
Dragon King: Reborn

Due to a mysterious visitor, a being that should have been the strongest must fight to retake his rightful place at the top. What’s worse is that he has to do it from absolute rock bottom since he’s been reborn as a human. Anastrus, who has been reborn as Anthony, the son of an ordinary human couple, seeks revenge and the truth behind his force rebirth. But the road to becoming stronger than what he was before he got reborn isn't an easy one, especially since the world has changed from when he last left his lair. Dragons are solitary beings. Kings even more so. What about a book-loving king of dragons? Doesn’t get much more lonely than that. How will this one fare in the world of humans as one of them?

Kiwidraken · Fantaisie
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34 Chs


Anthony continued his Natural Breathing while making full use of the medicinal effects of the Pulse-Raising Potion. But it was, after all, a substandard potion, regardless of how effective it had been on Anthony's weak body, and the effects faded before long.

Anthony's feverishly red body gradually returned to its original color, slick with sweat. The effort and the heat from having his blood surge like a tidal wave had made Anthony drenched in sweat. But the unpleasant sensation of being wet and sticky didn't bother Anthony.

He was too satisfied with the effects of the potion to care about such trifling things.

Steam rolled off of Anthony's body like mist as he breathed heavily while cooling his heart and body.

"A-are you okay?"

Clemence nervously spoke while clutching three vials of green, red, and yellow medicine.

Anthony opened his eyes and glanced at Clemence before giving a nod as he closed them again.

"I'm more than okay. The potion worked. But I should wait a little before I use another one. Too much isn't good for my heart."

"No kidding. My heart is also in shambles."


Anthony raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Clemence again.

"You didn't drink any of the potion, right? Why would your heart be in trouble?"

"What? Because I was worried about you, of course! There's no way I can stay calm when you collapse to the ground like that!"

Clemence spoke with an almost reproachful attitude. Clemence didn't quite scold him, and Anthony could feel something else in Clemence's voice, but he couldn't place it.


Anthony was dumbfounded. To him, their relationship was just one of mutual exchange. Well, it wasn't completely equal. But to Anthony, it was fair that he got the most out of the relationship.

However, he didn't think Clemence got enough out of their relationship to worry to the point of risking his heart just because he appeared to be in a little trouble.

"What do you mean 'why'?"

Clemence felt something was slightly off with Anthony's dumbfounded expression, so instead of continuing with the reproachful attitude, he tried to get to the bottom of it.

"Exactly that. Why would you get so frazzled just because I fell to the ground? Are you that worried about not figuring out what's special with me?"

"No? What are you on about? I am worried about you because I care about you!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?"

Clemence furrowed his brow in confusion. Anthony was still having a look of confusion on his face as the conversation progressed. Clemence had thought of it before but not very deeply. Anthony was cold. However, it was only now that he began to get a grasp of exactly how cold Anthony was.

Clemence noticed that Anthony didn't understand the depths of Clemence's affection for the boy.

"Anthony, let's put that aside, just for the moment, okay?"

Anthony tilted his head curiously.


While he wanted to know why Clemence cared for him so much, despite not being family, it seemed he would need a better explanation, one which Clemence would give him now.

"This is a completely hypothetical scenario, but what would you do if I were to die? The circumstances don't matter. It could be an accident, illness, age, or whatever. But I'm dead. If you imagine that, how do you feel?"

"How would I feel about it?"


"Am I supposed to feel anything about your death? If anything, it might be a shame that it will take me more time to acquire the knowledge I crave. But that's it. Why?"


Clemence crossed his fingers below his chin as he sat on the nearby stool. Things were worse than he had expected.

"Alright. And if, let's say, Thomas was to die, how would that make you feel?"

This time, Anthony actually thought about the question since he had a closer relationship with Thomas. And if Thomas died, it would impact his life since he was one of his primary caretakers, regardless of how Anthony felt about it.

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Thomas' death would affect Vira quite extensively. If their lovey-doveyness was any indication, they were very close to each other. She would be affected by grief, and as far as Anthony knew, humans affected by grief were unpredictable and unreliable.

"It would be a nuisance."

Anthony couldn't guess what would happen, but food and rest might not be as great as they were now if grief consumed Vira. But at least he wouldn't have to stand Thomas anymore.

It wasn't the answer Clemence expected, but it also wasn't good.

"Why would it be a nuisance?"

"Vira might have trouble feeding and taking care of me on her own."

"Is that it?"

Anthony crossed his arms where he sat on the floor as he tilted his head from side to side while thinking.

"It's the gist of it, at least."

Clemence kept his face neutral by pinching his chin.

"And if Vira were to die as well."

"Now, that would be troublesome."

Clemence dreaded the answer, but he had to ask.

"And why is that?"

"I can't acquire food or open doors on my own as I am now."

Clemence took a deep breath. He wasn't sure how to deal with this. Anthony wasn't just blessed with intelligence and knowledge. He was also cursed with a frozen heart. If his words were to be believed, Anthony wouldn't even flinch if his parents were to die in front of him.

'What are these questions about? Why would I feel anything about lesser beings dying?'

"Okay, Anthony, I know why you didn't understand my worry just now."

Clemence comforted himself with the fact that Anthony at least didn't seem to be malicious or hostile. He just did what he wanted, and, at the moment, he needed Clemence's knowledge and resources. He also needed Vira and Thomas to make his daily life easier.

However, Clemence couldn't help but worry about what would happen as soon as Anthony didn't need Thomas, Vira, Clemence, or anything they could offer. Or even beyond that. What would happen if either of them or one of the villagers were to do something against Anthony's wants or needs? What would happen if someone blocked Anthony's path? Would he walk around them, or would he get rid of the obstacle?


Clemence decided to be honest. Since Anthony seemed genuinely curious, he wasn't completely devoid of emotions. Maybe there was a possibility of thawing his cold heart.

"Your knowledge and personal experience regarding human emotions and affection is severely lacking."


Anthony looked at Clemence with an eyebrow raised in an angry glare. It was the first time anyone had ever said straight to his face that his knowledge was lacking.

'This worm dares…?'