Land is a good place to visit on occasion but not when you try to escape from your problems."

Amber brows furrowed.

"Um… Kalis," Amber uttered slowly. "What are you talking about?"

Kalis shrugs, before leaning back against the door.

"No clue, I guess I was trying to sound deep. But it failed to sound remotely cool."

Kalis looks at her. At least she wasn't so focused on being depressed anymore. Startled if anything else.

"Not that this is any of my business, but,"Kalis began, slowly edging closer towards unfamiliar territory. "Is everything alright with you, cause ever since that grimm attack, you've been quiet most of the time. Even moody too."

Amber frowned, as she crossed her arms and sat back down.

"I am not moody," She bit out. "Besides, I'm just frustrated about how everything played out."

"What did you mean?" Kalis said, raising his brow. "The town is safe, grimms eradicated, and everyone is fine. Well except for a couple of guys, I'm pretty sure that one dude is missing an arm. I wonder if he's gonna need that."

Amber balled her fist, "No that not it," She uttered. "You're not angry in the slightest? You're not mad at being glared at, or even being talked behind your back?"

"No, I mean not at all." Kalis said, rubbing his chin. "Should I be? I have yet to meet anyone that crossed me recently, other than that, I'm good. Let them talk shit for all I cared."

"Language," Amber sighed, as she slumped on her chair. But her expression softened, like a weight lifted off her shoulders. She had thought Kalis would be upset for such disrespect. But after seeing his nonchalant attitude despite the people scorn and fear of him, Amber now realized her anger was unneeded.

She smiled wryly. 'I guess Kalis is much more understandable than I am.'

Kalis grinned, glad she wasn't upset because of what others think. The waitress came back seconds later, bringing beverages. Amber was given green tea, while Kalis was handed a hot coco.

Amber arched her brow. 'A dragon with a sweet tooth, who would have guessed.'

"Since we have plenty of time before food gets here," Kalis said. He greedly drank down the still hot coco, not fearing of burning himself. "How about we continue what we left off, only this time, I'll be asking the question."

Amber nodded eagerly as she set up straight.

"These grimm,"Kalis phrased. "You say they are as old as humanity, correct?"

Amber nodded slowly.

"Is there by any chance legends foretelling ancient humans originating from somewhere. Like, oh I dunno, from a different world."

"No," Amber said slowly, puzzled. "All cultural studies suggest that humanity was born on the forbidden continent."

"Forbidden continent?"

"Ironically,"Amber smirked. "It's shaped exactly like a dragon."

Kalis snorted as he rolled his eyes. "Alright so why is it called the 'Forbidden continent.'"

Amber turns serious after hearing that, as though reminding herself of how dangerous her world is.

"It's called forbidden," She hesitated. Kalis stared at her, clearly something about that continent bothered her, like a deep repressed memory crawling up from the surface, haunting her. He saw the exact same forlorn gaze upon many individuals who witnessed horrors beyond belief.

But despite whatever she was reliving within her mind-a privacy that Kalis will not encroach upon-she still carried a smile on her face.

"It's called the forbidden continent," Amber said."Because of the many legendary grimms residing there, some of them are rumored to be mythical."

Legendary? Mythical? Kalis had been wondering about these terms for some time now.

"Why are they called legendary?" Kalis questioned. "Is it like a classification? Something that distinguished between grimm."

"Yes," Amber confirmed. "It is the measure of a grimm threat level. Regular hunters always dwelt with normal grimm on a daily basis. Grimms that often took the shape of predatory beasts.

"However, the more dangerous a grimm is, the more grotesque and abominable they've become. People of Remnant only have three categories for them, and sometimes when you meet any of them… doesn't often lead to happy endings."

The quiet in the room set the tone for Amber tales. If this was outside, at night time having a campfire like setting, perhaps it would have been a lot more eerie.

But they were in a restaurant inn, with the lights from the chandelier above shining bright, with the cooks in the back cursing up a storm by the orders of meal they were given.

The first class that Amber told Kalis was the variant Horror or folktales. Their form is oftentimes grotesque and alien to look at. They proved to be challenges for the combined forces of four professional hunters. The hunters rarely survive the encounter.

The second class would be legendary.

"The one you killed moments ago was one of them," Amber said, taking a sip from her tea.

"It didn't look much like a threat," Kalis pondered.

"Well some of us aren't powerful dragons from out of space,"Amber remarked. "But yeah, that grimm you killed was known to destroy entire towns. It takes a small army to take them down."

She recounted the past for him, explaining how, after the great hundred year war, many legendary grimm plague all of Remnant continent. Safe haven was a rare commodity-even as the four kingdoms waged war against one another- they seldom paid attention to threats surrounding them.

"And the mythical class," Kalis asked suddenly. "What about them? How dangerous were they?"

Amber shook her head.

"Sorry." She intoned. "All that I know of mythical grimm are vague. But if history told me anything about one, it was the fact it took the entirety of the world army to take it down. The king of Vale was the one who led the charge to slay the creature, the sacrifice it required to do so high… countless lives were lost. Half of the world population has plummeted since."

Kalis nodded absentedly. He figures as much. Most of those fighting out there were skilled, using abilities unique to only them. But they were overwhelmed quickly, their ranks were in total disarray, the legendary grimm proved to be the biggest hurdle for the town.

"One final question then," Kalis said, peering into Amber hazel orbs. There was power within them, ancient, mystifying, and if properly trained, could be cultivated into a powerful force comparable to cosmic entities.

"Amber. Why is it that only you are able to use ether or magic as you would like to call it?"

Her eyes widened, mouth agape in shock. He knows. Kalis knew of her gifts since they met. Before she can even properly explain why only she can, the doors from the kitchen area opens.

The waitress from before carried Amber's dish- but what boggles Amber the most was the many trays that follow.

"Kalis!" Amber exclaimed, as each attendant placed each dish they carried on the table. "What is all this!?"

"All of them are for me," He said sheepishly, grabbing his eating utensils. "It's been a while since I have eaten cooked food, and killing all those grimm works up quite an appetite."

Amber understands but...Gods, could Kalis really eat all of that in one go?

Well, apparently he can. Though Amber took small bites of her own food, she was transfixed on Kalis gobbling entire dishes whole, like a vacuum. Foods that were made specifically for whole groups of people, disappeared in an instant.

Amber couldn't understand it. Just how was he doing this!? Even the workers are stunned at his ferocious appetite. In a manner of minutes, everything was gone, not even specks of scraps.

Despite all of that, he doesn't appear to gain weight as he rubs his stomach in content.

"Now that was simply wonderful. Exquisite! My compliments to the chef."

Kalis glanced at Amber and saw her baffled expression.

"You alright Amber, you look kinda bewildered there."

Amber closed her mouth, and looked at Kalis with strain.

"I have seen eating before,"She started, before leaning forward pointing her finger sternly at him. "But what you did mister was a disaster."

Kalis blink slowly. "Wait, wha-"

"Do you have any idea how terrible your table manners are,!?"She scolded. "I know that your dragon but at least show proper decorum, look at those poor people over there, they're in shock."

Kalis raised hands defensively.

"Okay, let's relax here, no need to-"

"No I will not relax," Amber cut in sharply. "Kalis Kalikrates, we will have words of proper etiquettes."

"Oh geez."

It had taken Amber roughly ten minutes straight to go on and explain remnant food decorum to Kalis. Some of which are very trivial nonsense.

But he allowed her to continue ranting about his sloppy eating habits. A change of pace for her timidity around him.

"Well I think that's enough for food lesson 101, for today," Amber said.

"Finally," Kalis groaned, slumping back against the chair. "Thought it would never end until sunset."

Amber chuckled softly, as the servers gathered up the plates from the table.

"Serves you right for eating like a beast. So, ready to head out," Amber said, scooting out of the chair.

Kalis mumbled something along the line about humans and their rule of eating.

"Wait a second. Don't humans usually pay for their meals? Why are we leaving?"

"We already have," Amber remarked. "When I paid for a one day stay for the both of us, that includes meals. But then again.."

She glanced at the general direction of the crowds of chefs, tired and grumbling to one another.

"I think you might have made them rethink their policies."

Kalis shrugs, as they both stride towards the door. However, Amber was unaware of the crowd gathering at the front of the Inn. Kalis didn't much care why, but he did feel their apprehension and hostility.

He really hopes they weren't dumb enough to try to take him down. The grimms should have persuaded them the first time. Kalis was always aware of their hate for him, he could feel the vibe they give.

Stefan did warn him of bigots. The moment they open the double doors, a crowd of hunters and a few towns folks greet them.

"Why is every hunter here?!" Amber demanded, staring down upon the grim faces of every hunter, weapons poised to strike.

"Well, I'm not an expert, but. They do kinda look like a mob ready to lynch somebody," Kalis responded.

Amber narrowed her eyes, her hands balled into fist.

"Is it true,"She growled, her orbs glowing ever so slightly, like kindled sparks ready to burst.

But they paid little attention to her. Their main priority lies solely on Kalis. He stared back at them with nonchalant, as one would look at a fly, and perhaps, in turn sensing his indifference made them little less brave minutes ago.

"So is any of y'all gonna let us pass, because if you think this mob maneuver is intimidating..." Kalis took a single stomp on the ground, dented the pavement. The cracks spread beneath. The crowd of hunters balked, gripping their weapons tightly. "Trust me when I say your scared tactics won't work on me."

"Enough," a voice resounded behind the crowd. The hunters parted, allowing a figure to emerge. A man of middling age, short set black hair and flowing robes, similar to cultivation worlds that Kalis has been before strode forth.

He stood taller than the rest, lean and imposing. His dark eyes settled upon Kalis with scrutiny, pondering.

"I presume I have you to thank for eradicating the grimm threat," The man asked.

"Yes, Kalis replied, staring into his dark orbs. "Well, most of the hunters here have fought the majority of grimm. I merely clean out the rest.

"How humbling," He muttered, bowing. "Nonetheless, you have my gratitude. My name is Zhi Yung-Shao, thank you for protecting my town in my stead."

Kalis waved off his gratitude.

"Don't mention it, anyone would have done the same."

Mr.Shao grunted, as he straightened up.

He stared into the starlight pearls of Kalis' eyes, searching for something within them.

He turned away abruptly, causing the people around to look puzzled, even Amber.

"As I have said before, we all appreciate what you have done for us," Shao said, his gaze sweeping over the hunters.

The hunters bristled under his hardened glare, catching some underlying meaning that only they would understand.

They put away their weapons, like children being reprimanded.

Shao took a breath and turned back to Kalis.

"You have done a wonderful thing for us, and I hate to ask for a selfish request after what you have done."

Amber remained silent, observing. She kept a cool enough front, but deep down, she was all too aware of what he'll say next.

"Please leave our town and never come-"

"Why!?" Amber shouted hysterically.

Kalis glanced at her as did Shao.

"Why are you kicking him out, he just saved all of you from the grimm, is that not enough!"

"Young lady, why I understand your grievances, he must not stay," Shao affirmed.

"Because he's a fanus," She snarled, stepping forth.

"It is partially the reason," Shao admitted. "But I feared violence within my town would escalate if he remains."

"He is not some dangerous animal to be driven away, how can you people be so callous."

Shao remains impassive, not even bothering to explain how Kalis being in his town will bring more problems.

"Well, are you gonna say anything," Amber said, stomping closer to Shao. She was fuming at the point of exploding. "What is it that you have against fanuses, huh? Will you tell me or is every last one of you too much of a coward."

Shao narrowed his dark orbs dangerously. But Kalis took hold of Amber's shoulder quickly before things got out of hand.

"Yo Amber chill," Kalis said, taking her full attention from the leader of the town. "No need to get all confrontational, it's not like we're planning to stay here."

"But Kal-"

"We'll be leaving now Mr.Shao. We just need to find Amber's horse and then we'll be on our way."

Shao sighed, and nodded. "Then thank you once again for understanding."

With all that said, Kalis took Amber by the arm and pulled her away from the mob. Shao kept his eyes on them all the way.

Grateful that he doesn't have to confront such a monster.