
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Dragon Fall.

In a cosmic sea, Kalis, a primordial Leviathan soared through the heavens like a roaring comet of violet and gold.

Kalis was a dragon of midnight scales and its iridescent reflected magnificently from passing stars. His size was titanic compared to most planets of his passing, and his wings were three times his body.

Four sets of curved black horns crown his head, five black claws on every paw, and nine long tails with tufts of blackest hair trailed behind. To mortals' eyes, the cosmos was a murky void of black with dotted stars.

But that was not true for Kalis, as his eyes perceive things beyond dimensional standings. For wherever he goes, life blossoms into a myriads of shapes and sizes. Instead of perceiving an empty void of vacuum space, Kalis bears witness to the true nature of the universe, in a vast color spectrum of blue, gold, purple, and whole new hues that have not yet to be graced by mortal vision.

Like many of his kind, Kalis could perceive beyond the mortal veil, and witness the multiplicity of higher dimensions and beyond. To be allowed of such feats, Kalis was simply using the fundamental force of ether, which permeates all of existence. Ether, a force of energy that would be often called magic.

His journey has no sets of destination, it was an aimless venture, a reprieve from his long acquaintance hunter and executioner.

Because of this, Kalis has been to many worlds both beautiful and desolate. He has conversations with wisest of mortal men, tousled among the strongest of Gods, and even mated with the most beautiful womens.

However, with every visit draws danger. There were so many instances that he narrowly escaped the clutches of death. So many beings of divine nature want him dead. For whatever reason he does not know.

Kalis was a dragon unrivaled by even the deities, but that isn't to say that he could not be overwhelmed. And Gods are not above using unconventional means.

So he avoids worlds that divines are known to frequent like a plague and perhaps finds a temporary refuge where life prosper.

Passing through numerous worlds, each one a unique wonderland unto themselves. One was a multicultural society of different races, another a split planet with two humanoid races with wings, and another, that wasn't really a planet but a ring of metals that have habitat and life. But they all have one thing in common. The stench of divinity.

So Kalis gave those worlds a wide berth, never daring to linger close, until he passed a planet with a shattered… moon? Huh.

"How odd." He said, curiosity drawing his notice. He stopped his trajectory, the roaring flame surrounding him dissipated, leaving few kindling embers. He peered closer to the planet that caught his interest, appraising its value. It was small, diminutive, and quite insignificant, all things considered.

It was the size of a marble compared to the Leviathan titanic magnitude. Despite the odd broken moon, the silver-lining of the encounter was the lack of divine presence.

At last, he has found shelter from any would-be butcher. Channeled the fundamental force of ether, particles of golden light incase him whole like a cocoon. The light compressed kalis, making him smaller by the milliseconds.

And mere moments, he was the speck compared to the planet, descending down as though being swallowed whole by the planet surface.

Even as he fell closer to the stratosphere, Kalis hoped that if there was any sentient race, that they paid no mind to his little entrance.


Sanus continent-city province of Vale

During the night, in a small town in a city of vale, the people of this world carried on with their daily lives. Store-owners began to close shop for the day, while others remained defiant and lit up the night like stars down below. The evening was quite blissful, if not jovial.

And the people of vale, all from different backgrounds and culture, enamored by peace, were unaware of the strange visitor, from up high. Few individuals began to take notice.

"Wow, what is that?"Asked a woman, gazing upwards.

A man stopped in his tracks, squinted up high, and groaned.

"Is that the sun? Damn, I'm going to be late for work." He muttered.

"I don't think that's the sun, Dude." Another commented.

From around town, many of the citizens of vale look up to the sky, transfixed on the stellar show before them. It was a massive luminescence of diamond shape, a golden glow. It grew bigger by the seconds, lighting the heavens with its own brilliance.

Before anyone had time to react, an enormous wooshed past over them, gushes of winds blowing up dirt. Many of the citizens scream, shielding their eyes reflectively. And as they pried them open, what pre-fall their sight, words could not begin to describe the scene.

Shimmering light of gold and violet sparkles bathe the entire town, if not the city itself. With mouths agape, and mesmerized by the sight of it all, none could utter a sound. It was beautiful and warm, almost inviting, like a mother's embrace. Those who managed to shake off their shock and awe, brought out a rectangular device and recorded the very scene before them.

And just as it came from the briefest of moments, it soon departed, leaving the people slightly disheartened.

But at least they felt invigorated by it, as though they've been boosted with energies. A phenomenon that would be called Heaven's embrace.


Beacon academy

In a castle-like structure, repurpose for academics of future hunters, a man of middling age, who was the principal of such a school, gazed into the night sky with interest. He stood atop of the tallest tower, the interior, while kept like a normal room with a desk and other nicknacks, looked like the interworking of clocks.

He would have turned in for the night, awaiting for a new day. But it was only when the night lit up like the rising sun, that Ozpin stopped in his tracks. Not far from vale, Ozpin bears witness to what he can only guess would be a celestial object free falling from the heavens. But the most astonishing of all, is when the celestial sphere of light changed course, which caught Ozpin off guard.

Aghast, his eyes widened in disbelief. Just what was that light? He wondered. It was the first time when something new surprised him. That does not come easily.

A ringing tone vibrated from his pants pocket, snapping him out of his reverie. Leaning on his cane, he reached down and pulled a rectangular device called a scroll, and answered the call.

As he clicked the center of the screen, a woman of platinum blonde hair, green eyes and purple rim glasses appeared.

"Good evening Ms. Glynda, I assume the call has something to do with the celestial light show."Ozpin said, cordially.

"Yes professor," She replied. "And I would like your expertise on the situation."

He nodded.

"Speak your mind then."

Ozpin didn't need to wait long for her response.

"There have always been strange occurrences in life that I encounter. Most of them are tied to you." Glynda said. She surveys the streets of vale, watching out for any questionable individuals that will take advantage of the new phenomenon.

"So I asked you Professor Ozpin, do you by any chance know what this is?"

A good question. He pondered this for a second, perhaps to jogle his memories of his many past. Even during the times when Gods roam the earth. However, none of his past seems to explain what the light was.

He could not compare it to a meteor or even a comet. It was an enigma that even Ozpin with all his worldly knowledge doesn't know.

"Unfortunately ms.Glynda, I do not. My knowledge does not extend beyond the stars."

She sighed.

"I was afraid of that. Which is why this next bit of information might come as a shock to you."

Brows raised, Ozpin started with interest.

"Is that so?" He inquired. "Then by all means do tell."

She continued.

"When the light passed overhead, bathing the city in gold, numerous anomalies occurred in the expansion of seconds. The first was the unlocking of aura in every individual across the city. And if rumors were to be believed, perhaps even across the continent."

Ozpin's eyes widened. That was quite particular if not strange. What else did the celestial objects do?

"Professor." Worried etched her voice, something that Ozpin hardly believed that a woman like Glynda would be troubled.

"What is it?" He questioned. He almost dreaded the response. Could there be negative effects? Was it more dangerous than he believed?

"You most likely won't believe it but…" She hesitated, and from where she was, Ozpin could see people displaying abilities from behind her. Were those semblances?

"It would seem that the celestial object has given more than just unlocking aura, and before you ask what is happening in town, let such say that they are not semblances."

Not semblances, did he hear right.

She sighed, rubbing her temple before looking back towards the headmaster of the beacon with resignation.

"Ozpin," she said, troubled. "These abilities don't seem to run on any tangible logic. From what I see, they don't appear to have any limits. It almost as if they were-"

"Magical," He finished for her, disbelief crossed his face. The scroll threatened to fall from his hand, as he slack in astonishment.

Magic has returned. And the light seems to be the catalyst.

"Professor, just what are we supposed to do?"

Ozpin snapped out of his shock and gave Glynda his full attention. If magic truly has returned, then he must act quickly before she catches on.

"How many citizens would you classify as having these strange abilities, Ms.Glynda," he asked.

"Quite a few from the looks of it," She replied, as she bore witness to a young man floating in midair. His friends awed at him and cheered.

"As to how many, I'm uncertain."

He took a deep breath.

"Then try to contact as many as possible, and offer them sanctuary in the academy. Though I'm not certain, this might be a new reemergence of magic."

Surprised, Glynda almost could not believe what she had heard. Magic. It would have sounded ludicrous to any normal person. But she'll follow the task given to her, despite being baffled by what Ozpin is insinuating.

"I shall see it done then,"She noted. "As for the meantime, what shall be done for the celestial object, we could not leave it be, can we?"

Ozpen shook his head.

"As much as I love to investigate, neither of us could leave our post. And qrow is still on the hunt for the fall maiden. Our only option is to inform the general about this."

"Ironwood?" She scoffed. "You want him to track the object."

"It's not as though we'll have much choice." He intoned. "The Atlesian military would certainly notice it. Besides, if it turns out to be dangerous, I'm quite certain James could handle it."

She groaned.

"I… Understand Professor."

Ozpin smiles wryly.

"Thank you for your understanding ms.Glynda, I know at times that you and James do not see eye to eye when it comes to the well-being of the kingdoms."

"Among other things," she muttered. "I shall inform you when I gather all the individuals that possess such abilities."

Ozpin nodded.

"Then I shall not hold up much of your time."

And with that, she disconnects. Ozpin sighed and began to dial another number. As he was contacting the man that will oversee the celestial crash site, his mind starts to wonder.

What was that light really? Was it like a falling comet as he first thought, a meteor with magical properties?

And it seems to give the people powers similar to the magic of old. Ozpin felt quite underprepared. His knowledge for the cosmos above was lacking, as it was as mysterious and unfathomable as the bottom of the ocean.

He could only hope that the celestial object poses no threat to remnant's. For the world has enough problems as it is.

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