
Chapter 65

After Lori's announcement of her engagement to Eric, Wes leapt out of her chair to hug both Lori and Eric, just as Ben returned to the room, carrying five flutes of champagne. Toasts were made and the talk turned to wedding plans. "I was thinking Valentine's Day," Lori suggested softly, sipping lightly at her champagne.

Eric didn't want to wait that long. "How about New Year's? Then we'll have a couple of weeks for a honeymoon." Classes didn't start back up till the middle of January. He didn't want to wait that long, either, but he was determined to respect Lori's wishes.

"Okay," Lori agreed. "New Year's Eve it is." They all clinked glasses again. Lori looked at their three friends. "Mark your calendars."

"Wouldn't miss it," Ben said warmly, but wrapped an arm around Wesley. Dave picked up Wesley's Siamese kitten and looked soulfully into the feline blue eyes. "Well, Ralph, I guess that just leaves you and me."