
Dragon god of time and light

it is about a dragon and phoenix hybrid that has the ability to control time

lightbringer_3134 · Fantaisie
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Dragon god of time and light

One day there was a Phoenix Empress from the Phoenix Clan and a Dragon Emperor from the Dragon Clan the Phoenix Clan and Dragon Clan are mortal enemies. One day when the Phoenix Princess was out in the nearby village in disguise she fell in love with someone she thought was a human it took a year to finally confess to him that she was in love with him. They had both lived in the village for 10 years as husband and wife when she found out that she was pregnant. She decided to tell her husband that she was not human but the next in line to be the Phoenix Empress. After hearing this news he tells her that he is the Dragon Clan Prince and that he fell in love with her believing she was a human. He asks her why to tell him the truth now and she says she is pregnant with his child and she didn't want to lie to him anymore. So they decide to leave this village and go far away from both clans. The Prince and the Princess move to a village across the world and nine months later she gives birth.