
Dragon King: Reborn

Due to a mysterious visitor, a being that should have been the strongest must fight to retake his rightful place at the top. What’s worse is that he has to do it from absolute rock bottom since he’s been reborn as a human. Anastrus, who has been reborn as Anthony, the son of an ordinary human couple, seeks revenge and the truth behind his force rebirth. But the road to becoming stronger than what he was before he got reborn isn't an easy one, especially since the world has changed from when he last left his lair. Dragons are solitary beings. Kings even more so. What about a book-loving king of dragons? Doesn’t get much more lonely than that. How will this one fare in the world of humans as one of them?

Kiwidraken · Fantaisie
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34 Chs


Anthony grumpily stared at the door. It was the final hurdle to leaving the house after wearing the shoes to protect his feeble and fragile feet.

But he was too short to reach it!

'Who makes doors without thinking about me, anyway?'

Anthony turned to look at Vira. It would be better to get her to do it than embarrass himself by trying to jump and latch onto the handle, especially if he fails.

Vira almost squealed in glee. Although Anthony was growing independent a couple of years ahead of schedule, there were still things she could help him with.

With a proud smile, Vira strode to the door and opened it for Anthony like a butler. She even bowed and directed him out with a flair of her arm. Anthony rolled his eyes as he walked out, Vira in tow.

He memorized the way to Clemence the first time he visited while not busy soul-searching, so he didn't need to ask for directions. It also wasn't his first time visiting Clemence since then.

Anthony ignored all the villagers doing yard work, working, or hanging out on the streets or their lawns as they greeted him and Vira.

At first, once other villagers realized how abnormal Anthony was, they were more than a little taken aback. Anthony had also heard several other parents worry about what would happen if their children came into contact with him.

However, once the rumor spread that Anthony had a special physique, which most people didn't quite understand what it was, he was instead seen as a blessing.

The villagers' initial reaction and their quick switch confirmed Anthony's decision not to raise any suspicions after his rebirth since humans were superstitious. Of course, since he hadn't been a human before, he had no idea what he was doing. What he thought was common for human babies had a tendency not to be.

Anthony realized that he might not know as much as he prided himself on knowing. He had a feeling that the details of human behavior from birth to death weren't anywhere to be found in the wrinkles of his soul.

Anthony trudged toward Clemence's clinic while ruminating on such a disappointing realization for someone with the title of Keeper of Knowledge. But that wasn't all he did.

After he learned to stand and move about, Anthony spent a lot of time strengthening his body with various exercises and Natural Breathing. But that had mostly been strength training. And for his weak, little baby body, walking was still draining his stamina at a rapid pace. While it let him strengthen his body with Natural Breathing, it also meant he wouldn't make it all the way to Clemence's house.

Although it was probably a little strange in the eyes of others, Anthony kept walking until he was noticeably tired and had started to perspire a little, which was something else he absolutely despised about being human.


But he couldn't tire himself out or get drenched in sweat when he still had stuff to do. So, he stopped walking. It was time to call in the backup.

"Yes, my sweet baby?"

Anthony turned his head and looked at Vira, who was walking right next to him with a slightly mischievous smile.

It was obvious she wanted him to ask her for help. It was one thing when he couldn't say anything about getting picked up all the time or coddled like the baby he was. But having to ask to be carried was a new level of shame Anthony was reluctant to bring upon himself.

Anthony sighed. It was almost as embarrassing, but Anthony knew a guaranteed way to make sure he didn't need to ask for help.

Anthony started walking again. But after only one step, his foot got hooked on an invisible stone, and he started falling.

"Oh no. I am falling."

Anthony looked at Vira out of the corner of his eye. Even if his acting skills, or lack thereof, made it obvious he was falling intentionally, it was still happening. So, even if Anthony hadn't asked Vira to pick him up, she was left with no choice but to intervene.


Vira picked Anthony up by the armpits before placing him on her arm with a shake of her head and a sigh. She couldn't understand what she had done to have been blessed with such a giftedly troublesome son. His intelligence, wisdom, learning ability, and rapid development were clearly all blessings.

But Anthony's personality was turning them into a curse on his surroundings.

Vira had confidently told Thomas they would deal with whatever caused their son trouble, and if he were the trouble, then they would raise him to become a good person. If he were too smart for his own good, they would teach him how to live a proper life without suffering or causing suffering.

However, things were looking a little bleak since he already had what seemed to be a fully formed personality. Vira wondered where he had gotten it from since he hadn't really interacted much with anyone but her, Thomas, and Clemence.

But it was yet another oddity that didn't have a reasonable explanation, which meant it got the physique treatment. Anthony's grumpy, stubborn, and rude personality was a consequence of his physique, which was growing more and more mysterious with every day that passed and every physique ruled out by Clemence.

Before she realized it, Vira and Anthony had already arrived at Clemence's clinic. She opened the door, hoping he would be busy so that she could get a win over Anthony and go back to show him how to chop trees.

But while they met another villager inside, it was just Old Tetty, one of the village grannies, resupplying joint ointment. After a quick greeting, during which Anthony did his best to avoid a cheek grab, and failing, Vira and Anthony were alone in the store with Clemence.

"Good morning, you two. Everything alright?"

"Yes, we're perfectly fine."

Clemence nodded.

"Makes sense. Otherwise, Thomas would be here, missing a shirt again. Then, I take it Anthony wants another lesson in herbology?"

Clemence looked at Anthony, his gentle eyes giving him a slight smile.