
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 7: A New Looming Threat

It was never always easy becoming a general, being responsible for countless lives under your command. But it is a worthy burden that James Ironwood will gladly take.

James stood impassively, arm folded behind his back.

Many of his soldiers patrol the forested area, keeping watch for grimm while the research team set up base and study the strange energy signature still lingering in the meadows.

At least, what used to be a meadow. Now it was but a ruinous terrain of burnt grass and scattered trenches.

While the scientists conduct their studies, James' main focus lies upon the young huntress that tags along on the mission. Jacqueline B. Ivory, a secret operative-or orphan as Ozpin likes to call them- came to asist James by investigating the scene.

She crouched down, inspected the burnt ground, rubbing the dirt between her fingers. Her eyes narrowed, as though catching sight that only she could see. Breathing deeply, Jacqueline stood up, dusting off dirt from her hands, and turned to James.

"Well, I can say for certain that a fight definitely took place here,"Jacqueline asserted.

James nodded. It was the same assessment he first came up with.

"However," She began. "I don't actually know what the grimm were fighting out here."

James arches a brow.

"Perhaps it is the fallout between legendary Grimms fighting for territory," He stated. "It is not uncommon for the younger grimm to challenge an elder."

She shook her head.

"Do you see the many footprints around,"She gestured. He nodded. Many of the prints surrounding him were all leading towards the same direction.

"As far as I know, Grimm never teamed up together to take down one of their own. I'm not sure what they were fighting but… it was big, strong and...maybe had the power to breathe fire."

James widened his eyes.

"Are you certain?"He asked, glancing back into the landscape.

"Of course Mr. Ironwood. Now I might not know what you are all doing here, but I'm glad I came." She turned back to the land before her. Scarred, burnt, with deep trenches in five patterns scattered across the land.

But Jacqueline knew that they were not trenches. They were in fact claw marks, huge and jagged, like a massive beast being annoyed by pests. Through Jacqueline's study of the terrain, the creature in question was big and far too fast for its size.

"I may not know what this thing is," Jacqueline said. "But at least it seems to dislike grimm as much as we do."

Her assessment didn't sit well for James. He'd hoped it was a simple meteor crash, something common in their daily lives. But after being told that the celestial object was a living thing, had set him on edge.

James sighed deeply. Another problem for Remnant, just what they needed.

"Thank you for your time Miss Ivory," James praised, smiling. "You've proven yourself to be quite the knowledgeable huntress."

Jacqueline blushed at the praise, and smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks Mr.Ironwood," Jacqueline replied. She let out a soft yawn.

"If it's alright with you general sir, I think I'll get some shut eyes for my next mission."

James nodded absently, as Jacqueline stride to one of the flying vessels known as bullheads. He regarded the claw marks with trepidation. Not even gargantuan grimm could make such deep cuts and yet whatever done this act was far more deadlier than legendary class, if not mythical class.

And mythical class grimm doesn't exist anymore, the last king of vale during the great war made sure of it. But this creature was out there, roaming remnant-doing things that only the Gods would know.

James feared that a new threat was looming upon Remnant.


Kalis awoke to sounds of screams. He jumped out of bed, his wings outstretched, as he looked around frantically. Amber was gone but her packs were still at the bedside. Kalis hurried towards the balcony where he believed the screaming resonated.

Opening the screen doors, Kalis stopped in his tracks as he beheld the outside. Pandemonium eschewed before his eyes, as hordes of grimm encroached the city like swarthe of a black tide.

They swarm like locusts as many beowolves, ursa, and other variants run amok, attacking hunters and citizens alike. The sky was bloated out as nevermores and griffons swooped in and picked off their prey.

Dawn was slowly creeping in, and the most eye-catching- despite the chaos around Kalis- was the massive grimm at the city centre below.

It was like the cross between crustaceans and insects. Fifty-feet in height, with white carapace for its face and upper body with a chitinous sleek lower body standing on 14 legs.

The massive grimm opened its mandibles and trumped into the sky, its multi-voice shook the foundation upon which Kalis stands on, never once had he lost his balance.

The grimm abomination sets its eight eyes on the brave hunters that stood before it. Three remained steadfast while the others fighting along them were incompacitated, some missing limbs.

The grimm giant looks at them, observing them as a garment chef would look at a piece of meat.

The grimm crustacean clicks its mandibles as it raises its scythe like claws for the kill. But the grimm variant never had the chance to strike, as a ball of flame slammed into the crustacean main eyes.

It roared in pain, and recoiled away. Baffled, the hunters as well as Kalis looked towards the one responsible. Amber strode forth, her hands cupped together, holding blazing fire, ready to burst.

She glared at the hideous grimm, as it turned at her. It hissed menacingly, glaring at her with hatred at its core, one of main eye sockets burned out, leaving seven of them intact.

Amber let loose another ball of fire, but the grimm juggernaut was prepared. It dodged at the last second, the sphere of fire sailing past.

Amber cursed under breath, ready to attack again. The crustacean grimm did not allow her another chance as he bolted at her in speed unbecoming of its size. The hunters tried to stop its advance but the grimm giant blitzed through them, tossing them aside into buildings.

Amber panics slightly, as it was almost upon her, her abilities weren't coming fast enough. Kalis took action. He didn't know why it took him so long to act now. Perhaps he was still disoriented, tired, and sluggish.

But seeing Amber in danger, drove him to act on impulse. Kalis shot up into the air, angle himself at the right position, before aiming a falling kick at the giant grimm. It was almost upon her, it trumped it's multi voiced in glee.

Amber grabs her staff, and gets into a low stance, prepared to defend herself in the best way possible. The grimm juggernaut rose both its scythed claws, prone to sliced her to pieces. But again, it never had the chance to act upon it.

In a resounding boom! Kalis crashes down upon the Grimm crustacean head, pulverising and crushing it like a soda can.

Amber started, mouth agape.

"Kalis!" She called out. "You're finally awake!?"

Kalis huff derisively and folded his arms.

"I am, no thanks to you I might add."

Amber frowned.

"Well I tried to wake you, but you wouldn't budge," Amber said. "Besides I couldn't just sit around waiting for you. This town is being attacked in case you haven't noticed."

Kalis raised a brow. How cheeky she was before a dragon.

He glanced towards the battle before him, the humans were losing this fight fast, and the grimm were slowly overwhelming them. Casualties will soon stack up.

Kalis clicks his tongue. Frustrated and annoyed, Kalis releases an overwhelming killer intent. An invisible wave surging onwards, stopping every grimm in their place.

The hunters as well stopped, as chills ran down their spines. Even Amber took a step back, cold sweat dampened her brows, as the hairs on the back of her neck rose.

Kalis' killer instinct alone reminded her of what he was.

The grimm swarm turned collectively in his direction, began to conversed on his position.

Kalis grinned, satisfied at the new turn of events. At first, he expected them to flee, but their reaction to his threats was still great nonetheless. Now he doesn't have to worry about any one getting in the way.

He turned towards Amber, a smug smile plastered across his face.

"Don't blink," was his only response. Amber never had the chance why, as he disappeared before her. Amber looked around frantically, searching for him, until she saw the grimms around being ripped apart.

One by one, grimm from the skies and ground are torn asunder, Scores hundreds lay on the ground like lumps of meat. The grimm from the skies plummeted to the floor, and the ones below were already dead before they realized it. Kalis was the root cause of grimm slaughter. Amber was already amazed by his feats, but this set a whole new record.

Whenever she catches sight of a grimm being chicabob, she could see the blur afterimages of Kalis.

Hunters and few civilians that yet to evacuate to a safe place, were as stunned and amazed as Amber.

When the last grimm was ripped to shreds, Kalis reappeared at her side. There he was, his clawed hands coated in the dark substance of grimm visera. He appeared primal to Amber eyes, standing ever vigilance, daring those to step forth to challenge him.

When his gaze settled upon her, the once primal beast eschewing such carnage went away. In its place was Kalis, who smiled, unconcerned with grimm flesh still covering his hands and clothes. It was becoming increasingly hard to tell which was the real Kalis.

"Are you hungry Amber,"Kalis said. "I know I am, killing these creatures had me work out the appetite."

Amber stared at him, not knowing what to say at the moment. The city was a wreck, many were injured but not too life threatening, and the most majority of people had seen what Kalis could do.

And yet, it was strangely off-putting how casually Kalis was taking all this in stride. Amber supposed that she shouldn't be surprised, afterall he wasn't from their world, common sense probably isn't going to be a factor when he's around.

"Sure," Amber sighed, giving up on being surprised by anything Kalis does. "Food sounds pretty good right about now."

Kalis nodded, before turning back towards the grimm crustaceans' fading body. Its head was smush, but one red eye glared out lifelessly.

He couldn't quite place it, but Kalis felt something staring back. As though the grimm eye was but a camera and someone or something was watching through them.

But the presence soon disappears as the eye dissolves. Kalis shrugs, it was a mystery but not his concern.

As Kalis turned back and stride for the inn, he instantly felt everyone's attention upon his back. One would expect praise, gratitude or even the occasional cheer. But all Kalis felt from them was warriness and fear.

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