
Chapter 51

The atmosphere was still strained when they got back to Lori's apartment. Ben waved at them through his kitchen window as they started up the stairs. Apparently, he'd been watching her place for intruders. Remembering the way she'd screamed during lovemaking last night, Lori blushed and was glad the darkening twilight hid her color from both of the men. She'd have to try to remember that Ben's bedroom was right below hers. With Warren's occasional tepid attempts at sex, making noise had never been much of a problem, but with Eric, she forgot everything else in the world. Embarrassment gave her just one more reason to be grumpy as she kicked off her shoes and curled up in her favorite green velvet armchair.

"What's wrong, Lori?" Eric asked tiredly as he sat down opposite her on the couch. "You've been crabby since we left your sister's. What's up?"

Damn, it, did he have to be so - so reasonable? Lori narrowed her eyes. "Nothing." Ha! Take that.