
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: A maidan and her Dragon.

Kalis finished off the last creature of shadows, by chopping down upon it with his teeths. A decision he regretted instantly as the creature tasted so foul it was comparable to shit.

He will never tell anyone how he knows what excrement tastes like. He made a promise that he'll take that info to the grave.

As all the shadows creatures lay dead around him, the ground charred and battered with few lingering flames, he could now focus on the new presence in his midst. Kalis paid no mind at first, believing the newcomer to be one of deerfox strayed from its pack.

As he turned his head, Kalis was almost startled by what beheld him. A humanoid figure, quivering as they held a staff aloft in his direction. No doubt they were afraid of him, and given their stature, the being in question was female.

How long have they been there, observing him? One of Kalis' few failings in life was paying little notice to his surroundings. He had considered burning the entire forest down filled with shadow creatures. But now seeing an native of worlds, this close in proximity, Kalis was quite thankful of not torching the forest to the ground.

The girl quivered, her weapon poised to strike. But the most desconcertaining aspect was the elemental scent of ether- or magic as it was often called. Kalis observes her, impressed by her tenacity. Frightened, but was willing to fight against the unknown. A trait so rare in this day and age.

Kalis has to think of a way to ease their tension. Fighting a local here would surely bring problems. And a first good impression is a must.

"Greetings little one, I come in peace!" His voice boomed, shaking the ground with his base tone.

His attempt to ease the woman fears backfire, as his voice alone causes them to fall to the ground on their behind.

He cringed at his mistake. So much for first impressions. At least she didn't scamper off like so many people he comes in contact with. Others simply attacked first and asked questions later.

This at least was progress.

Kalis lowered his neck down. Not too close to scare them away but too far either. But the woman still bulked at his approach.

"Forgive my poor introduction," Kalis said, his voice much lower to a whisper and yet still carries far. "Are you alright ms.?"

The woman rubbed her backside as she regarded Kalis' presence. Kalis could not understand what she was thinking. The green hood of her cloak obscures most of her features. Only the plumb of her lips was visible.

"Did you… speak to me?" She asked.

Kalis nodded. "Last I check, you and I are the only ones here."

He glanced down upon her. Concern.

"By chance do you need any help getting up?"

Amber got up off the ground quickly, dusting off stray grass.

"N-no need, I'm perfectly fine, it's just-... Gods, is this really happening?"Amber questioned.

She long ago had come to terms to expect the unexpected, and yet here she was, face to face with an impossibility only heard in fantasy.

Kalis titled his head, contemplative in mannerism alone.

"This is no illusion if that is what you're thinking," Kalis said. "Nor am I a passing fantasy of your vapid imagination."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend-"

"It's alright,"He cut in. "You are confuse, uncertain. This encounter you are experiencing might be beyond your cognition allowed it to believe. But I assured you that I am real and that I also mean you no harm."

Kalis shuffled around his position, as he began to lay on his stomach, shaking the ground slightly, his forearms crossed over the other.

Amber breathes deeply, trying to calm her beating heart. Rather if it was from excitement or fear, she wasn't certain.

"Then this is real," She said. "And you are real. I didn't think that beings like you exist. I didn't believe that dragons existed. I mean, I have read myths and stories, but I still can't believe this is all happening right now."

"It is a very sound reasoning," Kalis agreed. "But what are myths and fairytales if not mistranslated history."

The girl tapped her chin, thoughtfully.

"I guess there are some truths in what you say," She intoned.

She reached for her hood and pulled it back. Before Kalis' eyes was a young woman of late teens with brown complexion and shoulder-length brown hair. Hazel eyes gaze upon Kalis with wonder.

"Greetings to you,um, Mr.Dragon," She began. "My name is Amber Talia."

Kalis lowered his head, akin to a bow. "Kalis Kalikrates, wanderer and explorer, at your service."

Kalis looks upon Amber, admiring her beauty. She was quite entrancing to say the least, like a model from those of a planet called earth.

Amber fidget under his scrutiny. Kalis blinks, cursing himself for making her uncomfortable. He's been staring for far too long. Kalis hurriedly came up with a topic to change the awkward atmosphere.

" If you don't mind me asking," He said, quickly. "What is a girl doing out in the middle of the night? And with the woods filled with monsters no less."

Now that Kalis thought about it, Amber being here right now puzzled him. He might not know of her native culture, but so far it was quite universal to not find a person in the middle of woods in the dead of night.

Unless they were a hunter, but even that was dangerous considering the creature he just killed.

"Oh, well that is obvious," Amber said in Nonchalant. "I was travelling the road towards the next town, right before a legendary-class grimm jumped out of the woods. Rather than attack me, it ran in this direction." Amber said, pointed at the ground. "So I followed it thinking it was attracted to another hunter drawn in by negative emotion. I thought that maybe another hunter was in trouble."

"Grimm? Is that what they're called?" Kalis noted. But before he could even begin to comprehend the creature of grimm, Kalis narrowed his eyes at Amber, causing her to bristle.

'Has she done something wrong,' Amber pondered nervously.

Kalis' gaze hardened.

"Allow me to reiterate what you said," Kalis said."Not only have you been travelling alone, at night time no less. But you have also chased after Grimm-as they are called- into a dark forest."

"Yes?" She slowly agreed. "Do you not know what grimm are?"

"Has it ever occurred to you," He continued, ignoring her question. "That it might be leading you into a trap? Or better yet, even the conflict that draws its attention could be a simple fight for territory of another of its kind."

Amber sifted on the balls of her feet, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"Actually I have considered the possibility of danger and grimms rarely fight one another," She states. Her expression turns serious, embolden as she stares into Kalis' eye of fire and starlight.

"However, I am a huntress and I'm duty bound to hunt down creatures of grimm that threaten the innocent. I felt that this particular Grimm I chased after would be a danger if not dwelt with quickly."

Kalis grunted. "A foolish endeavor," He condemned. "If you were to die, then it would've been pointless either way. Do not throw away your life for some sense of chivalry, it will help no one in the end."

"I know," She said softly. "I guess I was caught up in the idea of aiding those in need." This whole experience was surreal to say the least.

Who would believe that she got proper scolding from a dragon.

Kalis' expression softened as he saw Amber's cumbersome mood. And sighed.

"Though it is not my place to question your decision- as foolhardy as they are-, It is still amazing how you headed towards danger without second thought. Not only that, when you see me, you look ready to fight even if the chances of you winning are slim."

"Well,"Amber perked up. "I have been known to head into danger on many occasions."

Kalis stared blankly. He only just met her and feels worried for already.

"On another note," Kalis said, wanting to change the subject. "These grimm you called them. What exactly are they, where did they come from?"

Amber shook her head.

"I wish I could tell you, but my knowledge is limited. As far as the people of remnant are concerned, the creature of grimm existed since humanity walked the planet."

She frowned. "Which I find odd that you don't know about them. Is this your first time seeing grimm?

"Of course it is,"He replied. "I have only recently come to this world." Kalis glanced down on the scorched earth, the grimm that he killed had long since vanished, black smoke carried in the wind.

"These creatures are beyond the scope of simply being dangerous. In fact, they reminds me so much of …them"

Kalis dare not mention the monstrous horrors that once threatened creation. Eldritch abomination that slain countless Orahmas(GODs) and destroy thousands of Multiverses.

"Wait a minute," Amber started. "You said you recently arrived on Remnant' right?"

Kalis snapped out of his reverie as he glanced at her.

"Yes, that is correct," He said, confused.

"Then that would mean…" Amber began, her eyes sparkled in awe.

"Kalis, are you an alien!?"

Taken aback by her abrupt question and change in behavior, he snorted softly.

"I would prefer outworlder, but yes, I am." Kalis said. "Did you really believe I was from here?"

"Kinda," She said. "I thought maybe you lay dormant like in the stories, or maybe hidden away in a cave for centuries that is filled with gold."

Kalis rolled his eyes.

"Very imaginative Amber, although it is known that certain dragons laze away for centuries, I am not one of them. Honestly, I can't imagine sitting still for that long."

Seriously, it was madness that there were others of his kind throughout the omniverse that chose to squander their gifts of being the most powerful creatures.

"But still, it's amazing that you travel amongst the stars,"She said, giddy. "What was it like!? Are there other civilizations, have you met other aliens!?"

Kalis smiled at her childlike wonder, forgetting the caution she once held and came near him without slight hesitation.

He looks to the stars, so many of them shine so bright on this fine night of theirs. It would have been tranquil if not for the charred earth beneath them.

"Well," Kalis began. "There are many worlds I visit through my travels. So many in fact, that each world was like a treasure trove of something random and bizarre. All with their Different cultures, different species, and always awe-inspiring wonders to bear witness to."

Kalis looks up fondly to the stars, reminiscing all of his adventures in memory. It truly is a wonderful journey.

Amber gaped as she hung on to his every word, she was even more closer now, resting her hands on his paws. As Kalis studies her, his heart skips a beat.

She was admittedly quite a beautiful creature for a mortal.

Something that he rarely says about beings such as her.

Kalis would have love to recount his tales, and all of his adventures, and even speak of-

Kalis snaps to attention, his gaze settles to the north, his jagged ears perk up.

"Is there something wrong," Amber asked, taking notice of his odd behavior.

Kalis regarded her for a while before looking back to things beyond her sight.

"There are flying vessels coming to this general vicinity," He responded.

"Flying...vessels?" Amber contemplated. Is he referring to bullheads?

"It would appear that you are not the only one that I drew attention from," He muttered. "They shall arrive in three hours but, Hmm? They seem militaristic in nature."

"Militaristic,"Amber mused. She thought hard of the possible force that can scramble up so quickly. A military so hard pressed to deal with a situation before it becomes a threat. Amber eyes widen in panic, as the implication of assured violence that will befall the dragon. Or to them.

"It's the Atlesian military!," Amber fretted.

"Atlesian? What an odd name, but then again they do seem to enjoy the color white."

Though Kalis doesn't appear troubled by such sheer force, the same could not be said for Amber.

"Kalis, we have to leave quickly," She warned, tapping on his arm.

"And why should I do that?"

Amber froze, and looked up to Kalis with uncertainty. His gaze rested to the north, unconcerned with his immediate danger.

He can't be serious, can he?

"Kalis, we have to leave," She repeated, anxiously. "If the Atlesian army sees you, they won't hesitate to attack. You are something far different then what they are used to. The Atlesian won't understand what you are. Please, let's just get out of here."

Kalis glances at her. Seeing Amber's troubled face stirs something within him, a memory of someone he once knew as a worrywort.

Kalis breathes deeply before exhaling. Vapors of smoke escape from his maw, as Amber watches his breath cascade before him.

It was a strange sight to see. Formless at first, with no feature. But when she looked hard enough-Amber swore that she saw dancing silhouettes of shapely womens, with wings of butterflies coalescing around Kalis. Just seeing such mystifying action all but distracts her worries.

Kalis lay his head down upon his arms, the smoke silhouettes vanishing, snapping Amber of her awe like trance.

She turns to Kalis again, a newfound sense of awe settled upon her.

"I… appreciate your concern."

His star-crossed eyes rested on her.

"And you need not worry about me." Kalis said. "There is absolutely nothing in this universe that can harm me."

Amber frown.

'Was that really true?'

Amber shook her head. Rather if that was the case or not, she could not allow Kalis and Atlas military to come to blows.

She could not take heart to his boast, but she was more afraid for the many men and women that would likely die if Kalis considered them a threat.

They'll certainly think of him as a new class of grimm.

"Kalis, I'm afraid that if you stay here," She hesitated, her finger knitted on her cloak. "Terrible things might happen."

Kalis faces her.

"You are assuming that both me and your kind will kill each other if they attack me," Kalis claimed.

Amber nodded solemnly.

"Hmm. I suppose I should leave now," Kalis announced. Kalis stood up on his full height, towering over fifty meters. His wings spread wide, casting large shadows.

Amber gape at him. It was like a mountain coming to life, his midnight scales illuminated by the moon glow.

But she was also alarmed.

"Where would you go," She asked. Would he go back to space, Amber wondered.

It would be sad, if that was true. She could not imagine her first encounter of something profound to come into her life, only to be snatched away permanently.

"I do not know,"He responded. "I desire to see more of this world, but I'm afraid I don't know which direction to take."

"Then maybe I could be of assistance," Amber chirped.

This could be her only chance to keep him awhile longer, to know of all there is about his travels. And maybe gain more knowledge of her gifts. Surely Kalis may know how to properly teach her.

"I could show you around remnant's. I've traveled to many places, I've practically been everywhere. If you follow me, I promise you won't be disappointed."

Kalis mulled over her words. There was no reason to deny her aid, afterall she already saw what he was and she proved to be friendly enough.

"I… accept your offer."

"Really? Oh thank you, Kalis," Amber beamed, hugging one of his fingers. "Trust me, I'll be the best guide you'll ever have."

Kalis snorted. She was definitely a strange girl. But again, being strange is a good change of pace for normalcy

"Alright Amber, calm yourself,"Kalis chuckled, "Now then, where shall we go."

"Oh that's simple. There's a town down south," She gestured. "If we go in that direction fast, we might make it before everything closes-...Oh."

Kalis stared at her blankly. Did she really forget he was a very big dragon?

Amber rubbed the back of her neck, sheepishly.

"There actually might be a slight problem,"Amber admitted.

"You don't say, I never would have thought," He snark, shaking his head. "Not to worry, I can resolve our problem."

"Really, like how-holy crap!?"

Amber jumps back a few feet as Kalis' whole body spontaneously combust into flames of gold. Amber looks on in fear, her hand covering her mouth in shock.

The fire covering Kalis body contracts, his frame growing smaller by the seconds. Amber watched the display, as the fire leveled to her size, slowly molding into a shape vaguely human. As it dissipated and snuff out like the blowing of a candle, Amber saw what was in place of Kalis.

Who she saw before her was certainly Kalis, if the eyes were any indication. But she could hardly believe what he had become. And the word she can describe him now is otherworldly.

His skin is midnight blue, with long onyx curly hair, cascading down his back, and down his shoulder blades.

Despite his fierce appearance when he was a dragon, his round face held a gentler nature.

Nonetheless, Amber was shocked to see this change to begin with.

"I...Didn't know you could do that,"Amber said, baffled.

"Well I still have trouble getting rid of a few traits of mine," He said, touching his two horns.

Amber doesn't see the problem. Two membranous wings, with golden talons at its wrist, two curve horns similar to a ram, and a long thick tail.

Honestly Kalis could pass off as a fanus, if not a rare one.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," she said casually. "There are lots of people with animal traits, heck you'll fit right in."

Kalis titled his head.

"If you say so."

Another thing that was different about her, or him, was the voice. While as a dragon, his tone was deep and husky. As of now, it was soft as silk, melodious even.

He sauntered towards Amber, and as he got close, her eyes widened.

Kalis was a lot shorter than her, at least a head shorter. His velvet dark blue shirt, black pants and shoes were a nice fit for him.

"So, shall we depart, I hate to keep a lady like yourself out this late," Kalis said, holding out his arm for her.

This was definitely different.

Amber giggled at this new experience, Kalis, a dragon, was a gentleman. What is her life now?

"Sure, I love to,"She responded jovially, interlocking her arms with his.

Kalis gave her the most warm smile she ever saw, a smile that only innocent children can bring. How inviting it truly was.

"Then lead the way ms.guide,"Kalis said. "I can't wait to see more of your world, I'm sure it's quite an interesting place."

"Well, if I'm going to be honest, my world does have its ups and down,"Amber commented. "So promise me you'll be patient with us will ya?"

Kalis shrugs casually. "No need to worry, I have seen my fair share of grim places. No pun intended." Kalis added.

"Besides, you seem nice to be around, so maybe others are just as nice too."

Amber raised a brow. That was quite the naive statement from such a powerful creature. But not unwelcome. For it shows that there are beings beyond her world that believe in the good of others far easily then her own people. Even her own mother.

Amber pondered what sort of change Kalis will bring into her world, as they walk inside the dark forest.