
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Sins are hardly Forgotten

They walk through the dark forest, their footsteps being the only sound. Amber grew tense against the quiet atmosphere. It was so unnatural how the sound of wildlife was not being heard.

Almost as though a predator was near, and every animal remained silent for fear of drawing its presence.

"It seems quiet tonight," Amber said, holding on Kalis tightly. "Isn't that strange? Like, there's no noise at all, almost as if they are afraid of something."

Kalis hummed a response. He looked around the forest, admiring the fauna. Amber glanced at him. Kalis' aloof nature didn't ease her fears lightly, perhaps uninterested in talking.

"It's really quiet," Amber emphasized. "Maybe we should hurry, or better yet hide somewhere to see if a grimm pass by, or maybe tried to climb the trees to get avantag-"


"Y-yes," She stuttered.

"Relax," Kalis sighed. "As long as I'm here nothing will happen. Believe me, I deal with worse things than these creatures called grimm."

Amber raises her brows. There are things more terrible than grimm? Grimm was the enemy of humanity. Horrible creatures that plague the planet. And there are far worse things than grimm. The prospect sends an involuntary shiver down her spine.

"Sorry Kalis," Amber apologized. "I'm just a little on edge when seeing a dreadwolf. I guess I'm overreacting, and after seeing what you did, my worries do seem unnecessary."

"Well, I wouldn't go so far,"Kalis said. "I can't really sense these creature life signatures. It's like they don't even exist. Now that is strange."

"Hehe, don't worry, you'll just have to get used to it," Amber chuckled. "Oh, it looks like we made it to the road, let's hurry."

She half dragged Kalis along the way, as they entered the dark covered road ahead. The darkness was almost perpetual in the road, and if not for Kalis' keen sight to see without light, he would be stumbling blindly into the dark.

His hold on Amber kept her steady, preventing her from running headfirst into a tree.

"Cassius," She called out. "Cassius, where are you?"

"Whose Cassius," Kalis inquired, scanning the area.

"It's the name of my horse, he should be here."

Kalis pondered this, as Amber continued to call out her horse name. Left alone with monsters roaming the forest, does leave one to imagine the worst to happen.

"I don't want to asume, but,"Kalis hesitated, uncertain of how to tell her the bad news. "How do we know if a Grimm didn't-you know."

Amber shook her head."No, grimm hardly attacks animals unless provoked,"She explained. "And Cassius is a natural coward so he would most likely... Oh crap!"


Amber sighed as she looked ahead with a sombre spirit. "Cassius. He ran away, as usual. Which means we'll have to walk to the next town."

"Is it far," Kalis asked.

"Far enough that when we get there, the sun will have already risen."

"Oh, yeah you're right.That is quite the distance."

Amber groaned, she was already exhausted from running into the forest, and now she has to trek the whole way to town.

"I guess we better hurry before it gets any later."

Amber started to walk only to be stopped by Kalis' grip.

"Hold on now, maybe we don't have to waste time walking."

"What do you mean,"Amber said in a curious tone.

Kalis simply pointed at his wings folded on his back. "These things aren't such for show," Kalis confided. "If we take to the skies, we'll make it to town in under a minute. No need to waste time walking."

Amber fidgeted, she glanced at Kalis with uncertainty.

"Are you sure, I mean I'm fine just walking. It's not like I'm in a hurry to get there or anything."

Kalis rolled his eyes, as he let go of Amber's arm.

He gave her a stern look, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Look Amber, you got to stop being nervous around me alright. I am not some animal that's going to chop your head off."

Amber cringed as she realized what she was doing.

She bowed her head immediately to atone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"And stop saying sorry all the time,"Kalis interjected. "You are beginning to sound like a broken record." Kalis sighed, rubbing his temple.

'I kinda regret exposing myself.'

"Amber, I know that I am different then what you are used to, but please, just treat me like any other normal person."

"I'll try,"She relented. "So, flying. How exactly are we going about it?" Amber inquired.

Kalis snorted, as he turned away from her, making her more confused.

"Is it not obvious," Kalis grinned, his tail swishing behind his back. "Hop on my back and we'll leave."

"You're serious!?"Amber blurted out.

"Do you see anyone with wings," Kalis remarked, his wings spread wide in a 26 feet wingspan. "Don't be shy, unless you are afraid of heights." Kalis teased.

"I'm not," Amber pouted, stomping her feet, causing both of them to laugh. "Though I ain't gonna lie, this is my first time flying."

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle,"Kalis teased again.

Amber rolled her eyes and sauntered over. She tenderly wrapped her arms around Kalis neck, locking her hands in a vice grip.

"Is this okay,"She whispered, blushing.

"A little better," Kalis assured. "But you might want to wrap your legs around, can't have you dangling in the air y'know."

She did as instructed, crossing her legs around Kalis waist. She shivered at his touch, his hands holding her thighs.

"All settle there," Kalis' voice seems to carry a soothing tone, making her more relaxed.

"Yeah," Amber mumbled, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked to the sky, anxious at the prospect of flying. They were actually going to do it.

"Alright then," Kalis said with a cheeky grin. "All aboard the dragon express, passenger of one, I hope you're getting comfortable back there little lady."

Amber giggled, making Kalis smile wider.

"Alrighty now, prepare to lift off on three...two...one…"

With one mighty flap on his wings, Kalis shot up into the air, sailing like a shooting bullet. Amber squeaked in surprise, shutting her eyes. The rush of wind roared around her, her cape flaying.

As the fast motion ceased, and the wind settled, Amber opened her eyes partially to look down below. Amber gasped in disbelief as her eyes widened like dinner plates. The ground was a vast expanse of flat, with few bumps here or there, she had never been so high up before.

And the world, her world was so massive that she couldn't believe how truly big it all was. Then, Amber turned her gaze upwards and was immediately captivated by the heavens. The stars were much brighter than ever before, and the clouds passed them by like swirls of cotton.

"Amazing," Amber exclaimed.

"I know right," Kalis bragged.

"Is this what flying is like all the time?"

"You bet. I can never get enough of it. The feeling of the winds caress, the sheer freedom of weightlessness, using your own power to soar through the sky. It's all… truly gratifying."

"I believe you," Amber beamed. She reaches out her free hand, touching a passing cloud. "Can we continue for a while, I would like to experience more please."

"Of course, but not for long okay." And so they soared through the starry sky, dancing in the air like angels of the night. Amber screamed through the air in pure bliss as Kalis flew higher and did aerial dynamic tricks. It felt so long since she felt like a little kid again. Being a huntress takes its toll at times, depriving her of the little joy she has. But now, being up so high, sailing the air, it is like a dream fully realized.

Amber glanced at Kalis' smiling face. He laughed in the air, like a child with no worry. Amber never would have believed that Kalis was this powerful dragon she had met a few moments ago.

"Looks like we're almost there, Amber," Kalis called.

"Oh really, that sucks," Amber lamented. She really wanted to continue. "Don't worry Amber, I promise we'll fly once again. But we gotta get some shut eyes before doing that."

Amber reluctantly agreed. They gaze down at the town below, shining golden lights like miniature suns.

"Land at the front gate, we don't want to be considered trespassing," Amber stated.

Kalis glides down, falling further below. He landed gracefully before a tall iron gate, scaring the guard sitting on a chair in the process.

"What the hell," The guard screamed, reaching for something behind. He grabs hold of a flashlight while cradling a rifle.

"W-Who goes there," He squeaked, failing to sound intimidating.

He heard the sounds of giggling, as he flash his light on. He found two teenagers holding in their laughter at his display of bravery. "S-sorry mister we...Haha… we didn't...pfft!..mean to scare you." The young woman at least tried to hold her laughter in while the other one guffawed loudly, holding his stomach.

The guard narrowed his eyes. "Don't apologize and laugh at the same time you brats." The guard grumbled underneath his breath, but Kalis could hear easily and was glad that Amber didn't. Those were some colorful words.

"And what in tarnation are ye doing in the middle of the night,"He called out. "Grimms are known to infest these lands ya hear."

"Sorry mister," Kalis said, rubbing his neck. "We were just flying around in the air, having fun."

"Flyin'?" The guard questioned. His eyes squinted in the dark. His brows rose in astonishment as he saw two pairs of large on Kalis' back. "By great Oums name, you one of them' flyin fanuses ain't ya. Wow, I haven't seen many flyin fanus before, just how far can you go up so high?"

"Decently far, I was with the clouds at the time."Kalis bragged, pumping his chest.

The guard whistled. "That quite impressive lass, err, lad, um, which exactly are ya."

Amber blink owlishly. Kalis did have an androgynous face, but if not for tone masculine build, she would assume the same as well.

"Eh, it's whatever you prefer, though like any man of culture I appreciate the finer things in life, if you catch my meaning,"Kalis said casually.

The guard laughed jovially.

"Oh I catch ya meaning mate, now hold a second while I get the door." Amber watched the whole exchange as the guard got up the chair and began to open the iron double doors.

At first she believes that she will be doing the talking, uncertain of how Kalis will react around others. And yet he carries the whole conversation with a complete stranger.

Even now, as the guard was opening the doors, they still exchanged banter with one another.

And it was all so natural. A dragon from beyond the stars- acted so human like- it almost seems unnatural.

"Alrighty now,"The guard announced, the iron doors fully open. "There is an Inn down the street not far from here, and ya should probably get there before it gets too packed."

The guard reached out a hand. "Names Stefan Markell, nice to meet ya." Kalis grinned, as he grasped Stefan hand, giving a firm shake. "Kalis Kalikrates, pleasure making your acquaintance."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine."Stefan turned to Amber and nodded. "Good evening ma'am."

Amber gave a nervous wave.

"H-hey," She stammered.

"Heh, not much of a talker,"Stefan chuckled, as he waved them in. But just before they enter town, Stefan taps on Kalis' shoulders. Kalis turns to him, as Stefan rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Now I know this isn't my business tellin' ya this,"Stefan began, glancing within the town. People passing by, throwing curious glances. "All I want to tell ya is, be careful. Some of these folks don't take kindly to, well, fanuses."

Kalis stared at him for a while, contemplative.

Kalis' casual shrugs. "Oh, I'm not too worried about it. This isn't my first time dealing with ignorant people and damn sure it won't be the last."

Stefan grinned. "Well then, I won't keep much of ya' time," Stefan declared. "Go on in."

"Oh wait," Amber said.

Stefan raises his brows.

"Has there been a horse passing by? A black stallion?"

Stefan rubbed his chin.

"Yeah actually I have," Stefan said. "Darndest thing that horse is. Running so fast like that I swore he'd be grimm. Lucky for the dumb animal I haven't my gun ready. I assumed that horse is yours, lass?"

Amber nodded.

"Then you should probably wait until the stables open tomorrow, otherwise have a good day you two."

And with his piece said, Amber and Kalis walk on by, the iron gate closing behind. Amber stopped to admire the scene before her.

"Wow!"She exclaimed. "This town has gotten bigger since last I came here."

Kalis could see her point. Before them were a large road, and on each side of it are many buildings, two stories high with asiatic design, similar to the cultivator worlds that Kalis visit on occasion.

Unlike the guard, the people mulling the streets dress more fanciful with prim hats, flowing dresses for women, and fine suits, slick and trim, for the man.

"So Classy," Kalis said, soaking in the sight.

"Mistrali people are known to flaunt their wealth,"Amber noted. "Though if I'm going to be honest, I think they want to one up the people of Atlas."

"So two rich stuck-up prudes trying to impress the others," Kalis smirked. "Tales as old as time."

Amber looked at Kalis oddly, brows furrowed.

"What," Kalis said.

"You're so normal," Amber stated. "Too normal. Even the way you talk with that guard so naturally. It's like you knew him all his life. Just how you do it."

"Well," Kalis began. "When you visit a lot of worlds for thousands of years, you tend to get the hang of initiating conversation first. Getting to know people is almost like an art form, a repeating pattern you began to notice. Talk with them from time to time, and eventually you will realize' said pattern."

Amber scratches her head as they walk down the street, avoiding passing cars.

"I don't think I understand all of what you just said," She responded. "Also, did you say thousands!? Kalis, are you really like a thousand years old?"

"Um, Y-yeah," Kalis hesitated. "Maybe we should finish this conversation after we find a place of rest."

It took them quite a minute to get to their destination. And wherever they go, Kalis was the center of attention. Some with affront disgust, others being curious-whispering to one another- with the occasional blushes on their faces.

They stood before a three story building, with red tiles. Light shines through the windows and laughter is heard within.

As Kalis opened the red doors, all went silent. Tables filled with townsfolk and hunters alike glanced at the duo that entered the establishment.

Even the receptionist and servers stop what they are doing, to stare at them. Amber partially hid behind Kalis.

"Hey Kalis,"She whispered in his ears. "Maybe we should try a different place, with fewer people."

"Don't be a worrywort Amber. This is the closest place we can find right now. Now come on, we gotta see if they have any decent rooms left."

Kalis strides over the counter where the receptionist stands, and Amber follows with a wary gait.

"Good evening sir,"Kalis said. "Is there by any chance extra rooms for two."

The receptionist, a man with a short stubble beard, and spectacle glasses gaze upon Kalis with befuddlement.

"Well that depends on how long you'll be staying," The receptionist replied.

He gave a curt nod to one of the attendants, motioning them to continue their work.

The usual rowdy nature within the inn returns, with only a few curious stares around the tables and upstairs.

"We do have five rooms available at the moment,"The receptionist intoned. "However, one with two beddings is one of the highest suites, costing roughly around 1200 linen and that's only for one day stay."

Amber sighed.

"That's alright,"Amber chipped in. "We won't be staying long."

She picked out a black card and gave it to the receptionist.

After Amber's purchase was complete, he waved for one of the attendants over.

"Anya here will lead you to your rooms." The receptionist said. "I hope the both of you will have a nice stay."

And with that, both Amber and Kalis followed Anya upstairs. Many glances came their way, most of them being unpleasant. Kalis felt them leering at him, rather if that was object disgust or kernel desires was left to be debated.

They stop before a red door on the third floors, the hallway being cream colored with velvet carpeting. Laden with paintings on each side of the walls.

"This is the room you two will be staying in,"Anya said, opening the door. "Have a nice evening," She said, bowing before leaving them to admire the room.

Kalis whistled, impressed.

"Now this is high class,"Kalis said, marveling at the room. "You humans always know how to decorate a place."

Amber agreed with his assessment, as she unhooked her cloak, bags, and staff, and placed them on the foot of the beds

"I'll head into the bathroom first to wash up, if that's okay with you," Amber said.

Kalis waved her off, as he settled down on his bed.

As she enters the glass tinted door, leading to the bathroom, Kalis stretches out his wings. His eyes roam around the round cream colored room, the walls laden with picture frames that tell tales of Mistralian culture. A screen door on his right leads to a balcony, and before him a wide rectangular television plastered on the walls.

How very earthlike. Humanoids across the omniverse seem to have the same appeals.

Kalis spent his time laying on the soft mattress, his thoughts being his only company. Ten minutes passed before Amber decided to leave the restroom. She wore a beige tank top, with dark pajamas decorated in stars.

"Sorry it took me so long, it's been a while since I had a proper shower,"Amber said, using a towel to dry her hair.

"It's all good,"Kalis shrugged. "Besides, I'm sure you're brimming with excitement to know more about me."

Amber nodded vigorously, as she sat on her bed, crossed legs.

Kalis pondered.

"Any question you want, I'll answer to the best of my abilities," Kalis said. "So...What is it that you wish to know first?"

Amber began to think. There were so many questions she wanted answers to, but she decided to keep it as simple as possible.

"Where… are you from?" Amber asked.

The answer took Kalis by surprise, as he blink owlishly. Not to be unexpected but still, speaking of his origins sends a bitter taste in his mouth.

"S-sorry," Amber stuttered. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to."

"No, no it's alright," Kalis replied, shaking his head. "I made a promise to spill the beans, and I'm keeping it."

Sighing, Kalis began to recount his home.

"The home that I was from… well, I wouldn't go so far to call a home now, but it was still a place that I had the longest memories of."

Amber listened with rapt attention, her head rested on her hands.

"The fondest times I have with that realm are few and far between… I can only remember the times when war was a prominent way of life. I fought creatures' that will make the grimm appear like pests. Slain Gods that often saw me as a prize trophy that can hang on their walls. I have- "

Kalis breathed deeply, and shook his head. No, he can not bring himself to remember those days. Not now.

"Forgive me Amber," Kalis said, his gaze downcast, as he fiddled with thumps. "I guess I'm not ready to speak of… home."

Amber nodded knowingly, she understands that speaking of topics too deep would raise repressed memories. But also, she was astounded, baffled.

Amber could not believe what Kalis was insinuating. Slaying Gods. Beings that were oftentimes thought of as myths even though few still believe them. And with power beyond mortal comprehension.

Not to mention, creatures that will make grimm look like pests. All her life, grimm were the creatures of nightmare, now she is told that grimm are not the biggest threat.

Kalis glanced at her, arching a brow.

"Amber," Kalis called out.

"Oh sorry,"Amber said, snapping out of her reverie. "I'm trying to process all of what you said. But you don't have to mention your whole life story if it makes you uncomfortable."

"It is a very sore topic,"Kalis said sheepishly. "But I can tell you my adventures if that's okay with you."

"Well yeah,"Amber beamed like a child waiting for bedtime stories.

Kalis chuckles softly as he begins to recount his adventure. Minutes passed by as Kalis' tales went from epic heroism to mysteries, to political intrigue, and bizarre encounters of beings that Amber couldn't fathom. She didn't have to imagine it all as Kalis was manipulating reality before her eyes.

A rectangular hologram, projected into thin air from Kalis fingertip, with scenes enacting from the recordings of his memories. Amber was now more than ever certain that Kalis was using the same properties as her gifts. Magic.

As the time drags on, Kalis excused himself to take a nice needed bath. 15 minutes later, he came back into the room, refreshed and dressed only with a white T-shirt and black pants, materialized by his will and used by the force of ether.

Wanting to continue his tales, he stops in his pace and glances over to Amber. She slept quietly on her bed, curled up on top of her blanket.

Kalis chuckled at the display before him, how peaceful she looked-and innocence as well. It was one of the reasons why Kalis chose to follow her.

He came towards Amber, took the blanket underneath her-gently as not to wake her-and covered the fabric above her, tucking Amber in. He will not allow his companion to sleep uncomfortable.

Feeling tired himself, Kalis switched the light off and sauntered over to his bed.

Silence greeted him. The bustle of the town lessened to soft murmurs, the dark puntacted stillness. Everything was quiet.

'I should hate you,'the phantom voice of Khani said. 'But… I'm just so tired, Kal.'

He turned over in his bed, as though trying to avoid his shame.

"I have fixed what I did," He whispered to himself. "They are ok now, they're alright."

But Terra's broken body always comes to his mind, her world a smouldering rubble. So many death, corpses littered the streets. Kalis closes his eyes. He curled up in a fetal manner, his wings wrapped around.

'All of this destruction,' the voices' continues, taunting him. Unidrexas demanding tone resounded, commanding his attention. 'It was all to draw you out."

Kalis hands clutches his ears, trying his best to shut them out.

He held back the stinging sensation threatening to let loose from his eyes.

"I fixed what I've done," Kalis repeated, his lips quivering. "Now go away."

Anger had consumed him that day, but… by the ancestor, he really was going to kill Drex and Vex.

The voices return with a vengeance, each older than the last. Louder than ever before.

'You monster!,' 'Abomination!' 'Murderer!' 'Horror from the void, return my mother to me!'

'How can you allow them to die, aren't you supposed to be the most powerful dragon!?'

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!" Kalis wailed. But they paid no heed to his cries, as they only grew louder within his mind. A tempest, reminding him of all of his failings, his grief, his shame. It was war during those horrible times. A time when lost was a common occurrence. How could anything be his fault.

So many of those he knew parish before him. How weak he felt during the darkest hours, as the realm of the Gods was no longer a place of refuge but of war.

The voices reminded him each day, to detail all of his failings before he sleeps. But the one that struck the hardest, was the latest addition.

'Damn you Kal, this isn't what Juniper would have wanted!'

Juniper. A name he wanted to forget. A woman whose kindness was a light in the darkness. And how unfortunate that light was snuff out.

Tears trailed from his eyes, as he cried softly.

Juniper was gone. A woman he held dear, like an older sister that guided him. Juniper was gone, even with all his powers, can never truly come back.

"I-I'm sorry,"He wept. Kalis hugged himself during the night, keeping his voice to a minimum. "I'm so sorry Juni',so please." He pleaded. "Please come back… I need you… please."

But it was a foolish plea. She can never come back. Never. Juniper was gone forever. Not even the afterlife could restore her to what she once was.

Kalis slept a restless sleep.