
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: A Maiden encounter of the Dragon kind.

Kalis soared over a vast meadow covered by a sea of flowers, sparkling like the stars from above. As he slowed his flight, the golden light from his body dissipated, leaving few burning embers clinging on him like strains of hair. Hovering in the air, his wings keeping him afloat.

Kalis gazed down below, anticipation crossed his face.

It has been months since he last saw the bare surface of the earth, and was unperturbed by his enemies. All the time spent fleeing from his executioner, hiding from the high heavens, jubilation overcame him for the brief chance of peace.

With an inhale, Kalis folded his wings, plummeting to the ground below. He came down like the fall of an anvil, the air whistling, as Kalis plunged towards the ground with a thump. Petals of flowers, dust, and grass, scatter off into the wind by the impact.

It took quite a while for the earth to stop its quivering, and as it settled, Kalis let out a throaty growl of satisfaction. His claws dig within the dirt, the wind caressed his scales and face, and the harmony of nighttime continued on even with his unexpected entry.

A contented sigh escaped from his maw, as Kalis settled down on his stomach, his tails wagging like a happy dog cut loose from his master chain. His eyes of starlight and molten fire trailed the landscape, marveling at the simple wonder of this world. The field was covered in a mass of flowers, five petals layered in multi colors of navy blue, vibrant gold and shining white.

The flowers swayed from the gentle breeze, and small bioluminescent insects flew between its petals. Their blue light reminded Kalis of the mystical creature, will-of-the-wisp.

The dragon even bears witness to the native creature of the world, prancing out of the dark forest a few meters away. They were a combination of a deer and fox, as a tall alpha strode forth with a dark mane, eyeing Kalis with caution.

It stood there for a time, measuring the threat that Kalis posed. Kalis inclined his head and lay down upon the ground. The grass caressing his jaws. When the Alpha came to terms that the behemoth wasn't a threat, the deer-fox called out from behind them.

Soon after, hundreds of its kind followed out, galloping away towards a distance hill. Few halted their pace to gaze upon the new creature in their midst, most being cubs. But the tall alpha from before let out a bark of command, prompting the others to go.

The tall bulk eyed Kalis again, its milky eyes gazed with scrutiny. A brief understanding passes over them. The deer-fox gave the dragon a nod, then it followed the rest of its kind, disappearing over the hilltops.

They spoke to one another, not with a language, but with mental frequency understanding far surpass that of sentient races.

They were fleeing something. Monsters made of shadow, claim the forest as their own, and the alpha herd fled because of it.

The dragon raised his head, as it looked to the dark forest, gaze narrowing between the treelines. Dark shadows dart between them, as glowing eyes staring back at him. It was quite oddly disturbing. Kalis could feel the malevolent hostility, but not the life force that drives it.

They were almost mechanical in nature with no will of its own, following the basic order given to them. Out of the gloom of the trees, the beast in question comes forth. It had the likeness of a wolf, with bone-white skull, pitch black fur, and glowing red eyes.

It prowls towards Kalis with a slouch back, akin to the fable werewolf he saw through his journeys. It snarled at Kalis, baring its fangs, before dashing towards Kalis with intent to kill.

Kalis would almost be impressed for its tenacity, it was willing to fight him although he was 100 times his size.

However the creature of shadow didn't seem to have the intelligence to know it was outclassed.

It was closer now, and Kalis had made no attempt to defend himself. Rather He didn't need to.

The shadow beast lunged at one of Kalis' forefinger and chopped down. Teeth scrape against scales, as the shadow beast tries its best to cause sustainable damage. But to no avail. It was like biting through hard stone, smooth and yet impenetrable.

Kalis watched the struggle in amusement, entertained by its determination alone. To bring himself more enjoyment, Kalis curls one of fingers. Then, in a flash, Kalis flicks the creature away as though it was a gnat. It yelped in surprise, as the wolf sailed through air before plummeting down the ground.

Disorientated, the wolf in shadow and bone got up on wobbly legs. It snarls towards Kalis before launching at him again, only to be flicked away once more. A process that seems to continue for minutes on end.

However, boredom took over the dragon quickly, and decided to end the creature's tantrum, permanently.

Before the shadow wolf had a chance to go back to the frey, Kalis struck first. In blinding speed, kalis crushed the creature of shadows with his paws, marking an indent on the ground.

Huffing in satisfaction, Kalis lifted his hands, expecting a bloody pulp. What he found instead, was a mushed shadowy frame, leaking out into the open air like misty smoke.

Befuddled, Kalis took a keen interest in this form of dying. His first assessment was correct about the creature being somewhat unnatural.

And before Kalis could come up with a theory as to what they are, multiple growls echoed from within the woodland. He glanced towards the trees with mild annoyance. Uncountable eyes glared at him with hate.

Like a tidal wave, masses of shadow creatures sprang out of the woodworks, all garnering towards him with intent to engulf him. They do not share the same form. Most ranges from bears, horses, reptiles, etc. Others were too alien and grotesque to even begin to describe.

Kalis stood his full height, towering over them like a mountain.

'Good grief', he thought to himself. 'So killing one automatically brings more. Good to know.'

Their numbers swirl more than ever, covering the ground like a sea of black. As the first wave came, Kalis swung, obliterating them in an instant with sharp claws, Ribbing them apart to bloody ribbons, as claw marks seeped into deep trenches from where he struck.

Spiral flames of brilliant blue build up within his maw, before spewing it out, incinerating a score of them to oblivion.

More and more strode onward in steady pace, unconcerned of any of their kin being slaughtered. A strange behavior, but quickly realize that the creatures are anything but normal. Kalis continues on in his killing spree, moving at speed that should be impossible for his size.

Kalis became a force of death and flame, ridding himself of the shadows creature as one would do for ants.


In a winding road, surrounded by trees that stretch out like claws, a young woman and her horse travel along in utter silence.

She gazes around the dark expanse with the vigilance of an experienced huntress. The forest was pitch black, abysmal and opaque. The only light was the luminosity of the shatter moon, and even that provided little visibility.

It was almost unnatural how the very forest swallowed the light whole, leaving her exposed to any grimm attack. Amber Talia, has to admit that travelling at the dead of night was not her brightest idea.

Amber green cloak wrapped around her tightly, shielding her from the cold chills. She surveyed between the treeline, half expecting one of mankind's enemies to pop out at any moment.

Her horse let out a nervous neigh, as its ears perked up to sounds that she could not hear.

"Easy boy, easy,"Amber soothed, petting his mane. "We'll get to the next town, I promise."

The black stallion turns its head and eyes her incredulously.

"Hey, what's with that look, I said we'll get there."

The horse snorted derisively and turned its head back towards the road.

Amber sighed.

"Okay Cassius" She drawled. "I suppose you are right. Traveling in the dead of night was a bad idea on my part."

The horse turned at her as it continued to trot. It gazes at her with a leveled stare too intelligent for its species.

Amber squirmed under her stallion's judgeful eyes.

"I understand what you're trying to say. Maybe we should have stayed by the Inn and waited. But let's be real here, you just want to get close to that mare~don't you?"

Cassius snorted and turned away from her teasing. Amber giggled at the display and patted his mane, comforting him. Which was more of her comforting herself, assuring herself that another living being was with her.

It has been quite a lonely journey for her, traveling from town to town, helping the good people of any problems she comes across.

But her most focal point was fighting off the hordes of grimm. These creatures of malice attack settlements on a daily basis. But it never always was the grimm that caused the most problems. Regrettably, it was always the folly of men that brought upon their own ruin.

Previously, Amber had a horse before Cassius. But due to a deadly skirmish with bandits, the mare was caught in the crossfire. It was a brown stallion named Chestnut which had died being struck by a stray bullet through the neck.

And that was a story she did not tell Cassius. He was a bit too intelligent for a normal horse and shall Cassius ever find out… Well, he'll definitely take the chance to throw her off.

Amber smiled fondly. It has been two months since they met, and Cassius' keen intelligence was most appreciated. When she speaks to him, it almost seems that she was talking to a real person and not an animal.

Perhaps she has alienated herself and prefers animals for company too much. But when others could see what she could do, to see what she was capable of, eventually those who had good intentions for a time revealed their true nature.

But she was content with the life she leads, away for those that will use her for their own gain.

Cassius whinnied again, his ears perked again, and twitched.

Amber frown. 'He hears something, she thought. 'Please let it not be one of them.'

She glances around the forest as she slowly reaches for an object strap backside. It was far too quiet. The countenance chirping of insects was snuff out, and the howling wind was as still as death.

Something stirred within the foliage on her right, and the air was thick with the scent of carrion. A telltale sign when the monsters of grimm are present. The stench was becoming more suffocating, that amber resorted to using part of her cloak to cover her nose.

She held the object ready at her side. It was cylinder in shape and bronze in color, but the most eye-catching was the two crystals of red and white attached on either end.

Amber has yet to hear anything, but the nervous gait of her horse says otherwise. The revolting smell was now overbearing. The rustle of the underbrush was persistent, and her ears picked up on the sounds of heavy footsteps, running towards her.

"Cassius," she called, her grip tightening on the reins. "Now would be a good to-

A massive shadowy figure burst out of the treeline, cutting off Amber warnings.

Cassius reacts on primal instinct as he bulk and neigh loudly, standing on his hind legs and kicking his frontal hoofs in fright.

Amber held on desperately, as she pushed a button on the cylinder middle, extending into a quarterstaff. She glared at the thing before her. A towering behemoth of three meters, seven heads full of beowolves, with four arms twice the size of Cassius and her combine.

Dread grabbed her hold before she steeled herself for battle. The dreadwolf amalgam it was called. A creature of legend class that was said to have killed dozens of professional hunters.

And here was one of such creatures before, growling and cackling like some beast from the gates of hell.

In those split second moments, she was prone to action, ready to strike at further notice. She'll be damned before she allows another horse to die at her watch.

However the dreadwolf has done something that she never would've thought possible. The monstrous creature glared at her balefully before turning its attention away and dashing towards the forest on her left, bulldozing through the trees like an atlesian mecha.

Her horse settled down as the danger was clear. Amber stared after from whence the dreadwolf had gone. It left behind a trail of broken branches and fallen trees. She was perplexed by the grimm behavior. It ignores her.

Which was troubling as it hasn't considered her a threat. A sobering thought overcame her when Amber realized she was outclassed and most likely would have been killed, despite her gifts.

But another troubling idea came to her. It was attracted to something greater, and what attracts grimm more is conflict.

She cursed softly, as she swung off her horse saddle.

Amber peered through the gaping maw in the forest made by the dreadwolf reckoning. She could still hear it mowing down the trees, with no care for the environment. But there was also something else, though faint, a resounding struggle could be heard.

'Was someone fighting?' It was possible but then it could grimm vying for territories. It was rare but not unheard for grimm to fight one another from time to time.

So she came to an impasse, should she plunge into the strange unknown or turn her back and ignore it for her own safety.

Cassius neigh loudly and stomped his hoofs, drawing her notice. His eyes were wild with fear, and he beckoned for Amber to come.

She smiled wryly, Cassius was fully aware of her decision.

"Sorry Cassy, but I can't ignore when others might be in trouble. And that was a dreadwolf, not many could take one down so easily."

Although, she also doubts she'll be in any way helpful when fighting against such a creature. Heck, for all she knows, Amber is walking towards a den full of monsters. And yet, there was this aching feeling within her, stirring for her to pursue the mystery beyond these woods.

Perhaps it was her gifts leading her forward, an odd tempest of power that seems at times to have a mind of its own.

"I'll be back before dawn," Amber assured, though mostly to herself. "You'll still be here before I get back, won't you."

Cassius simply stared at her, at times she hardly understood what he was thinking.

She sighed.

"Well, wish me luck."

After her piece, Amber plunged into the woods without a second thought.

Cassius snort derisively, and gaze beyond the road ahead. He never once looked back to where his master went, now believing that she had resigned her fate. Without a second thought, Cassius gallop away.

Amber ran as fast as the wind itself, the trees were but blurs before her vision. On her own, she would be quite faster than even Cassius. However, doing so for long periods of time is taxing upon the body. Again, it was the usage of her gifts bestowed upon her, using the elemental of the wind to boost her speed.

She could finally hear it more clearly. The clash of battle resounded, the howls and growls of many grimm was heard before being snuff out completely. Amber did not hear the voices of people, which was worrying. A shadow passed overhead, blocking the moon light.

She looks up and her heart skips a beat at the sight.

Giant avian creatures of grimm called nevermore soared above, reaching towards the same direction she was going.

There were dozens of them, as they bloated out the skies. Amber was confident in her skills, taking out two of them at a time, but this much was beyond a hopeless victory. But she ran towards the danger nonetheless.

No matter the odds, she would always fight against the evil of this world, for that is what a huntress, what a warrior of the defenseless, do. Amber eyes trained on one the nevermore, the wind rustle around her like a sphere, compel by an unforeseen power from within her.

She was prepared to kill at least one of the nevermore, to draw the heat from those that were fighting the rest of the grimm horde.

If they were still alive. But Amber never had the chance to come to terms with her decisive plan. It happened too quickly for her to realize that the unthinkable had happened. One moment, the nevermores were flocking towards the battle, the next, they were completely vaporized by a golden pillar of raging fire.

Amber stopped in her tracks, the spherical wind dissipated, leaving her to gape at the fantastical scene.

Dozens of nevermores were completely wiped out of existence in a matter of seconds.

'Impossible,' she thought. 'Was that a semblance?'

Even with all her training, every struggle to hone her skills, just to harness the gifts bestowed upon her by her mother, amber still would not be able to kill that many nevermores. She dashed towards the clearing, wanting to see who was capable of such an impossible feat.

When she finally made it past the tree lines, what greeted her was a scene straight out of a battlefield.A field of meadows was turned to scorched earth, fire writhe as pillars of smoke enshrouds the area.

But she has managed to catch the sighting of the dreadwolf. Its hulking figure bounded towards an unforeseen enemy, but wasn't able to get far, as something massive slammed down fast upon it crushing the dreadwolf entirely.

Dust clouds blew away, as Amber covered her eyes reflectively.

"What… was that?" She muttered. It happened far too fast for her eyes to perceive but... the dreadwolf was crushed in an instant. A legendary class threat snuff out like an insect.

Amber opened her eyes as the dust settled, she gazed out and… froze. She could not utter a single word as a humongous scale paws stood where the dreadwolf was moments ago.

Amber could not move, rather that was for fear or disbelief, she could not differentiate it. But what she does know, was this new creature was beyond her skills.

She looks up, eyes widened. It was a towering creature of legends, heard only by fairy tales and other nodes of fiction. The beast paid little attention to her as it main focus was upon the last remaining nevermore. The avian grimm screeches loudly as it dive towards the behemoth with intent to claw out its eyes.

With quick precision, the midnight scale reptile plucks the nevermore out of the sky with its teeth. The nevermore barely had time to let out its death throes.

Before Amber were the many dead of grimm- countless carcasses in a barren scorched earth, their essence of shadows being carried off into the air.

There were many different grimms' here, that Amber truly considered traveling alone was a mistake.

Goliath, basilisks, beowolves, ursulas, and even, the elusive-yet dangerous-Nidhogg.

All of them butchered by the creature before her. A creature of myth, of power and might. A dragon.

It pivoted its head towards, which made her take a step back in reflex. Eyes of Molten fire and starlight pearls gaze at her with regards. It was like this for seconds before the dragon decided to speak.